1. Alphabetical filing
    Any system that arranges names or topics according to the sequence of the letters in the alphabet.
  2. Alphanumeric
    Systems made up of combination of letters and numbers.
  3. Audit
    A formal examination of an organization's or individual's accounts or financial situation; a methodical examination and review.
  4. Augment
    To make greater, more numerous, larger, or more intense.
  5. Caption
    A heading, title, or subtitle under which records are filed.
  6. Chronological order
    Relating to, or arranged in or according to the order of time.
  7. Continuity of care
    Care that continues smoothly from one provider to another, so that the patient receives the most benefit and no interruption in care.
  8. Dictation
    The act or manner of uttering words to be transcribed.
  9. Direct filing system
    A filing system in which materials can be located without consulting an intermediary source of reference.
  10. Gleaned
    Gathered bit by bit (information or material) picked over in search of relevant material.
  11. Indirect filing system
    A filing system in which an intermediary source of reference, such as a card file, must be consulted to locate specific files.
  12. Microfilm
    A film bearing a photographic record on a reduced scale of printed or other graphic matter.
  13. Numeric filing
    The filing of records, correspondence, or cards by number.
  14. Objective
    Information that is gathered by watching or observing of a patient.
  15. Obliteration
    Act of making undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or wearing away.
  16. OUT folder
    A folder used to provide space for the temporary filing materials.
  17. OUT guide
    A heavy guide that is used to replace a folder that has been temporarily moved from the filing space.
  18. Power of attorney
    A legal instrument authorizing on to act as the attorney or agent of the grantor.
  19. Pressboard
    A strong, highly glazed composition board resembling vulcanized fiber; heavy card stock.
  20. Procrastination
    To put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done.
  21. Provisional diagnosis
    A temporary diagnosis made prior to receiving all test results.
  22. Quality control
    An aggregate of activities designed to ensure adequate quality, especially in manufactured products or in the service industries.
  23. Requisites
    Something considered essential or necessary.
  24. Retention Schedule
    A method or plan for retaining or keeping medical records, and their movement from active, to inactive, to closed filing.
  25. Shelf filing
    A system that uses open shelves rather than cabinets for storing records.
  26. Shingling
    A method of filing whereby one report is laid on top of the older report, resembling the shingles of a roof.
Card Set
Medical Office Procedures Winter Vocab Terms