
  1. angle of mandible
    landmark for palatine tonsil (in oropharynx), c3, soft palate
  2. mid zygoma point
    between eac and lat canthus, floor of the sphenoid sinus and roof of nasopharynx located there, 1cm above it is the floor of sella, 1.5cm above it is pituitary gland, upper part of pterygoid process and upper part of pyergoid fossa
  3. 7 bone marrow locations
    *vertebrea, *pelvis and long bones, sternum, ribs, skull, scapula
  4. When does bone marrow become a problem
    fever, huge treatment fields, bleeding problem from tumor
  5. bade of tragus (longitudinal plane)
    posterior wall of nasopharynx (anterior to it), anterior border of c1, mastoid tip, retropharyngeal nodes (ant to it, posteror to lumin of phyrnx), posterior limit of off cord field
  6. parotid gland
    upper limit is temporo mandibular joint (zygoma), postieror limit is antior border of mastoid tip, inferior limit is between mandible and hyoid bone, anterior limit is anterior border of ramus and anterior border of masseter to inclue stenson duct
  7. hypoid bone
    upper border of c4, transveral plane is the limit between oro and hypopharynx, anterior part is the pharyngo epiglottic fold and vallecula, posterior part jugulo diastic node and bifurcation of the carotid artery
  8. vocal cord
    c4-c5, floor fo the ventricle
  9. below cricoid cartilage
    inferior border of c7
  10. cervical spine
    prominent spinous process, c7, lower boarder of larynx and hypopharynx, neglected lymph node supra omophyoid,
  11. sternoceidomastoid muscle
    under is the supra omohyoid node (direct drainage from tip of tounge)
  12. jugulodigastric node
    at c7
  13. submandibular node
    mandibular angle
  14. post triangle nodes
    on both sides of sternoclediomastoid muscle
  15. suprasternal notch
    t2-t3, edge of clavical
  16. internal mammary nodes
    2.5cm from midline - 5cm wide ap field, medistium - more likely 8cm wide
  17. sternoxyphoid junction
    t10, diaphargm
  18. carina
    t5, dark on xray
  19. biforcation of trachea
    into the right and left mainstem bronchus
  20. angle of lewis
    just above carina, t4-t5
  21. umbilical plane
    l4/l5, umbilicus, iliac crests, aortic bifurcation, top of common iliac ln, lower extend of p aortic nodes.
  22. iliac crests
    more reliable in obese patients or after surgury
  23. pyloric plane
    located top of l1, mideway between sternoxyphoid juction and umbilicus (l4/l5), 5 cm from midline-kidney hilum, top of pancreus head, gallbladder, c loop of duodenum
  24. prostate
    femoral neck, midline
  25. vagina - crosses post border of femoral neck, oblique posteriorly
  26. bladdar
    femoral head and above
  27. sternal angle
  28. xiphoid process
  29. pedicle
    inside vetebrea where spinal cord runs
  30. c1
    mastoid tip, base of tragus
  31. c3
    angle of mandible
  32. c4
    hyoid bone
  33. c3-c6
    thyoid cartilage, vocal cords
  34. c7
    level of inferior border of cricoid cart
  35. t1
    1 - 1.5 inches above sternal notch
  36. t2 and t3
    sternal notch
  37. t4-t5
    sternal angle (juction of manubrium and body of sternum)
  38. t5
  39. t7
    center of sternal body
  40. t10
    end of xiphoid process
  41. L1
    pancreus head
  42. L3
    lower costal margins, ribs
  43. l4 and l5
    illiac crest
  44. anterior superior iliac spine
    second sacral segment
  45. s3
    beginning of rectum
  46. symphysis pubis
  47. t-12-L3
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