Week 2 Unit 3

  1. Anxiety and stress
    An emotional reaction to the perception of danger, real or imagined, that is experienced physiologically, psychologically, and behaviorally.

    An universal emotion
  2. Psychological response
    Fight or flight syndrom
  3. Physiological response to stress
    • Shaking
    • Loss of hearing
    • Dry mouth
    • Relaxation of bladder
    • Acceleration of heart and lung action
    • Paling or flush
    • Tunnel vision
  4. Behavioral response
    • Physical complaints
    • Substance abuse
    • Withdrawl
    • Acting out, fighting
    • Constructive
  5. Constructive Aspects of anxiety
    Ataraxy: Limited movement

    Well Being: Calm, feeling comfortable

    Mild: Senses alert, increased attention span, learning promoted, slightly increased vital signs.
  6. Deconstructed Aspects of Anxiety
    Moderate: decreased attention span, learning inhibited

    Severe: Connections not made

    Panic: Details distorted, inability to communicate or function
  7. Manifestations of anger


    Avoidance/ Withdrawal

  8. Interventions of ANGER
    • A= Act don't react
    • N= Non verbal
    • G= Go to a private place
    • E= Erase the tone
    • R= Repeat the words back
  9. Indifference
    Lack of feeling for or against anything; apathy
  10. Rejection
    A refusal to acknowledge, accept, or believe in ideas, persons or objects.
  11. Group
    Three or more individuals who have a common purpose
  12. Group dymanic or group process
    the way in which groups function
  13. Group Development
    Orientaion phase

    Working Phase

    Termination phase
  14. Orientaion phase
    group members seek to be accepted. They are view as a series of individuals.
  15. Working phase
    Members feel more comfortable. Goals are established. Problem solving are occuring.
  16. Termination phase
    Evaluating and summerizing the groups experience.
  17. Effective groups vs ineffective groups
    • Atmosphere - comfortable
    • Goals- Clarified and understood
    • Communicaton - open
    • Decision making - the group make the decision
    • Cohension- Trust and support each other
    • Conflict tolerence- accepted as normal
    • Problem solving- constructive criticism is accepted
    • Creativity- encouraged
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Week 2 Unit 3