Nutrition 7

  1. Of the components listed below,______________is/are not part of the ATP molecule

    B) glucose
  2. ATP functions as the major energy carrier molecule in body cells by trapping a large amount of energy in its ____________bonds
  3. In glycolysis, glucose is converted to

    D) pyruvate
  4. The TCA cycle is initiated by the reaction

    C) acetyl-CoA + oxaloacetate > citric acid
  5. The end products of glucose catabolism are

    a) ATP, ADP, and NAD

    b) ATP, CO2, and O2

    c) NAD, FAD, and H2O

    d) ATP, CO2, and H2O
    d) ATP, CO2, and H2O
  6. Most of the energy contained in glucose is released through the metabolic pathway of _________
    • -TCA cycle
    • -CAC cycle
    • -Krebs cycle
  7. True/False (support your answer with an explanation)

    Acetyl-CoA is the "pivotal" point of the TCA cycle because it can either be used to make glucose or to produce energy

    Acetyl-CoA is a 2-carbon molecule, which cannot be converted back to pyruvate (a 3-carbon molecule), and so it cannot make glucose. It is the "pivotal" point of the TCA cycle because other substance that are convertible to acetyl-CoA can enter the energy production cycle or be converted to fats for storage at this point
  8. Fatty acids are catabolized to produce energy by

    A) sequential breakdown to form acetyl-CoA, which then enters the TCA cycle
  9. About_________percent of the weight of a molecule of trigylceride consisting of long-chain fatty acids can be converted to glucose
  10. The nitrogen from excess protein in the diet is excreted as

    D) urea
  11. True/False (support your answer with an explanation)

    As one increases protein consumption, one should also increase the intake of water
  12. Urea is synthesized by the _______cells, then released into the blood
  13. After depletion of glycogen stores, lean body tissues break down to provide 90% of the needed___________during the first few days of a fast
  14. True/False (support your answer with an explanation)

    Ketone bodies are abnormal metabolities produced during fasting, and are harmful if they get into the bloodstream

    Ketone bodies are normal metabolites of the body. At low levels of production, the body can metabolize the ketone bodies. In conditions of fasting or in diabetes, ketone production can increase beyond the body's ability to metabolize ketone bodies. The result is ketosis, which, in its mild form can cause appetite loss, increased urination, and nausea; or in its severe form can cause acidosis, excessive tissue water loss, a decline in blood pressure, and the fatal collapse of the ciculatory system
  15. Ketones are produced when

    C) there is an overabundance of acteyl-CoA which cannot enter the TCA cycle
  16. A cup (250 ml) of 2% milk contains 12 grams of carbohydrates, 8 grams of lipids, and 4 grams of proteins. Calculate the physiological fuel value of the milk
    • (12 g carbohydate x 4 kcal/g) + (8 g fat x 9 cal/g)
    • + (4 g protein x 4 kcal/g) =(48 + 72 + 16) =136
  17. The physiological fuel value of a food is

    B) the amount of energy available to the body
  18. A meal that is high in __________will produce the greatest satiety

    A) protein
  19. Basal metabolic rate

    B) is measured under a controlled set of conditions
  20. Of the activities listed below, only___________is not part of basal metabolism

    B) digestion
  21. The average decline in total energy expenditure is about ___________ percent for every decade beyond 30 years of age
  22. The daily BMR for a yound adult male whose body weight is 70 kg would be approximately

    D) 1680 kcal
  23. The lowest mortality rates are associated with a BMI of about

    C) 20-22
  24. The average percentage of body fat in women of heathly weight is

    C) 20-30%
  25. The most accurate measure in assessing the degree of body fatness is

    B) skinfold measurement
  26. True/False (support your answer with an explanation)

    Since lean body mass is less dense than fat tissue, a muscular person will be lighter in weight that a person of similar size who has a greater proportion of body fat

    Lean tissue is denser than fat tissue; a muscular person will therefore be heavier in weight than another person of similar size who has a greater proportion of body fat
  27. The percentage of body fat

    D) is normally higher in women than in men
  28. Of the health hazards listed below, only___________is not associated with obesity

    B) hypertension
  29. Of the health hazards listed below, only__________is not associated with serious underweight

    D) hyperlipidemia
  30. True/False (support your answer with an explanation)

    The associated risks of obesity are non-reversible, so mortality rates are higher in people who were formerly obese

    Obesity and its associated risks are reversible. Sustained weight loss reduces disease risks and increases life expectancy
  31. The recommended approach to weight control is to

    C) decrease energy intake by approximately 500 kcal/day
  32. To lose one pound of body fat, a deficit of __________kilocalories is required

    A) 3500
  33. The generally recommended rate of weight loss is about __________per week
    -one-half to two pounds
  34. True/False (support your answer with an explanation)

    "spot reducing" exercises help to reduce fat located in flabby areas of the body

    "spot reducing" exercise will not selectively reduce fat located in flabby areas, but will tighten muscles to improve appearance
  35. True/False (support your answer with an explanation)

    A diet that depletes glycogen stores usually demonstrate an impressive initial weight loss
  36. True/False (support your answer with an explanation)

    The Atkins Diet is effective because its high content of dietary fibre helps satisfy the appetite

    The Atkins Diet has a low content of dietary fibre
  37. Of the effects listed below, ____________is not usually a result of a low carbohydrate diet

    C) diarrhea
  38. Low carbohydrate diets are typically low in

    D) dietary fibre
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Nutrition 7
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