A white blood cell. 50 - 70% of WBC's, multi lobed 2-5 sections, aides in phagocytosis.
Hospital acquired infections.
Nosocomial infection.
The defensive process of engulfing and digesting foreign bodies or bacteria.
a clear, yellowish fluid composing the major portion of the blood.
cell fragments. these fragments are part of the body's clotting factor.
the fluid which separates from the red blood corpuscles after coagulation.
the enzyme forming from the prothrombin reacting with fibrinogen to form the stable fibrin blood clot.
The outer most part of the vein/artery.
tunica adventicia
The middle lining of the vein/artery between the Tunica Adventicia and Tunica Intima
Tunica Media
The inner most lining of the vein/artery.
Tunica Intima
chemicals which cause blood vessels to constrict.
Chemicals which cause the blood vessels to dilate.
in the circulatory system, a blood vessel which carries un-oxygenated blood back to the heart.
The main veins in the body. The Superior vena cava transports blood to the heart from the upper extremities. The inferior vena cava brings blood back to the heart.
Vena Cava
The small veins leading away from the capillaries.
extremity or capillary blood
Peripheral blood
The development of antibody response to a disease or vaccine
an organ, the purpose of which s to produce red blood corpuscles before birth, and destroy old blood cells after birth.
Fainting (singkepee)
The chamber of the heart that receives de-oxygenated blood from the whole body via either the superior/ Inferior Vena Cava.
Right Atrium
The chamber of the heart that receives oxygenated blood from the lungs
Left Atrium
Blood flows through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle
Right ventricle
Blood flows from the left atrium through the Mitral Valve into the left Ventricle
Left Ventricle
Four veins which return oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart. The only veins carrying high oxygen blood to the heart.
Pulmonary vein
The largest vein transporting blood from the lower part of the body below the diaphragm
Inferior Vena Cava
another name for the pace maker node of the heart.
SA Node
Atrioventricular Node, A part of the conduction System consisting of modified cardic muscle between the right atrium and the right ventricle
AV Node