Lab 7-10 note cards.txt

  1. Path of air
    naris, conchae, nasal pharynx, oral pharynx, larynx, trachae, l and r primary bronchi, secondary bronchi, tertiary bronchi, bronchioles, terminary bronchioles
  2. conducting portion
    from nares to trachea
  3. goblet cells
    secrete mucus
  4. trachea
    psudostratified ciliated columnar cells with abundant goblet cells
  5. Bronchus
    pseudostratified colliated columnar epithelium with abundant cilia and goblet cells
  6. Bronchiole
    simple columnar epithelial with cilia and goblet cells but no cartilage or glands
  7. Terminal Bronchiole
    low columnar epithelial with no goblets
  8. Respiratory Bronchiole
    simple cuboidal epithelial
  9. Alveoli
    back to back simple squamous with no muscle
  10. adventitia
    outermost layer of connective tissue on the trachea, dissapears in the respiratory bronchioles
  11. Path of air from alveoli to blood
    alveolar fluid, simple squamous epithelial cells of alveoli (type 1), basement membrane of type 1 cells, basement membrane of capillary endothelium, capillary edothelial cells, blood plasma, Red Blood Cell membrane
  12. Tidal Volume
    volume of typical breath
  13. Inspiratory reserve volume
    air inhaled beyond normal
  14. Expiratory reserve volume
    amount of air exhaled beyond normal
  15. Residual Volume
    air remaining in lungs after forced exhalation
  16. Inspiratory capacity
    normal volume plus extra inhale
  17. Functional residual capacity
    air left in lungs after normal exhalation
  18. Vital Capacity
    Everything but residual
  19. Total Lung Capacity
  20. Obstructive lung disease
    difficult to move air in and out
  21. examples of obstructive lung disease
    emphysema, bronchitis, asthma
  22. Restrictive lung disorder
    decrease lung capacity
  23. example of restrictive lung disease
    pulmonary fibrosis, tuberculosis, pulmonary edema, pneumonia
  24. Endometrium
    innermost layer of uterus
  25. myometrium
    middle layer of uterus
  26. perimetrium
    outermost layer of uterus
  27. capacitation
    sperms tail beats faster
  28. epidiymus
    where sperm mature and become motile
  29. LH
    stimulates leydig cells to secrete testosterone
  30. dorsal columns of erectile tissue
    corpora cavernosa
  31. hormones that stimulate uterine development are produced by the
  32. Cranial cavity
  33. spinal cavity
    spinal cord
  34. thoracic cavity
    right and left pleural cavity, mediastinum, pericardial cavity
  35. pleural cavities
  36. mediastinum
    pericardial cavity, esophagus, trachea, thymus, aorta, venae cavae, pulmonary artery and veins, lymph vessels, nerves
  37. pericardial cavity
  38. abdominal cavity
    stomach, liver, appendix, gallblader, spleen, small intestine, large intestine
  39. pelvic cavity
    urinary bladder, colon, rectum, uterus, ovaries
  40. peritoneum
  41. mesenteries
    double layer of kidneys cavity
Card Set
Lab 7-10 note cards.txt
Lab 7-10