Fresh Water

  1. Runoff containing pesticides and fertilizer from neighborhood lawns
    nonpoint-source pollution
  2. between what two areas is the water table found
    aeration and saturation
  3. water table is lower than a cave
    a sinkhole forms
  4. Drip irrigation delivers water
    to the roots of crops
  5. watershed is land that is drained by
    a water system
  6. a youthful river is steep and fast flowing, a mature river
    has few waterfalls
  7. An alluvial fan forms
    at the base of a mountain stream
  8. Nitrate pollution can come from
    animal wastes and fertilizers
  9. sediment that leaves heavy minerals
    placer deposits
  10. stops the flow of water
  11. adds another layer on the floodplain whenever a river floods
  12. sediment transported from one location to another
  13. water that flows from a crack in the cap rock
    artesian spring
  14. besides gradient and load, the third factor that affects stream erosion
  15. used during secondary treatment of wastewater
  16. Muddy rivers that carry small rocks and soil are carrying a
    suspended load
  17. Large materials, such as pebbles and boulders, carried along by a stream
    bed load
  18. Material carried in a river in solution, or dissolved in the water
    dissolved load
Card Set
Fresh Water
The Flow of Fresh Water Chapter 11