1. Define competence:
    Aquistion of skills taught in EMT program, and continued effort to prevent deterioration of knowledge
  2. Body of laws, policies, standards, and guidelines set forth by various standard-setting organizations that provides the basis of prehospital care, along with the everyday practice of other providers describes:
    The Standard of Care
  3. A duty to act, a breach of duty, an injury to the patient, and a causal connection between the injury and the EMTs actions are all ingredients of:
  4. Define informed (expressed) consent.
    Consent made when the patient has been made fully aware of the risks, benefits, and consequences of the care being provided and any alternatives to that care.
  5. Define abandonment.
    Discontinuation of professional provider-patient relationship without providing the patient the time or opportunity to obtain continuation of care at the same level or higher.
  6. Define implied consent.
    Type of consent in which verbal or written consent is not possible but circumstances warrant that a reasonable person would want and expect emergency treatment to be rendered.
  7. An emancipated minor is:
    Individual who is younger than the legal adult age but who is living independently, is (or was) married, or is (or was) a parent.
  8. What is a Good Samaritan?
    Any person who is functioning in a non professional capacity and without an expectation of renumeration
  9. Define Malpractice:
    Deviation from the accepted standard of care that results in the injury of a patient.
  10. The guiding standard of effective medical practice is referred to as the:
    Standard of Care
  11. Define Battery
    Physical contact with a person without his/her consent and without legal justification
  12. Four elements that must be proved for negligence to exist
    • 1. Duty to act
    • 2. Breach of Duty
    • 3. Damage
    • 4. Causal Connections
  13. Define assault
    Creating fear of injury (ie. lifting a fist in a threatening manner) or the willful attempt to harm someone.
  14. Committee that approves research studies
  15. A person who is legally able to make medical decisions for a patient who is incapacitated
    Healthcare proxy
  16. Define consent
    Permission to medically treat
  17. What is confidentiality?
    Maintaining a person's right to privacy
  18. Process by which emotionally disturbed or incompetent patient who is a danger to self or others is moved to a medical facility by police and emergency personnel
    Protective custody
  19. The legal requirement to evaluate and treat a patient
    Duty to act
  20. Negligence
    Deviation from the accepted standard of care resulting to injury of the patient
  21. Implied consent
    Consent to treat an unconscious patient
  22. Chain of evidence
    Process of securing items at a crime scene
  23. Medical alert bracelet
    indicates a preexisting condition
  24. Breach of duty is:
    Negligent act or omission that violates the standards of care expected
  25. Practices by health care providers that reduce the possiblity of a lawsuit
    Risk management
  26. Standard of care is defined as:
    Guiding rule of effective medical practice
  27. Advance directives are:
    Specific statements of instuction regarding care that a patient does or does not want performed
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workbook and review questions