Biochemistry FINAL, Calvin Cycle

  1. Calvin cycle uses light energy from excited carriers to convert CO2 + H2O into organic compounds. This process is called....
    carbon fixation
  2. What is the mnemonic device used to remember the intermediates in calvin cycle?
    • Red
    • Paranoid
    • Pyramids
    • Pulsate
    • Green
    • Roadblocks
  3. What are the inputs and outputs produced in Calvin Cycle?
    • 9ATP = 9ADP
    • 6NADPH = 6NADP
    • 3CO2 = 1G3P
  4. How many turns does it take to produce one glucose molecule?
  5. What does the light reaction provide for the Calvin Cycle?
    • NADPH
    • ATP
  6. What are the 3 main "stations" in the Calvin Cycle in order?
    • Carbon fixation
    • reduction
    • regeneration of ribulose
  7. Where does the Calvin cycle occur?
    cell stromas
  8. What is considered structure in the calvin cycle and what is added to it?
    • ribulose 1,5 biphosphate
    • CO2
  9. At this point what enzyme is used to regulate this process?
  10. After CO2 is added to ribulose 1,5 biphosphate, it splits into 2 of the same molecules, what are they?
  11. ATP is needed at this next step to do what and what does it end up making?
    • give an inorganic phosphate
    • 1,3 biphosoglycerate
  12. What high energy compounded is needed next and what does it create?
    • NADPH
    • Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
  13. Now at this point what must be regenerated
    Ribulose 5-phosphate
  14. Finally what must be added and from what to Ribulose 5-phosphate to end back with ribulose 1,5 biphosphate?
    the inorganic Pi from ATP
  15. Total structure of Calvin Cycle
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Biochemistry FINAL, Calvin Cycle
Structure and function of Calvin Cycle