PolSci 2

  1. What best reflects the nature of the Bill of Rights?
    The rights guaranteed to all in the Bill of Rights are self-executing.
  2. ___________________limit what the government can do, while____________ define HOW the government can act.
    Substantive liberties ; procedural liberties
  3. What issues have been considered by the Supreme Court under the right to privacy doctrine established in Griswold v. Connecticut?
    Homosexuality, abortion, and birth control
  4. Protections of citizens from improper government action is the definition of
    civil liberties.
  5. Taking private property for public use is covered under the provision of
    eminent domain.
  6. What places restraints on how the government is supposed to act?
    substantive liberties and procedural liberties
  7. Which Amendment provides for freedom of religion?
  8. Dollree Mapp was convicted through evidence obtained through an illegal police search. What happened in her case?
    The Supreme Court ruled that the illegal evidence could not be used in court.
  9. An example of speech plus would be
    giving a speech against abortion and then distributing informational leaflets.
  10. The bill of rights originally applied to __________
    only the national government.
  11. Which 1937 Supreme Court case established the principle of selective incorporation?
    Palko v. Connecticut
  12. The Supreme Court upheld a state university ban on Tupperware parties in college dormitories, declared as constitutional laws prohibiting the electronic media from carrying cigarette advertising, and upheld a Puerto Rico statute restricting the advertising of casino gambling. These are examples of restrictions on
    commercial speech.
  13. The so-called Lemon test, which came from the court case Lemon v. Kurtzman, concerns the issue of
    aid to religious schools.
  14. The concept of selective incorporation means
    only some of the liberties in the Bill of Rights are applied to the states.
  15. The Second Amendment concerns
    the right to bear arms.
  16. Civil Liberties primarily
    protect people from government abuse of power.
  17. The Supreme Court case of Mapp v. Ohio established the
    exclusionary rule.
  18. In essence, for more than 170 years the Bill of Rights
    did not really affect most Americans.
  19. The Supreme Court has stuck down which of the following activities in public schools?
    teacher-led prayer at the beginning of the school day, reading the Bible over the school intercom, and prayer before school football games
  20. Miranda rights concern
  21. The First Amendment's ____________ protects the right to believe in and practice one's religion of choice.
    free exercise clause
  22. As the text notes, four forms of speech fall outside the absolute guarantees of the First Amendment and therefore outside the realm of protected forms of speech. Which of the following is not a conditionally protected form of speech?
    political speech
  23. True or False, In Palko v. Connecticut the Court ruled that double jeopardy was one of the provisions of the Bill of Rights incorporated in the Fourteenth Amendment.
  24. The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments, taken together, define
    due process of law.
  25. The ____________ has been interpreted quite strictly to mean that a virtual wall of separation exists between church and state
    establishment clause
  26. The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution are known as the
    Bill of Rights.
  27. The first civil liberty selectively incorporated into the Fourteenth Amendment as a limitation on state government power was for
    property protection.
  28. The Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade was based on the
    right to privacy.
  29. A law that declares an action to be illegal after it has been committed is a(n)
    ex post facto law.
  30. A few weeks after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Bill Maher was sharply criticized for comments he made about past U.S. policies of "lobbing missiles from thousands of miles away" and our unwillingness to use American ground forces. His show was then cancelled by ABC. This is an example of
  31. Citizens of the United States unquestionably have a right to bear arms, but the exercise of this right can be regulated by
    state and federal law.
  32. The Supreme Court ruled that the right to privacy did not extend to homosexuals in the case of
    Bowers v. Hardwick.
  33. According to the text, which of the statements below best expresses why the general status of civil liberties can never be considered fixed and permanent?
    Liberty for some requires restraining the liberty of others.
Card Set
PolSci 2
Civil Liberties