Compensation Midterm Exam

  1. According to the Text, if women had the same education, experience, and union coverage as men and also worked in the same industries and occupations, they would be expected to earn about ____ of what men earn.

    D) 90%
  2. Hourly compensation costs for manufacturing workers are higher in ___ than the US.

    D) Germany
  3. ___ would be most concerned about executive pay.

    B) Stockholders
  4. The primary reason compensation is important to managers is because:

    D) it influences employee behavior.
  5. Employees view compensation as all but which of the following?

    D) An investment
  6. The degree to which pay influences individual and aggregate motivation among the employees at any point in time is referred to as:

    D) Incentive Effect
  7. In Japanese companies, the concept of teate is consistent with which of the following?

    B) Family, housing, and commuting allowances
  8. Which of the following are given as increments to the base pay in recognition of past work behavior?

    A) Merit pay
  9. Recent surveys show the average merit raise for an outstanding performer is ___ and average performers receive and poor performers receive 0.4%.

    A)   4.4  2.8
  10. Variable pay may also be called:

    A) Incentives
  11. Employers' Annual Cost per employee to provide family health care coverage is approximately ____.

    D) $15,000
  12. All of the following have direct financial costs for an employer except:

    A) relational returns
  13. Costs are to management as ___ is to alignment.

    D) work analysis
  14. Which of the following is not a policy in the pay model?

    A) Fairness
  15. Cost is to change in the pay model as ____ are to policy lines.

    D) market definitions
  16. ____ refers to comparisons among jobs or skills inside a single organization.

    A) Internal Alignment
  17. Managers seek internal alignment within their organizations by:

    C) paying on the basis of similarities among jobs.
  18. Sam's Club matches the pay of other similar businesses, Whole Foods uses base pay and team incentives and Medtronic emphasizes work and life balance. These illustrate ____ pay policy choices.

    C) external competitiveness
  19. According to the text, which of the following decisions should be made jointly?

    C) External competitiveness and Employee contribution
  20. Which of the following decisions answers the "So What" question?

    A) Management
  21. You are an HR manager and your boss has told you to find the best way to raise job performance. After some research you find that ___ produce(s) the largest and most reliable performance increases.

    D) monetary incentives
  22. A measure of how changes in one variable are related to changes in another variable is:

    A) correlation coefficient
  23. "Putting some skin in the game" refers to:

    C) below market base pay with stock ownership
  24. ____ changed its compensation strategy as the company grew and matured?

    D) Microsoft
  25. What level of strategy is the question "how do we gain competitive advantage"?

    C) Business Unit
  26. Which of the following relationships within a pay system is accurate?

    B) Compensation objectives shape pay policies.
  27. A compensation system using market-based pay is most likely to be part of a ____ strategy.

    D) innovator
  28. ____ is to increasing variable pay as innovator is to market-based pay.

    A) Cost-cutter
  29. All of the following except ____ are compensation systems associated with an innovator strategy.

    D) customer satisfaction incentives
  30. Whole Foods' policy of holding executive salaries no more than 14 times the average pay of full-time employees is an example of which strategic pay decision?

    A) Internal alignment
  31. A book listing the previous year's pay of all employees is part of Whole Foods "No-secrets" philosophy. This is an example of which strategic compensation choice?

    C) Management
  32. The second step of developing a total compensation strategy is to:

    C) map a total compensation strategy.
  33. "Choosing techniques to fit strategy" is a part of which step in developing a total compensation system?

    C) Implement strategy
  34. "To maintain good citizenship as a company" and "To make a fair profit on current operations" are examples of ___.

    B) Values
  35. According to the Hudson survey, _____ is the single thing that would make them happier.

    B) more money
  36. Union preferences is a major factor in ____ of a total compensation strategy.

    C) assessing implications
  37. The issue of how much and what forms of pay are our competitors using is part of which objective of total compensation strategy?

    D) External Competitiveness
  38. The role non-HR managers pay in making pay decisions is called ____.

    C) ownership
  39. Career growth, hierarchy and flexible design are examples of choices related to the ____ strategy choice of total compensation.

    D) internal alignment
  40. Which of the following is not a test of whether a pay strategy is a source of competitive advantage?

    D) Cost effectiveness
  41. Which of the following tests of competitive advantage is the easiest test to pass?

    B) Alignment
  42. Trying to measure an ROI for any compensation strategy implies that:

    C) people are "human capital," similar to other factors of production.
  43. Which of the following statements is not true?

    C) Focusing on employee contributions vs other objectives is a best practice
  44. When organization performance declines,

    D) performance-based pay plans do not pay off.
  45. Common bases for modern pay structures include all but which of the following?

    D) External competitiveness and equity
  46. In the strategic approach to pay, internal alignment is the ____ issue to be decided.

    B) second
  47. Lockheed's structure of 6 levels of engineers illustrates all of the following except ______.

    D) external equity
  48. When employees can see the relationships between their work, the work of others, and the organization's objectives, this is called:

    D) line-of-sight
  49. Content refers to the:

    B) work performed in a job and how it gets done.
  50. The pay for the job of accountant in London, Los Angeles, and Berlin is likely to be different due to:

    D) exchange value.
  51. Organization factors that shape internal pay structures include all but ____.

    D) economic pressures
  52. Marginal productivity theory argues that employers pay ____.

    D) use value
  53. The effect of "living wage" laws is _____ pay structures.

    D) flatter more compressed
  54. The modern concept of a "living wage" is most similar to ____.

    A) just wage doctrine
  55. Pay for temporary workers is based upon 

    A) the internal structure of their home employer.
  56. The number job and pay levels in an organization is an example of ____.

    A) human resource policies
  57. Which of the following pay structure procedures would not increase perceptions of pay fairness?

    C) Consultants develop the pay structure
  58. Victoria says, "I don't like it that those jobs that are a lot like mine pay more than my job." Victoria is expressing concern about ____.

    D) distributive justice
  59. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an aligned pay structure?

    D) Complies with the Fair Labor Standards Act
  60. The well-defined jobs at McDonald's and their small differences in pay are an example of a(n) ____ internal pay structure.

    B) loosely coupled
  61. Egalitarian pay structures have all but which of the following characteristics?

    D) supports individual performers
  62. Many levels is to opportunities for promotion as fewer levels is to _____.

    B) cooperation
  63. The need to explain the rationale for compensation choices to employees is consistent with _____ theory.

    B) equity
  64. Which theory predicts individual performance will be maximized when the pay differentials between job levels is large?

    A) Tournament
  65. There is evidence that a relatively poor performing team member's performance will improve under a(n) ____ pay structure.

    A) egalitarian
  66. The institution model ____.

    C) refers to firms that copy innovative practices adopted by other organizations
  67. Which of the following are related to greater performance when the work flow depends on individual contributors?

    B) hierarchical
  68. The list of tasks, duties, and responsibilities that make up a job is a ______.

    D) job description
  69. In the process of creating an internal structure, "assess relative value" is done after ____.

    A) determining what to value
  70. Which of the following is an ordering of jobs based on their content or relative value?

    B) Job Structure
  71. A specific statement of what a worker does on a job is a ____.

    B) task
  72. A group of tasks performed by one person is a(n) _____.

    D) position
  73. Engineering, sales, maintenance are examples of _____.

    A) job families
  74. The heart of job analysis is _____ data.

    B) job content
  75. The verification step of the government job analysis method is always conducted with ____.

    B) all interviewees
  76. Typical data collected for job analysis would include all but which of the following?

    C) incumbent performance level
  77. The Position Analysis Questionnaire analyzes jobs in terms of ____.

    A) employee data
  78. The job analysis method that uses information input, work output, job context, and relationships with other persons is ____.

    A) PAQ
  79. "Essential elements" refers to

    B) tasks that cannot be reassigned to other workers
  80. ADA has led many employers to ____.

    B) modify the format of their job descriptions
  81. The most common way to collect job information is ____.

    B) ask incumbents to fill out a questionnaire
  82. An advantage of conventional job analysis interviews and questionnaires is _____.

    A) increased employee understanding of the process
  83. Job analysis is typically conducted by ____.

    C) HR generalists and supervisors
  84. When job analysis shows managers and employees disagree on parts of a job, what is the best answer?

    C) Collect more data
  85. Traditional job analysis has been associated with ____ organizations.

    B) bureaucratic
  86. All of the following statements regarding offshoring are true except _____.

    B) Offshoring is limited to low-skill jobs
  87. If several incumbents, supervisors and peers respond in similar ways to job analysis questionnaires, this suggests the results are ____.

    D) valid
  88. Job analysis results are judged useful when they are _____.

    D) reliable, valid and acceptable
  89. All of the following except ______ are bases for judging job analysis.

    D) cost
  90. All of the following is true regarding "compensationitis" except it is _____

    D) a social disease
  91. _____ is the process of systematically determining the relative worth of jobs for the purpose of creating an organization's job structure.

    C) Job evaluation
  92. Which of the following is not an appropriate basis for evaluating the worth of jobs to an organization?

    D) Worker performance
  93. The assumption that value cannot be determined without reference to the external market is most closely related to which of the following aspects of job evaluation?

    C) External market link
  94. Exchange value of a job is its ______.

    B) external market value.
  95. Views of job evaluation include all except _____.

    C) Legal Mandate
  96. The beginning of job evaluation is most closely associated with

    C) negotiation
  97. The primary usefulness of job evaluation is:

    A) that it provides a framework for exchange of views.
  98. The second major decision in job evaluation is to:

    A) establish purpose of evaluation
  99. The first major decision in job evaluation is to:

    D) Establish purpose of evaluation
  100. Which of the following is not a factor indicating a pay structure is aligned?

    A) Fits the external labor market
  101. Which of the following is the correct sequence?

    C) Job description>Job evaluation>Job structure
  102. By answering the question, "How does this job add value?" job evaluation best:

    A) supports organization strategy.
  103. Which of the following is not true of usage of multiple plans versus single job evaluation plans?

    C) A single universal plan is acceptable to employees if the work covered is highly diverse.
  104. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a benchmark job?

    A) The pay level is the best in the industry.
  105. The breadth of work is likely to be narrowest in: 

    C) an executive search firm.
  106. The number of job evaluation plans an organization uses depends upon the:

    A) level of detail to make pay decisions.
  107. A small organization is most likely to use _____ for job evaluation.

    C) ranking method
  108. All of the following are advantages of the ranking method of job evaluation except:

    A) rankings are easy to defend and justify.
  109. According to a World at Work survey, the primary method of job evaluation is ______

    B) market pricing
  110. The job evaluation method that most resembles a bookcase is:

    A) classification.
  111. A job description is compared to class descriptions. This describes the ______ method of job evaluation.

    D) classification
  112. The U.S. federal government's pay structure is based upon ______ job evaluation system.

    C) a classification
  113. The ______ method of job evaluation uses compensable factors.

    D) point
  114. Common characteristics of the point method include all of the following except:

    D) benchmark factor classes.
  115. The ______ method of job evaluation is the most commonly used method in the U.S. and Europe.

    A) point
  116. In the point method, the second step in designing the plan is to:

    D) determine compensable factors.
  117. _______ are those characteristics in the work that an organization values; that help it pursue its strategy and achieve its objectives.

    C) compensable factors
  118. The following statement is an example of ______ of job evaluation. 
    The effectiveness of the majority of the position's decisions can be measured within: 1. One day; 2. One week; 3. One month; 4. Six months; 5. One year; 6. More than one year.

    A) ranking method
    B) classification method
    C) the Hay plan
    D) the point method
    D) the point method
  119. The point method is an example of:

    A) scaling of a compensable factor.
  120. The example, "scaling of a compensable factor," is most likely related to:

    B) decision making.
  121. The final step in designing a point plan is _____

    B) develop online software.
  122. All the following are true of compensable factors except:

    A) are common within an industry type.
  123. A company changes its strategy to be more "lean" and efficient, which may include some resizing in terms of employee strength. What should the company do about the compensable factor "scope of responsibility" that is measured by the number of subordinates?

    C) Change the factor name to "depth of responsibility" and measure it the same.
  124. The most widely used point method job evaluation is the:

    D) Hay plan.
  125. Which of the following is not a generic compensable factor used to determine equal work in the Equal Pay Act?

    B) Knowledge
  126. Which of the following compensable factors, generic factors of the Equal Pay Act and National Electric Manufacturers Association (NEMA) is most similar to the Hay plan Factor Know How?

    B) Skill
  127. Research shows that the compensable factor skill accounts for ______ percent of the variance in job evaluation results.

    B) 90
  128. The best single compensable factor for creating a job structure, is:

    A) skill.
  129. Research shows that _____ factor(s) account(s) for 98-995 of the variance in job evaluation plans.

    C) three
  130. Most factor scales have between _____ degrees.

    A) 4-8
  131. There are 5 jobs in job family A, 7 jobs in job family B, and 6 jobs in job family C. Knowledge is a compensable factor for all job families. How many degrees for knowledge is the minimum for job family B?

    D) 7
  132. A compensable factor of effort has a weight 30% and has two sub-factors, physical and mental. Mental has a degree rating of 4. How many points does the mental effort receive?

    C) 60
  133. A compensable factor of working conditions has a weight of 15%. If working conditions has a degree rating of 3, how many points does it receive?

    D) 45
  134. A compensable factor of effort has a weight of 30% with equal weight for physical and mental subfactors. If physical has a degree rating of 4, how many points does it receive?

    B) policy capturing.
  135. Which of the following would not be used as a criterion pay structure?

    C) Federal government rates based on the minimum wages.
  136. _________ typically conduct job evaluation of senior management jobs.

    D) Compensation manager
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Compensation Midterm Exam
Compensation Midterm Exam