Psychology 210

  1. The metabolic slowdown common to individuals in their early thirties and mid-fifties will lead to ________ in many males.

    C. a middle-aged bulge
  2. Osteoporosis is the thought of as involving a loss of bone

    A. mass
  3. Who is at the greatest risk of currently experiencing osteoporosis?

    C. Mary, who is a 60-year-old female
  4. ________ is the leading cause of broken bones in older women.

    B. osteoporosis
  5. Which is best characterized as a "wear-and-tear" disease?

    A. osteoarthritis
  6. Misha often experiences severe swelling and joint pain in her fingers and wrists each morning. This pattern of symptoms is most likely due to

    A. rheumatoid arthritis
  7. Rheumatoid arthritis _______ osteoarthritis.

    D. impacts different joints than
  8. Which statement concerning rheumatoid arthritis is true?

    A. Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis come and go.
  9. The defining element of "the climacteric" involves the loss of

    C. the natural ability to reproduce children.
  10. How are menopause and the climacteric related?

    C. Menopause occurs during the climacteric.
  11. Which are hormonal-related symptoms of menopause?

    B. hot flashes and vaginal dryness
  12. The primary reason that elderly women show a decline in sexual activity involves

    B. the lack of a willing or appropriate partner.
  13. Some males experience an age-related decline in _________ resulting in menopause-like symptoms (e.g., hot flashes).

    D. testosterone
  14. Who is likely to experience the most job-related stress?

    D. Deena, who has no control over her job.
  15. For which occupation would you expect the least stress-related health problems?

    A. CEO of a computer company
  16. Coping is defined as

    B. any attempt to deal with stress.
  17. Which statement is true?

    A. high levels of self-esteem predict low levels of stress
  18. At which age is the debate of personality stability versus change most heated?

    A. middle age
  19. Since she has what Costa and McCrae would classify as a "high extroverted" personality, you would expect that Samantha would be described by others as

    A. "loving the spotlight."
  20. Longevity appears to be determined

    B. jointly by genetic and environmental factors.
  21. Which American is just about to reach the current average life expectancy for their sex?

    C. Faith, a female who just turned 80
  22. As you age, gravity will ultimately compress your spine, and this will result in a loss of height. This effect is best explained by the _____ theory of aging.

    A. wear-and-tear
  23. Cellular theory of aging is most focused on

    B. deterioration of cells over a lifetime.
  24. Fifty-year-old Keith is informed by his doctor that his brain is showing signs of the initial development of neuritic plaques and a few neurofibrillary tangles. This is

    D. normal.
  25. A cerebral hemorrhage occurs when a blood vessel in the brain

    C. ruptures.
  26. The key factor in determining the impact of vascular dementia is

    D. which areas of the brain are damaged.
  27. Carmen has a very difficult time breathing. Even after walking short distance, she is gasping for air. Carmen is exhibiting symptoms of

    C. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  28. Despite the fact that Feodor's hand shakes and he has a difficult time walking and positioning and moving his body to get in and out of chairs, he remains mentally sharp. Feodor appears to have

    C. Parkinson's disease.
  29. When visiting your eye specialist you are informed that you have large opaque spots on the lens of your left eye. As a knowledgeable student you would know that this means that you have

    D. a cataract.
  30. While at her yearly medical checkup, Martha is informed that she has extremely high pressure in her eye. This indicates that Martha likely has

    B. glaucoma.
  31. Which sleep complaint would you least expect from an older adult?

    D. "Once I go to sleep, I sleep way too long."
  32. Continuity theory is based on the premise that

    C. we tend to address life's daily problems using strategies that have been successful in the past.
  33. Experimenters are attempting to assess the upper limits of Ralph's physical, perceptual, cognitive, and personal skills. When they are done, they will have determined Ralph's

    D. competence.
  34. The conflict of integrity versus despair is characterized by

    D. attempting to make sense out of one's life.
  35. Noah is trying to come to grips with the fact that he is very old and doesn't have long to live. To do this, he thinks of the things he has accomplished, the children he has raised, and the things he has done for the community. Noah is struggling with Erikson's stage of

    B. integrity versus despair.
  36. The definition of death

    A. varies within and between cultures.
  37. Which question best exemplifies the concept of death as a mystery?

    C. Will my crippled body be made whole after I die?
  38. Kim's statement "I cannot believe that I am dying so young, I have so much more to do" provides a nice example of the concept of death as a

    D. thief of meaning.
  39. Who is clinically dead?

    D. Naomi, who is not breathing and who's heart is not beating
  40. Individuals in permanent comas or persistent vegetative states

    C. meet the higher-brain standard of death but not the whole-brain standard of death.
Card Set
Psychology 210
Psychology Final