US History chapter 19-21

  1. What Methodist minister led a militia force at the Sand Creek Massacre which occurred in Colorado in 1864?
    John Chivington
  2. What Indian tribe was the most powerful of the Plains Indians which forced the advancing whites to retreat in the Second Treaty of Fort Laramie in 1868?
    the Sioux,
  3. What Congressional act in 1887 divided tribal lands among individual Indians as a way to turn the Indians into farmers?
    Dawes Act,
  4. What state did the first important gold rush in the Rocky Mountains occur in 1859?
  5. What person in the book Roughing It (1872) wrote that men became influential in mining towns by selling whiskey?
    Mark Twain,
  6. Southern ________ was the area of origin of the cattle industry.
  7. The _______ Trail stretched from Texas through Indian territory to Abilene, Kansas.
    Chisholm Trail,
  8. At what battle in Montana was Colonel George A. Custer defeated and killed by the Sioux Indians in June 1876?
    Little Big Horn,
  9. The westward expansion had all of the following effects upon the United States except:
    Vast wealth for many pioneers.
  10. The Western agriculture/farming frontier benefited from all of thefollowing advances in technology except
    The development of the cotton gin.
  11. What major political party was strongest in the South during the late nineteenth century?
  12. In the 1870's what new minor political party favored currency inflation and laws to support labor?
    Greenback party,
  13. Conservative reformers known as _______ opposed the tariff and government regulation, and favored civil service reform.
  14. What name was given to the system within the federal bureaucracy where politicians awarded government jobs to party workers, with little regard for qualified candidates?
    spoils system,
  15. What Congressional act in 1883 substantially reformed the federal bureaucracy by creating a commission to oversee government workers' appointments on the basis of merit rather than politics?
    Pendleton Civil Service Act,
  16. Originating in Texas, the _______ Alliance was a major force helping those in agriculture.
    Southern Farmers' Alliance,
  17. In 1892, the Populist party's _______ platform rejected laissez-faire capitalism and demanded government ownership of the railroads and the telegraph and telephone systems.
    Omaha Platform,
  18. What was the first federal regulatory agency which was established in 1887 to oversee railroad practices and business abuses?
    Interstate Commerce Act,
  19. All of the following were great issues which dominated the national political arena in the late Nineteenth century except
    Social Security reform.
  20. The Presidents in the period from 1868 until the late 1890s were known for
    Their weak use of Presidential powers.
  21. What minor/third political party was founded by Eugene Debs which criticized the industrial economy?
    Socialist Party of America,
  22. What U.S. Constitutional Amendment was a major victory for the women's suffrage movement by gaining the right to vote?
    Nineteenth Amendment.
  23. What new political reform allowed voters to propose legislation in state government?
  24. Robert LaFollette pushed through many progressive reforms in the state of _______?
  25. What Congressional act in 1906 gave the Interstate Commerce Commission the power to set maximum railroad rates and extended its jurisdiction?
    Hepburn Act,
  26. Reflecting his view of only limited government involvement in the economy, Woodrow Wilson's 1912 election program was called the _______ in contrast to Theodore Roosevelt's New Nationalism.
    New Freedom,
  27. Louis Brandeis was the first _______ to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.
  28. What President became known as the "trust buster" in his attempt to control the formation of large business combinations?
    Theodore Roosevelt,
  29. What 1913 Congressional act created a system of twelve regional banks and a national board to control the money supply?
    Federal Reserve act.
  30. What was the most radical labor organization in the United States in 1905, which was organized around unskilled and foreign-born laborers who often urged social revolution?
    The Industrial Workers of the World.
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US History chapter 19-21