Med Term Ch. 3

  1. Adenectomy
    surgical removal of a gland
  2. Adhesions
    the sticking together of the pleura to each other or to the wall of the chest
  3. Ambulant
    walking or able to walk; not confined to bed
  4. Ambulation
    the act of walking
  5. Ambulatory
    walking or able to walk; not confined to bed
  6. Amniocentesis
    percutaneous transabdominal puncture of the amnion for the purpose of removing amniotic fluid
  7. Aminion
    the thin membrane that lines the chorion and contains the fetus and the amniotic fluid around it
  8. Amniotic
    pertaining to or developing an amnion;
  9. Analgesic
    relieving pain; a medication that relieves pain
  10. Anesthesia
    having no feeling or sensation
  11. Anesthetic
    pertaining to or producing anesthesia; an agent that produces anesthesia
  12. Angioplasty
    surgical repair of the blood vessels
  13. Angiorrhaphy
    suture of a vessel or vessels
  14. Antineoplastic
    inhibiting or preventing the development of neoplasms; checking the maturation and proliferation of malignant cells; an agent having such properties
  15. Appendectomy
    surgical removal of the vermiform appendix
  16. Approximate
    to bring close together
  17. Auscultation
    the act of listening for sounds within the body, chiefly for ascertaining the condition of the lungs, heart, pleura, abdomen, and other organs, and for the detection of pregnancy
  18. Axillary
    pertaining to the axilla
  19. Blepharedema
    swelling of the eyelids
  20. Blepharoplasty
    plastic surgery of the eyelids
  21. Blepharospasm
    spasm of the eyelid
  22. Calcipenia
    deficiency of calcium
  23. Cannula
    a tube for insertion into a duct or cavity
  24. Cardiomegaly
    enlargement of the heart
  25. Catheter
    a flexible tube passed through body channels for withdrawl from or introduction of fluids into a body cavity
  26. Catheterize
    to introduce a catheter within a body cavity
  27. Cerebrotomy
    incision of the brain
  28. Chemotherapy
    treatment of disease by chemical agents
  29. Chiroplasty
    surgical repair of the hand
  30. Colectomy
    removal of part of the large instestine
  31. Colonoscope
    a flexible endoscope that permits visual examination of the colon
  32. Colonoscopy
    examination by means of the colonoscope
  33. Colopexy
    surgical fixation or suspension of the colon
  34. Colorrhaphy
    suture of the colon
  35. Coloscope
    colonoscope; a flexible endoscope that permits visual examination of the colon
  36. Coloscopy
    examination of the colon by means of an elongated flexible endoscope;same as colonoscopy
  37. Computed Axial Tomography
    a special noninvasive roentgenographic technique that involves reconstruction of the body in cross-section from x-ray transmission measurements through the patient. also called computerized azial tomography or computed axial tomography
  38. Computed Tomography
    • a special noninvasive roentgenographic technique that involves
    • reconstruction of the body in cross-section from x-ray transmission
    • measurements through the patient. also called computerized azial
    • tomography or computed axial tomography
  39. Cryotherapy
    treatment of tissue using cold temperatures
  40. Diagnosis
    the art of distinguishing one disease from another; determination of the nature of a cause of disease
  41. Dilatation
    the condition of being dialated or stretched beyond normal dimensions
  42. Echography
    a diagnostic aid in which ultrasonic waves are directed at the tissues. A record is made of the sound waves reflected back through the tissues to differentiate structures
  43. Edema
    an abnormal accumulation of fluid in intercellular spaces in the tissues
  44. Electrocardiogram
    a tracing produced by the electrical impulses of the heart
  45. Electrocardiograph
    an instrument used to record the electrical current produced by the heart contractions
  46. Electrocardiography
    recording the electrical currents of the heart muscle
  47. Elephantiasis
    a disease caused by a parasitic infestation and characterized by inflammation and obstruction of the lymphatics and increased size of nearby tissue
  48. Emesis
    vomiting; an act of vomiting
  49. Encephalotome
    an instrument for incision of the brain
  50. Encephalotomy
    incisions of the brain
  51. Endoscope
    an instrument for the examination of the interior of a hallow viscus
  52. Endoscopy
    visual inspection of any cavity of the body by means of an endoscope
  53. Excision
    removal, as of an organ, by cutting
  54. Fluoroscope
  55. Fluoroscopy
  56. Incision
  57. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  58. Malacia
  59. Mammoplasty
  60. Mastectomy
  61. Narcotic
  62. Neurectomy
  63. Neurolysis
  64. Neuromuscular
  65. Neurotripsy
  66. Ophthalmalgia
  67. Ophthalmodynia
  68. Ophthalmomalacia
  69. Ophthalmoplasty
  70. Ophthalmoscope
  71. Ophthalmoscopy
  72. Ophthalmotomy
  73. Oral Thermometer
  74. Osteoid
  75. Osteotome
  76. Osteotomy
  77. Otalgia
  78. Otodynia
  79. Otoplasty
  80. Otorrhea
  81. Otoscope
  82. Otoscopy
  83. Palpation
  84. Percussion
  85. Pharmaceutical
  86. Pharmacotherapy
  87. Posion Emission Tomography
  88. Prognosis
  89. Pulse
  90. Radioactive
  91. Radiograph
  92. Radiographic
  93. Radiopharmaceuticals
  94. Rectal Thermometer
  95. Rectum
  96. Respiration Rate
  97. Rhinoplasty
  98. Signs
  99. Sonography
  100. Spasm
  101. Stasis
  102. Stethoscope
  103. Stoma
  104. Suture
  105. Symptoms
  106. Therapeutic
  107. Thermotherapy
  108. Tomogram
  109. Trachea
  110. Tracheostomy
  111. Tracheotomy
  112. Tympanic Thermometer
  113. Ultrasonography
  114. Ultrasound
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Med Term Ch. 3
Medical Terminology Chapter three