Abnormal accumulation of serous fluid within the peritoneal cavity
A swishing sound heard on auscultation
Blue or purplish patch on the skin or mucous membrane that is not elevated; bruising
Redness of the skin caused by congestion of the capillaries in the lower layers of the skin that occurs with any skin injury, infection, or inflammation
Extension posture
Arms are stiffly extended, adducted, and hyperpronated with hypertension of the legs and plantar flexion of the feet; indicates disruption of the motor fibers in the midbrain and brainstem
Flexion posture
Internal rotation and adduction of the arms with flexion of the elbows, wrists, and fingers resulting from neurologic injury and interruption of voluntary motor tracts; entension of the legs may also be seen
Test for blood in the stool
Wet sounds heard when auscultating the lungs; newer term for rhonchi
Visual examination for detection of abnormal signs or qualities
Jugular venous distention
Visible thickening of the jugular veins when the patient is positoned in a 15-30 degree angle; assessed as a sign of CHF or overhydration
A periodic sound of short duration of cardiac or vascular origin
Paleness of the skin
Pinpoint round purplish spots that are not raised caused by intradermal or submucosal hemorrhage
Proctoscopic examination
Examination of the rectum with a lighted instrument
Rinne test
A test to compare bone and air conduction of sound performed with a tuning fork
Composed of serum and blood
an examination of the sigmoid colon using a lighted instrument
A term for a painful lesion of the skin or mucous membrane
A short, funnel-like tube for examining canals
Mucous secretions of the lungs ejected through the mouth
A noise in the ears sich as ringing, buzzing, or roaring
Tuning fork
A forked metal instrument used to test hearing and the sense of vibration
A sensation of rotation or whirling movement; dizziness
Weber test
A test of bone conduction of sound performed with a tuning fork placed in the center of the forehead of the skull
Bodily injury caused by physical means with disruption of the skin or other structure