
  1. (땅을) 파다
    dig (earth) (7 28)
  2. (열중) 쉬어!
    At ease! Parade rest! (7 28)
  3. 가장
    the most (7 28)
  4. 강수량
    rainfall/quantity of rain (7 26)
  5. 개다
    clear up (7 26)
  6. 개시!
    Commence (action)! (7 28)
  7. 검열 (~하다)
    inspection (inspect) (7 27)
  8. 경례!
    Present arms!/hand salute (7 28)
  9. 계획 (~하다)
    plan (plan) (7 27)
  10. 공병
    corps of engineers (7 27)
  11. 공산군
    Communist forces (7 26)
  12. 교대 (~하다)
    alternation (alternate switch) (7 28)
  13. 국군
    National forces (7 27)
  14. 국방부
    Ministry of Defense (7 27)
  15. 군관
    officer (7 27)
  16. 군대
    military/army (7 25)
  17. 군복
    military uniform (7 28)
  18. 군수과
    supply section (7 25)
  19. 군화
    military footwear (shoes) (7 28)
  20. 권총
    pistol (7 28)
  21. 기간
    length/period (7 27)
  22. 기갑
    armor (7 27)
  23. 기분 (이) 나쁘다
    feel bad (7 25)
  24. 기분 (이) 좋다
    feel good (7 25)
  25. 기상청
    meteorological bureau (7 26)
  26. 기지
    military base (7 27)
  27. 기합
    physical punishment (7 28)
  28. 기합 받다
    receive physical punishment (7 28)
  29. 기합 주다
    give physical punishment (7 28)
  30. 까다롭다
    strict/hard to please (7 27)
  31. 나뉘어지다
    divided (7 26)
  32. 날씬하다
    slim/slender (7 25)
  33. 내리다
    issue (7 26)
  34. 내무반
    barracks (usually for enlisted bachelors) (7 27)
  35. 너무
    too (much) (7 25)
  36. always (7 25)
  37. 늙다
    old (person or animal) (7 25)
  38. moon (7 26)
  39. 달리기
    running (7 28)
  40. 달리다
    run (7 28)
  41. 대검
    bayonet (7 28)
  42. 대대
    battalion (7 25)
  43. 대체로
    generally/mostly (7 26)
  44. 대한민국
    Republic of Korea (ROK) (7 27)
  45. 던지다
    throw (7 28)
  46. 동무
    comrade (7 27)
  47. 동양인
    oriental person (7 25)
  48. 동지
    comrade (7 27)
  49. 뚱뚱하다
    fat (7 25)
  50. 뛰기
    running (7 28)
  51. 뛰다
    run (7 28)
  52. 뜨다
    rise (e.g. sun moon airplane etc.) (7 26)
  53. 마르다
    skinny/bony (7 25)
  54. 막사
    barracks (7 27)
  55. 메다
    carry on one's shoulder (7 28)
  56. 명령 (~하다)
    order (order issue order) (7 28)
  57. 모집 (~하다)
    recruiting (recruit) (7 27)
  58. 못 생기다
    ugly (7 25)
  59. 무력부
    Ministry of Armed Forces (7 27)
  60. 무섭다
    scared (7 25)
  61. 문제
    problem/question (7 25)
  62. 물통
    canteen/water can (7 28)
  63. 미군
    US military (7 25)
  64. 미팔군
    US 8th Army (7 25)
  65. 민간인
    civilians (7 26)
  66. 밉다
    hateful/hate (7 25)
  67. 방독면
    protective mask (7 28)
  68. 배낭
    backpack/rucksack (7 28)
  69. 백인
    white people/Caucasian (7 25)
  70. 병과
    branch (7 27)
  71. 병역
    military service (7 27)
  72. 보병
    Infantry (7 27)
  73. 보초 (서다)
    sentry guard (guard stand guard) (7 28)
  74. 복무 (~하다)
    service (serve) (7 27)
  75. 복무기간
    length of service (7 27)
  76. 부대
    military unit (7 25)
  77. 분대
    squad (7 25)
  78. 비교 (~하다)
    comparison (compare) (7 27)
  79. 비무장지대
    Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) (7 26)
  80. 사격 (~하다)
    shooting (shoot fire) (7 28)
  81. 사단
    division (7 25)
  82. 사령관
    commander (7 27)
  83. 사령부
    headquarters (7 27)
  84. 삼팔선
    38th parallel (7 26)
  85. new (7 27)
  86. 서로
    each other (7 27)
  87. 선임하사관
    first sergeant (7 25)
  88. 소나기
    shower (7 26)
  89. 소대
    platoon (7 25)
  90. 소총
    rifle (7 28)
  91. 수류탄
    hand grenade (7 28)
  92. 수통
    canteen/water can (7 28)
  93. 슬프다
    sad (7 25)
  94. 신원조회 (~하다 )
    personal background check/security clearance check (conduct a security check) (7 27)
  95. 실시 (~하다)
    commencing (commence begin) (7 28)
  96. 싫어하다
    dislike (7 25)
  97. 심하게
    severely/awfully (7 26)
  98. 쏘다
    shoot/fire (7 28)
  99. 아군
    friendly forces (7 26)
  100. 앞으로 가!
    Forward march! (7 28)
  101. 어리다
    young (like a child) (7 25)
  102. 여단
    brigade (7 25)
  103. 연대
    regiment (7 25)
  104. 연장 (~하다)
    extension (extend) (7 27)
  105. 완전 무장
    full battle dress (7 28)
  106. 왜냐하면
    that's because... (7 27)
  107. 우향우!
    Right face! (7 28)
  108. 울다
    cry/weep (7 25)
  109. 웃다
    laugh (7 25)
  110. 윗몸 일으키기
    sit-ups (7 28)
  111. 유엔군
    United Nations' Forces/member of the UN Forces (7 26)
  112. 육이오
    Korean War (625) (7 26)
  113. 의무
    duty/obligation (7 27)
  114. 의무
    medical (7 27)
  115. 이따 (가)
    later (7 28)
  116. 인민군
    People's Armed Forces/soldier of People's Armed Forces (7 27)
  117. 인사과
    personnel section (7 25)
  118. 일몰
    sunset (7 26)
  119. 일어나다
    occur/break out (7 26)
  120. 일출
    sunrise (7 26)
  121. 입대 (~하다)
    enlisting (enlist/join the military) (7 27)
  122. 작전과
    operation section (7 25)
  123. 잘 생기다
    good-looking (7 25)
  124. 적군
    enemy forces (7 26)
  125. 전방
    front line (7 26)
  126. 전역 (~하다)
    separation (put on inactive service) (7 27)
  127. 전쟁
    war (7 26)
  128. 전투 개시!
    Commence battle! (7 28)
  129. 전투 (~하다)
    combat (battle) (7 28)
  130. 젊다
    young (person) (7 25)
  131. 정보과
    intelligence section (7 25)
  132. 제 이차 세계 대전
    World War II (7 26)
  133. 제대 (~하다)
    discharge (discharged from military service/leave the military) (7 27)
  134. 제식훈련
    drill and ceremony (7 28)
  135. 제-
    prefix for ordinal sino numbers (7 25)
  136. 조선
    Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) (7 27)
  137. 조선 민주주의 인민 공화국
    Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) (7 27)
  138. 졸다
    doze (7 28)
  139. 좌향좌!
    Left face! (7 28)
  140. 주둔 (~하다)
    stationing (stationed) (7 27)
  141. 주의보
    advisory/alert notice (7 26)
  142. 주한미군
    US soldiers stationed in Korea (7 27)
  143. 중대
    company (7 25)
  144. 중지!
    Halt! (cessation) (7 28)
  145. 즐겁다
    happy glad (7 25)
  146. 지다
    go down/set (e.g. sun moon)/fall (e.g. flowers leaves) (7 26)
  147. 지시 (~하다)
    instruction/order (hand down order) (7 27)
  148. 지원 (~하다)
    volunteering (volunteer) (7 27)
  149. 지형
    terrain (7 26)
  150. 지휘 (~하다)
    command/conduct (command) (7 27)
  151. 지휘관
    commanding officer (7 27)
  152. 집합 (~하다)
    formation (gather in formation) (7 28)
  153. 차다
    wear/kick (7 28)
  154. 차렷!
    Attention! (7 28)
  155. 천막 (치다)
    (pitch) tent (7 28)
  156. 철모
    helmet (7 28)
  157. 초속
    speed per second (7 26)
  158. 총알
    bullet (7 28)
  159. 최저
    the lowest (7 26)
  160. knife (7 28)
  161. height (7 25)
  162. 탄약
    ammunition (7 28)
  163. 탄환
    round (of ammunition) (7 28)
  164. 태풍
    typhoon (7 26)
  165. 탱크
    tank (7 28)
  166. 텐트
    tent (7 28)
  167. 통신 (~하다 )
    signal corps/communication (communicate) (7 27)
  168. 통일 (~하다)
    unification (unify) (7 26)
  169. 통일되다
    unified (7 26)
  170. 특별히
    especially (7 26)
  171. 특히
    especially (7 26)
  172. 팔굽혀 펴기
    push-ups (7 28)
  173. 평지
    plains/flat land (7 26)
  174. 포병
    artillery (7 27)
  175. 폭설
    snowstorm/blizzard (7 26)
  176. 폭우
    heavy rain/torrential rain (7 26)
  177. 풍속
    wind velocity (7 26)
  178. 피곤하다
    tired (7 25)
  179. 하전사
    enlisted person (NCO included) (7 27)
  180. sun (7 26)
  181. 해안
    coastline (7 26)
  182. 행군 (~하다)
    marching (march) (7 28)
  183. 험하다
    tough/rugged (7 26)
  184. 헬기
    helicopter (7 28)
  185. 헬리콥터
    helicopter (7 28)
  186. 협조 (~하다)
    cooperation (cooperate) (7 27)
  187. 호우
    heavy rain/torrential rain (7 26)
  188. 화 (를) 내다
    get angry/express anger (7 25)
  189. 후방
    rear area (7 26)
  190. 훈련 (~하다)
    training (train) (7 28)
  191. 훈련소
    training center/training site (7 28)
  192. 훈련시키다
    train (7 28)
  193. 훈련장
    training center/training site (7 28)
  194. 휴전 (~하다)
    cease-fire (cease firing) (7 26)
  195. 휴전선
    armistice line (7 26)
  196. 흑인
    black people/African-American (7 25)
  197. 힘들다
    difficult/hard (7 25)
  198. - (으) 니까
    because (7 26)
  199. -장 (분대장 소대장 과장)
    chief (7 25)
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