Performs analysis on small pieces of the model, called elements.
Allows you to find stresses, strains, forces, moments, displacements, etc.
Can also be used to model things like impact or fracture
Finite Element Analysis
Contains functions required for the genetic optimization routine
genetic optimizer
coordinates all the other programs and runs Abaqus
Writes input files for Abaqus
Input Writer
Creates and moves files to the correct folder, and submits input files
Run Abaqus
Runs python script which receives necessary data
Data Harvester
machine designed to perform operations specified with a set of instructions
set of instructions
computer equipment
the programs that describe the steps we want the computer to perform
Central Processing Unit
Arithmetic and logic unit
Read only memory
Random access memory
computers store data as series of...
1s and 0s
Memory is divided into numbered locations called...
A byte is a sequence of....
8 bits
bit is...
a binary digit
location number associated with a byte
used for storing the binary representation of a data item, such as a number or a character
group of consecutive bytes
provides user interface and responsible for control of hardware and basic operations
operating system
word processors, spread sheets, etc.
application software
series of commands in a high-level language written in a tet editor
source code
converts the source code into an object program (machine code)
prepares object code to be executed by linking in any other object or codes or libraries required for execution (converts object program into executable program)
run the program created by the linker/loader
printable/readable program file
source program
nonprintable machine readable file
object program
nonprintable executable code (can be run by the user)