
  1. (배) 고프다
    hungry (5 17)
  2. (배) 부르다
    have a full stomach (5 17)
  3. 가끔
    occasionally/on and off (5 17)
  4. 가득히
    full/up to the brim (5 20)
  5. 가슴
    chest (5 20)
  6. 갈색
    brown (5 18)
  7. 감기걸리다
    catch cold (5 20)
  8. 갤런
    gallon (5 20)
  9. 고모
    aunt (father's sister) (5 17)
  10. 고모부
    uncle (father's sister's husband) (5 17)
  11. 고속버스
    express bus (5 17)
  12. 곤색
    navy blue (5 18)
  13. 공항
    airport (5 17)
  14. 구두
    leather shoes (5 18)
  15. ear (5 20)
  16. 그냥
    as is/empty handed (5 17)
  17. 그렇다
    so (5 19)
  18. 그리
    that way over there/in that direction (5 18)
  19. 그만 (두다)
    quit/stop/cease (5 17)
  20. 금년
    this year (5 17)
  21. 기다리다
    wait (5 19)
  22. 기름
    oil/gasoline (5 20)
  23. 기차
    train (5 17)
  24. 기침 (~하다)
    cough (cough) (5 20)
  25. 길게
    long (5 19)
  26. 깎다
    cut/trim (5 19)
  27. 깎다
    trim/cut (5 19)
  28. 깨끗하게
    cleanly/nicely (5 19)
  29. exactly/without fail (5 18)
  30. flower (5 17)
  31. end (5 18)
  32. 끼다
    wear (rings or glasses) (5 18)
  33. 나다
    happen/occur (5 20)
  34. 낫다
    get better/recover (5 20)
  35. 내년
    next year (5 17)
  36. 넣다
    put in (5 20)
  37. eye (5 20)
  38. 다리
    leg (5 20)
  39. 닦다
    clean/wash/polish (5 20)
  40. 동전
    coin (5 19)
  41. 드라이 (~하다)
    drying (dry) (5 19)
  42. 들다
    eat/lodge/cost (5 17)
  43. 들다
    lift/carry (5 18)
  44. back (5 20)
  45. 떨어지다
    run out/become expended (5 20)
  46. 리터
    liter (capacity unit) (5 20)
  47. 마다
    each/every (5 20)
  48. 만들다
    make (5 17)
  49. 맛있게
    tastefully/with gusto heartily (5 17)
  50. 맞다
    correct/fit (5 18)
  51. 매다
    tie/fasten (5 18)
  52. 머리
    head/hair (5 20)
  53. 머리 (~하다)
    hair/head (get a hairdo) (5 19)
  54. 면도 (~하다)
    shaving (shave) (5 19)
  55. 모자
    hat/cap (5 18)
  56. 모텔
    motel (5 17)
  57. neck (5 20)
  58. 미장원
    beauty salon (5 19)
  59. 바꾸다
    exchange/cash (5 19)
  60. 바지
    pants (5 18)
  61. foot (5 20)
  62. 발가락
    toe (5 20)
  63. 밝다
    light/bright (5 18)
  64. 방문 (~하다)
    visit (visit) (5 17)
  65. ship/boat/stomach (5 17)
  66. 버스 터미널
    bus terminal (5 17)
  67. sickness/disease (5 20)
  68. 보라색
    purple/violet (5 18)
  69. 부치다
    mail (5 19)
  70. 분홍색
    pink (5 18)
  71. 붙이다
    stick/paste/post (5 19)
  72. 블라우스
    blouse (5 18)
  73. 비행기
    airplane/aircraft (5 17)
  74. comb (5 19)
  75. 빗다
    comb (5 19)
  76. 사이
    between (5 18)
  77. 사이즈
    size (5 18)
  78. 삼촌
    uncle (father's brother) (5 17)
  79. 생신
    birthday (honorific) (5 17)
  80. 샴푸 (~하다)
    shampoo (5 19)
  81. 서다
    stand (5 19)
  82. 선편
    surface mail (5 19)
  83. 소포
    parcel (5 19)
  84. 소화제
    digestive pill (5 20)
  85. hand (5 20)
  86. 손가락
    finger (5 20)
  87. 손님
    guest/customer (5 19)
  88. 쇼트 컷 (~하다)
    short cut (give a short cut) (5 19)
  89. 수표
    check (5 19)
  90. 숙박비/숙박료
    lodging fee/hotel bill (5 17)
  91. 스웨터
    sweater (5 18)
  92. 스커트
    skirts (5 18)
  93. 스타킹
    stockings (5 18)
  94. 식전
    before a meal (5 20)
  95. 식후
    after a meal (5 20)
  96. 신다
    wear (footwear) (5 18)
  97. 신/신발
    shoes (5 18)
  98. 쓰다
    wear (hats or glasses) (5 18)
  99. each/respectively/apiece (5 20)
  100. 아름답다
    beautiful (5 18)
  101. 아프다
    sick (5 20)
  102. 안경
    eyeglasses (5 18)
  103. medicine drug (5 20)
  104. 약국/방
    pharmacy/drugstore (5 20)
  105. 약사
    pharmacist (5 20)
  106. 양말
    socks (5 18)
  107. 양복
    western-style suit (5 18)
  108. 양화점
    shoe store (mainly for dress shoes) (5 18)
  109. 어깨
    shoulder (5 20)
  110. 어둡다
    dark (5 18)
  111. 얼굴
    face (5 20)
  112. 여행 (~하다)
    travel (travel) (5 17)
  113. station/railroad station (5 17)
  114. 연세
    age (honorific) (5 17)
  115. 연휴
    long weekend (5 17)
  116. fever (5 20)
  117. 예금 (~하다)
    deposit (deposit) (5 19)
  118. 예쁘다/이쁘다
    pretty (5 18)
  119. 예약 (~하다)
    reservation (make a reservation) (5 17)
  120. 와이샤츠
    dress shirts (5 18)
  121. 외삼촌
    uncle (mother's brother) (5 17)
  122. 우체부
    mailman (5 19)
  123. 우체통
    mailbox (5 19)
  124. 우편엽서
    postcard (5 19)
  125. 우표
    postage stamp (5 19)
  126. 우회전
    right turn (5 18)
  127. 운동화
    gym shoes (5 18)
  128. 원피스
    one-piece dress (5 18)
  129. 유리
    glass (5 20)
  130. 유행 (~하다)
    fashion (be in fashion/prevail) (5 19)
  131. 은행원
    bank clerk (5 19)
  132. 이리
    this way/in this direction (5 18)
  133. 이모
    aunt (mother's sister) (5 17)
  134. 이모부
    uncle (mother's sister's husband) (5 17)
  135. 이발 (~하다)
    haircut (get a haircut: men only) (5 19)
  136. mouth (5 20)
  137. 자르다
    shear off/cut (5 19)
  138. 자전거
    bicycle (5 17)
  139. 자켓
    jacket (5 18)
  140. 작년
    last year (5 17)
  141. 작은아버지
    uncle (father's younger brother brother who is married) (5 17)
  142. 잠바
    sports jacket/windbreaker (5 18)
  143. 장갑
    gloves (5 18)
  144. 저리
    in that direction/that way (5 18)
  145. 좌회전
    left turn (5 18)
  146. 주황색
    orange (5 18)
  147. line/string (5 19)
  148. luggage (5 17)
  149. 짧게
    shortly (5 19)
  150. 차리다
    set up/prepare (5 17)
  151. 채우다
    fill up/fasten (5 20)
  152. 초콜릿
    chocolate (5 17)
  153. 치마
    skirts (5 18)
  154. 친척
    relative(s) (5 17)
  155. 케이크
    cake (5 17)
  156. nose (5 20)
  157. 코트
    coat (5 18)
  158. 큰아버지
    uncle (father's elder brother who is married) (5 17)
  159. 택시
    taxi (5 17)
  160. 투피스
    two-piece suit (5 18)
  161. 티셔츠
    T-shirts (5 18)
  162. 파마 (~하다)
    perm (give a perm/get a perm) (5 19)
  163. arm (5 20)
  164. 한복
    Korean traditional costume (5 18)
  165. 항공엽서
    aerogram (5 19)
  166. 항공편
    air mail (5 19)
  167. 허리
    waist/lower back (5 20)
  168. 현금/ 현찰
    cash (5 19)
  169. 회색
    gray (5 18)
  170. 휴가
    vacation/leave from work (5 17)
  171. 흰색
    white (5 18)
  172. -권
    counter for books (5 19)
  173. -라고 하다
    is called.../we call it... (5 17)
  174. -박 -일
    ---nights---days (5 17)
  175. -벌
    counter for clothes (5 18)
  176. -보다
    than (5 18)
  177. -어치
    worth/value (5 19)
  178. -짜리
    value/worth (5 19)
  179. -켤레
    counter for shoes (5 18)
  180. .... (으) ㄹ 수 있다/없다
    can.../cannot... (5 17)
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