
  1. 가지고 가다
    take (things) somewhere (4 15)
  2. 가지고 오다
    bring (things) somewhere (4 15)
  3. 갈비
    rib (4 14)
  4. price (4 15)
  5. 갔다오다
    go and return (4 16)
  6. 갖다 주다
    bring (4 14)
  7. 건너편
    opposite side/the other side (4 13)
  8. 건조하다
    dry (4 16)
  9. thing (4 15)
  10. 계란/달걀
    egg (4 15)
  11. 계산 (~하다 )
    calculation (calculate) (4 14)
  12. 계산서
    bill/check (4 14)
  13. 고기
    meat (4 14)
  14. 고속도로
    freeway/highway (4 13)
  15. soon right away/at once (4 16)
  16. 과일
    fruit(s) (4 14)
  17. 관광 (~하다)
    sightseeing (sightsee) (4 15)
  18. 관광객
    tourist (4 15)
  19. 교통
    traffic (4 13)
  20. soup (4 14)
  21. 그래서
    therefore/for the reason/so (4 16)
  22. 그렇지만
    however/but (4 13)
  23. 그림 엽서
    post card (4 15)
  24. 기념품
    souvenir (4 15)
  25. road/street/way (4 13)
  26. 김치
    kimchee (4 14)
  27. 나가다
    go out (4 16)
  28. 나오다
    come out (4 16)
  29. 나이프
    knife (4 14)
  30. 낮다
    low (4 16)
  31. 냅킨
    napkin (4 14)
  32. 너무
    too/too much (4 15)
  33. 넓다
    wide/broad (4 13)
  34. 네거리
    intersection (4 13)
  35. 넥타이
    necktie/tie (4 15)
  36. 높다
    high (4 16)
  37. 누가
    who (4 13)
  38. 늦게
    late (4 13)
  39. month/counting word for month (4 16)
  40. 닭고기
    chicken (4 15)
  41. 대령
    colonel (4 16)
  42. 대위
    captain (4 16)
  43. 대장
    general (4 16)
  44. more (4 14)
  45. 도착하다
    arrive (4 13)
  46. money (4 13)
  47. 돈내다
    pay (the bill) (4 13)
  48. 돌아 다니다
    wander/go around (4 16)
  49. 돼지고기
    pork (4 15)
  50. 드림
    presented by (in a letter) (4 16)
  51. 들다
    have food/eat (4 14)
  52. 들어 가다
    go in/enter (4 16)
  53. 들어 오다
    come in/enter (4 16)
  54. 떠나다
    leave/depart (4 13)
  55. 러시아워
    rush hour (4 13)
  56. taste (4 14)
  57. 맛 (이) 없다
    unpalatable (4 14)
  58. 맛 (이) 있다
    delicious (4 14)
  59. 매표소
    ticket booth (4 15)
  60. 맥주
    beer (4 14)
  61. 맵다
    spicy hot (4 14)
  62. 메뉴
    menu (4 14)
  63. 모두
    all (4 14)
  64. 무료
    free of charge (4 15)
  65. water (4 14)
  66. 물건
    merchandise/things (4 15)
  67. 물어보다
    ask (4 15)
  68. 미리
    in advance/beforehand (4 13)
  69. 바꿔 주세요. (바꾸다)
    May I talk to...? (exchange/trade) (4 13)
  70. 바나나
    banana (4 15)
  71. 박물관
    museum (4 15)
  72. 반찬
    side dish (4 14)
  73. cooked rice (4 14)
  74. pear (4 14)
  75. 배추
    cabbage (4 15)
  76. 벌써
    already (4 16)
  77. 벨트
    belt (4 15)
  78. 보내다
    send/dispatch/spend time (4 16)
  79. 보여 주다/ 보여 드리다
    show (4 15)
  80. 복잡하다
    complicated/congested (traffic) (4 13)
  81. 부탁합니다. (부탁하다)
    May I speak with...? (ask a favor) (4 13)
  82. 불고기
    barbecued beef (4 14)
  83. 비싸다
    expensive (4 15)
  84. 사과
    apple (4 15)
  85. 사병
    enlisted (4 16)
  86. 사진
    photo (4 15)
  87. 생선
    fish (4 14)
  88. 소고기/쇠고기
    beef (4 15)
  89. 소령
    major (4 16)
  90. 소위
    1st lieutenant (4 16)
  91. 소장
    major general (4 16)
  92. 숟가락
    spoon (4 14)
  93. 스카프
    scarf (4 15)
  94. 시계
    watch/clock (4 15)
  95. 시키다
    order (4 14)
  96. 신용카드
    credit card (4 14)
  97. 신호등
    traffic light (4 13)
  98. 싫다
    dislike (4 14)
  99. 싫어 하다
    dislike (4 14)
  100. 싸다
    inexpensive (stative)/wrap (action) (4 15)
  101. rice (uncooked) (4 15)
  102. 쌀쌀하다
    chilly (4 16)
  103. 아직
    yet (4 15)
  104. 안내 (~하다)
    guide (show around/guide) (4 15)
  105. 안내원
    guide (4 15)
  106. 안부 전해 주세요.
    give my regards to... (4 16)
  107. 액세서리
    costume jewelry/accessory (4 15)
  108. 야채
    vegetable (4 14)
  109. 약속 (~하다)
    promise (promise/pledge) (4 13)
  110. 양식
    western food (4 14)
  111. 어떤
    what kind (4 14)
  112. 어서 오세요.
    Welcome/Please come in. (4 14)
  113. 언제
    when (4 13)
  114. 얼마에요? 얼마입니까?
    How much is it? (4 14)
  115. 여러가지
    many kinds (4 14)
  116. 여보세요?
    Hello? (when answering the phone) (4 13)
  117. 오래
    (for a) long time (4 13)
  118. 오렌지 주스
    orange juice (4 15)
  119. 올림
    Yours very truly/presented by (in a letter) (4 16)
  120. 외제
    foreign-made (4 15)
  121. 요금
    fee (4 15)
  122. 우유
    milk (4 15)
  123. 운전 (~하다)
    driving (drive) (4 13)
  124. 음료수
    beverage (4 14)
  125. 음식
    food (4 14)
  126. 음식점
    restaurant (4 14)
  127. 이틀
    two days (4 16)
  128. 일기 (예보)
    weather (forecast) (4 16)
  129. 일찍/일찍이
    early (4 13)
  130. 입장권
    admission ticket (4 15)
  131. 잔돈
    small change (4 14)
  132. 잘못거셨어요. (걸다)
    You have the wrong number. (dial/hang) (4 13)
  133. 잠깐만 기다리세요. (기다리다)
    Please hold. (wait) (4 13)
  134. 잠시만요.
    One moment please. (4 13)
  135. 장교
    officer (4 16)
  136. 장군
    general (commander in chief) (4 16)
  137. 재미있게
    with fun/with great interest (4 16)
  138. 전화 왔어요.
    Phone call (for you)/Pick up the phone. (4 13)
  139. 전화 (걸다)
    telephone (make a call) (4 13)
  140. 젓가락
    chopsticks (4 14)
  141. 좁다
    narrow (4 13)
  142. 준비 (~하다)
    preparation (prepare) (4 13)
  143. 준위
    warrant officer (4 16)
  144. 준장
    brigadier general (4 16)
  145. 중령
    lieutenant colonel (4 16)
  146. 중위
    2nd lieutenant (4 16)
  147. 중장
    lieutenant general (4 16)
  148. 지갑
    wallet/purse (4 15)
  149. 지난 ( 주말 주 달 )
    last (weekend week month) (4 16)
  150. 지내다
    get along/spend time/pass (4 16)
  151. 진급하다/진급되다
    promote/promoted (4 16)
  152. 짜다
    salty (4 14)
  153. 찌개
    stew (4 14)
  154. 찍다
    take (a picture) (4 15)
  155. well/oh/by the way (4 15)
  156. 최고
    the best (4 15)
  157. 축하하다/축하 드리다
    congratulate (4 16)
  158. 출발하다
    leave/depart (4 13)
  159. 카메라
    camera (4 15)
  160. 카운터
    counter (4 14)
  161. 콜라
    cola (4 14)
  162. 타다/타고가다
    ride/get on a road/take a road (4 13)
  163. 토마토
    tomato (4 15)
  164. 통행료
    toll fee (4 13)
  165. 통화 중입니다.
    The line's busy/(He/she)'s on another line. (4 13)
  166. 특무상사
    sergeant major (4 16)
  167. tip (4 14)
  168. 파운드
    pound (4 15)
  169. 포도
    grapes (4 15)
  170. 포장하다
    wrap (4 15)
  171. 포크
    fork (4 14)
  172. 표/-표
    ticket (counter) (4 15)
  173. 피자
    pizza (4 14)
  174. 피크닉
    picnic (4 16)
  175. 필요하다
    needed/need (4 15)
  176. 하루
    one day (native Korean) (4 16)
  177. 한국제
    Korean-made (4 15)
  178. 한식
    Korean food (4 14)
  179. 핸드백
    handbag/purse (4 15)
  180. 햄버거
    hamburger (4 14)
  181. - 인분
    portion(s)/serving(s) (4 14)
  182. - ( 국 ) 의
    (telephone) exchange (4 13)
  183. - (으) 로
    by means of/with (4 13)
  184. -개
    pieces/item(s) (counter) (4 15)
  185. -개월
    counter for months (4 16)
  186. -께
    to.... (honorific) (4 16)
  187. -년
    counting word for year (4 16)
  188. -데
    place (note: not used alone) (4 15)
  189. -불
    dollar(s) (counter) (4 14)
  190. -어보다
    try/experience (4 16)
  191. -잔
    cup(s) (counter) (4 14)
  192. -장
    (thin flat) sheet(s) (of things) (counter) (4 15)
  193. -제 (한국제 미제 일제)
    made in... (4 15)
  194. -지 맙시다.
    Let's not... (4 13)
  195. -지 않다
    not (negative ending) (4 16)
  196. -- 병
    bottle(s) (4 14)
Card Set