Surgical procedure to remove fluid
(plural: -cocci)
- Berry-shaped bacteruim
- (plural: bacteria)
Removal or resection
Mastectomy - removal or resection of the breast
Condition of producing, forming
carcinogenesis - forming or producing cancer
Instrument used for recording
Process of recording
Breakdown, destruction, separation
hemolysis - breakdown or destruction of RBC
Osteomalacia - softening of the bones
Splenomegaly - enlargement of the spleen
Tumor, Mass, Collection of fluid
Myosarcoma - malignant tumor in the muscle
To view; the process of viewing
abnormal condition
Leukocytosis - abnormal condition, slight increase of WBC
Disease condition
Cardiomyopathy - Any Disease of the heart muscle
Neutropenia - an abnormally small number of neutrophils (blood cells) in the blood
Development, formation, growth
Achondroplasia - a defect in the growth and formation of bones and cartilage
Falling, dropping, prolapse
Blepheraptosis - drooping of the upper eyelid
Arteriosclerosis - the hardening of the artery
Instrument used for cidual examination
Process of visual examination
Stopping, controlling
Metastasis - the spread of a malignant tumor to a secondary organ or location
Opening to form a mouth
Tracheostomy - the surgical opening of the trachea to secure an open airway
Incision, cutting into
Phlebotomy - to cut into the vein (draw blood)
Development, nourishment
Atrophy - when cells decrease in size i.e. an arm in a cast