Unit 1: Muscle Innervations

  1. What nerve(s) innervate the splenius capitis?
    Dorsal rami of spinal nerves
  2. What nerve(s) innervate the Splenius cervicis?
    Dorsal rami of the spinal nerves
  3. What nerve(s) innervate the Semispinalis capitis?
    Dorsal rami of cervical spinal nerves
  4. What nerve(s) innervate the Erector spinae group?
    Dorsal rami of respective spinal nerves in each region
  5. What nerve(s) innervate the Serratus posterior superior?
    2-5th intercostal nerves
  6. What nerve(s) innervate the Serratus posterior inferior?
    Ventral primary rami of T9-T12 spinal nerves
  7. What nerve(s) innervate the trapezius?
    Accessory nerve CNXI
  8. What nerve(s) innervate the Latissmus dorsi?
    Thoracodorsal n. (C6-C8)
  9. What nerve(s) innervate the Rhomboid major?
    Dorsal scapular n. (C5)
  10. What nerve(s) innervate the Rhomboid minor?
    Dorsal scapular n. (C5)
  11. What nerve(s) innervate the Levator scapulae?
    Dorsal scapular n (C5)
  12. What nerve(s) innervate the Pectoralis major?
    • Medial pectoral n (C8,T1)
    • Lateral pectoral n. (C5,6,7)
  13. What nerve(s) innervate the Pectoralis minor?
    Medial pectoral n (C8,T1)
  14. What nerve(s) innervate theSubclavius?
    Subclavian n. (C5,6)
  15. What nerve(s) innervate the Serratus anterior?
    Long thoracic n (C5,6,7)
  16. What nerve(s) innervate the Coracobrachialis?
    Musculocutaneous n (C5,6,7)
  17. What nerve(s) innervate the Deltoid?
    Axillary n (C5,6)
  18. What nerve(s) innervate the Teres major?
    Lower subscapular n. (C5, 6)
  19. What nerve(s) innervate the Teres minor?
    Axillary n. (C5,6)
  20. What nerve(s) innervate the Suprspinatus?
    Suprascapular n (C5,6)
  21. What nerve(s) innervate the Infraspinatus?
    Suprascapular n (C5,6)
  22. What nerve(s) innervate the Subscapularis?
    Upper and Lower Subscapular nn. (C5,6)
  23. What nerve(s) innervate the Brachialis?
    Musculocutaneous n (C5,6,7)
  24. What nerve(s) innervate the Biceps brachii?
    musculocutaneous n (C5,6,7)
  25. What nerve(s) innervate the Triceps brachii?
    Radial n. (C5-T1)
  26. What nerve(s) innervate the Anconeus?
    Radial n (C5-T1)
  27. What nerve(s) innervate the Brachioradialis?
    Radial n. (C5-T1)
  28. What nerve(s) innervate the Supinator?
    Radial n. (C5-T1)
  29. What nerve(s) innervate the Pronator teres?
    Median n. (C6-T1)
  30. What nerve(s) innervate the Pronator quadratus?
    Median n. (C6-T1)
  31. What nerve(s) innervate the Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus ECRL?
    Radial n. (C5-T1)
  32. What nerve(s) innervate the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis ECRB?
    Radial n. (C5-T1)
  33. What nerve(s) innervate the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris ECU?
    Radial n. (C5-T1)
  34. What nerve(s) innervate the Flexor Carpi Radialis FCR?
    Median n. (C6-T1)
  35. What nerve(s) innervate the Flexor Carpi Ulnaris FCU?
    Ulnar n. (C8,T1)
  36. What nerve(s) innervate the Palmaris Longus?
    Median n. (C6-T1)
  37. What nerve(s) innervate the Flexor Digitorum Superficialis FDS?
    Median n (C6-T1)
  38. What nerve(s) innervate the Flexor Digitorum Profundus FDP?
    • Medial part = Ulnar (3,4 digits) (C8,T1)
    • Lateral part = Median (1,2 digits) (C6-T1)
  39. What nerve(s) innervate the Extensor Digitorum ED?
    Radial n. (C5-T1)
  40. What nerve(s) innervate the Extensor Indices?
    Radial n. (C5-T1)
  41. What nerve(s) innervate the Extensor Digiti Minimi EDM?
    Radial n. (C5-T1)
  42. What nerve(s) innervate the Extensor policis Longus EPL?
    Radial n (C5-T1)
  43. What nerve(s) innervate the Extensor pollicis brevis EPB?
    Radial n (c5-T1)
  44. What nerve(s) innervate the Abductor pollicis longus?
    Radial n (C5-T1)
  45. What nerve(s) innervate the Flexor pollicis Longus FPL?
    Median n. (C6-T1)
  46. What nerve(s) innervate the Lumbricals 1,2?
    Median n (C6-T1)
  47. What nerve(s) innervate the Lumbrical 3,4?
    Ulnar n. (C8,T1)
  48. What nerve(s) innervate the Dorsal interossei 1-4?
    Ulnar n (C8, T1)
  49. What nerve(s) innervate the Palmar interossei 1-3?
    Ulnar n. (C8, T1)
  50. What nerve(s) innervate the Adductor pollicis?
    Ulnar n (C8,T1)
  51. What nerve(s) innervate the Abductor pollicis brevis?
    Recurrent branch of median n
  52. What nerve(s) innervate the Flexor pollicis brevis FPB?
    Recurrent branch of median n
  53. What nerve(s) innervate the opponens Pollicis?
    Ulnar n (C8,T1)
  54. What nerve(s) innervate the Abductor Digiti minimi ADM?
    Ulnar n (C8,T1)
  55. What nerve(s) innervate the Flexor Digiti minimi brevis?
    Ulnar n (C8, T1)
  56. What nerve(s) innervate the Opponens Digiti Minimi ODM?
    ULnar n (C8,T1)
  57. What nerve(s) innervate the Palmaris brevis?
    Ulnar n. (C8,T1)
Card Set
Unit 1: Muscle Innervations
Muscles of the back, axilla, shoulder, arm, forearm and hand and their innervations