Florence Nightingale
Founder of Modern Nursing
Advance Women in Nursing during Crimean War
First Nursing Theorist: fresh air and sunlight, washing hands, clean water, efficient drainage
Est. standards for nursing education upon return to England
Clara Barton
Founder of the American Red Cross (1882)
Civil War nurse
Virginia Henderson
Stated that nursing is independent: nurses are not the Dr's hand maiden
Self-Help: Patients can help themselves
Sojourner Truth
African American Civil War nurse
Former slave and abolitionist
Contributed to women's movement
Mary Eliza Mahoney
1st African American nurse
Dr. Mildred Montag
Founder of Associate Degree in Nursing Education
Number of ADN programs increased from 7 in 1958 to approx. 1000 today
R.N. vs L.P.N.
Difference in education and scope of practice
RN: can take verbal orders from physician, assessment, charting (administrative), I.V. push and meds and give blood.
LPN: Pass meds, accuchecks, dressing changes, administer insulin, etc...
A.D.N. Education vs. Diploma Education (R.N.)
A.D.N. or Associates Degree in Nursing - 2yr program, credits transfer to a B.S.N. program (college level)
Diploma Education: Based out of a hospital, credits do not transfer
Bachelors of Science in Nursing
4yr Nursing Degree
Community Health included
Masters of Science in Nursing
2-3yrs depending on focus of study
Advanced Practice
Ex: CNS (Clinical Nursing Specialist), CNP (Clinical Nurse Practitioner)
Ex: PhD or DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice)
Definition of Nursing
Function of a nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery (or to a peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge, and to do this in such a way to help him gain independence as soon as possible -V. Henderson
States: Nursing fills the needs that cannot be met by the person, by the family or by other persons in the community.
Aims of nursing practice
Promotion of Health - How to stay healthy (stop smoking, exercise, eat healthy, take vitamins, well check-ups, etc..)
Prevention of Illness - Health talks, etc...
Restoration of Health - Seeing sick patients
Facilitate coping with Disability or Death - Nurse is usually the first person a pt. who has just had an amputation of colostomy sees. Treats the patient as well as the family when coping with death
Nursing as a profession
Body of Knowledge: Nursing courses
Service Orientation
Specialized Education: Oncology nursing certification
Autonomy: **Some people do not view nursing as a profession because we have to sometimes rely on other professions**
Code of Ethics
Ongoing Research: Articles in Nursing Journals
Professional Association: NLN, ANA, and specialty groups
Commitment to Care
What provides the basis for nursing care?
A strong knowledge base (scientifically proven) on which to base nursing action.
**Do not do something just b/c that's how it's been done for 15 years.**
Continued education for RN in the state of Georgia is not required.
Functions of a Nurse
A nurse serves ALL functions no matter what type of nurse (s)he is.
Teacher: Some fields require more teaching than others (ex. Oncology & OB)
Client Advocate: Some fields require more advocating than others (ex. ICU)
Change Agent
Manager: Even if not titled manager, you will be managing your care (managing techs, etc..)Primary care - no tech on the floor
Nursing Theory
Defined as how you practice
Medical Care vs. Nursing Care
Medical: Identify disease, orientated towards curing
Nursing: Identify the human response to a disease (how are they dealing with the disease?)
Nursing care changes day to day based on the patient's needs and conditions vs. their disease/diagnosis
American Nurses Association
Professional Organization for Nurses
- Lobbying body for nurses (influence lawmakers)
National League for Nurses
Open to ALL interested in nursing
Advance the quality of nursing education
The Nurse Practice Act
**Each state has their own Nurse Practice Act which results in legal scope of practice varying (sometimes greatly) from state to state.**
Creates the state board of nursing
Establishes criteria from education
Can revoke license for practice related offenses as well as non-clinical related offenses (DUI, Battery, etc...)
ANA Guidelines Standards of Care
Things we HAVE to do
- Assessment
- Diagnosis
- Planning
- Implementation
- Evaluation
ANA Guidelines for Standards of Professional Performance
Things we HAVE to do
- Quality of Care
- Performance Appraisal - Practice Evaluation
- Education
- Ethics
- Collaboration - Compensate for personal weaknesses as well as with physicians
- Collegiality - How are we working with each other?
- Research - Integrate new findings into practice
- Resource Utitilization
Promotion of Socialization to the Nursing Profession
Join a professional organization
Know the Nurse Practice Act
Community Involvement
Subscribe to a Professional Journal
Talk to a Nurse
Professional Development
Nursing practice never stops developing. Keep up.