- pedunculate (aka: coat hanger)
- sessile
hereditary multiple exostosis HME
- multiple osteochondromas
- 20% undergo malignancy
unicameral bone cyst (UBC) aka: Simple Bone Cyst
- diaphyseal/metaphyseal
- centrally located
- <20 yo, fluid filled
Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC)
- diaphyseal/metaphyseal
- eccentrically located
- < 20 yo, BLOOD FILLED
Giant Cell
- epiphyseal
- 20-40 yo
- 20% quasi-malignant
- soap-bubble
osteoid osteoma
- night pain= relieved by aspirin
- radiolucent central nidus
- severe reactive scoliosis
Brodies Abcess (Aka Chronic osteomyelitis)
night pain releived by aspirin, appears like osteoid
- MC BBT of the HAND
- may have stippled appearance
- multiple enchondroma's= ollier's disease
- with soft tissue calcification is known as Maffucci's Syndrome
- MC BBT of the SPINE
- vertical striations
- corduroy cloth appearance
- bone island, round or oblong radiopaque
- hands, feet, pelvis
mltpl bone islands
- MC BBT of the Neural Arch
- 10-30 YO
- MC BBT to affec the skull
- MC in frontal sinus: caldwell projection
Fibrous dysplasia
- monostotic- 70% associated with Rind Sign, polyostotic 30%
- resoptoin of bone replaced w/ fibrous tissue
- deformities: saber shin tibia, sheppards crook
- * ground glass
- * cafe au lait w/ cost of maine (jagged edges)
- family history
- scoliosis
- cervical kyphosis, vert body scalloping, IVF enlargement
- *cafe au lait w/ Coast of Cali. (smooth edges)
Multiple Myeloma
- > 50yrs old cachexia, weight loss
- aplastic anemia
- MC 1* malignancy of bone
- malignant proliferation of plasma cells infiltrating bone marrow
- Mtpl dark densities that are similar in size (punched out lesion)
- *vertebra plana
- *Rain drop skull
- Labs: M spike on immuno electrophoresis
- :reversal of A/G ratio, Bence jones urinalysis, elevated ESR,
- Bone Scan: COLD
MC malignant tumor of bone
lytic mets
- > 40 yo, unexplained weight loss, skeletal pain at night
- trabeculare reabsorbed= dark bone
- moth eaten/permeative pattern
- swiss cheese appearance in the skull
- lab: alk phosphotase
- Bone Scan: hot
- MC mets in 20-40 yo
- ivory white vertebrae w/ ant. body scalloping
- unilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
- Xray: PA chest
- lab: reed sternberg cells on biopsy
Blastic Mets
- > 40, ivory white vertebrae
- porostatic carsinoma
- labs: increased alk phos
- bone scan: hot
- males over 50
- basilar invagination : (chamberlines/mcgregors lines)
- stages: lytic/destructive, combo, sclerotic, malignant (stage 4)
- cortical thickening, bowing deformities, coarsened trabeculae, bone expansion
- picture frame vertebra
- labs: increased alk phos, urinary hydroxyproline
- bone scan: hot
- MC malignancy found in kids 10-30
- periosteal reaction: spiculated/radiating/sunburst
- labs: incr. alk phos,
.40, spiculated appearance
ewing's sarcoma
- 10-25yo, MC in diaphysis
- permeative lesion
- onion skin (laminated)
- bone expansion, codmans triangle
- saucerization
- *mimics infection
- > 40 yo aberrant notochordal cell tumor
- MC in Sacrum
- 2nd MC in skull
Ivory verts
pagets, hodgkins, blastic mets
- females 13-19
- named for the side of CONVEXITY
Rotary Scoliosis
SPs rotate to the concavity
Simple Scoliosis
SPs deviate to the convexity
Scoliosis measurements
- 25 yo and younger
- under 20 degrees: adjust/monitor
- 21-40 deg: send to orthopedist for milwaukee bracing
- 40+: surgical consult
- 50+ cardiopulmonary compromise
Monitor scoliosis
- rissers sign: iliac crests
- wrist films: best method, L wrist
- Tanner stages: pubertal development
RA (Stills in kids)
- bilateral loss of jt space
- rat-bite erosions
- pannus
- symmetrical
- bouchards and haygarths nodes
- swan neck/boutonniere/ular deviation
- labs: +RA latex, +FANA, +ESR, +CRP
AS (aka marie strumpell)P
- males 15-35 yo, low back pain/AM stiffness
- SI jt: bilateral fusion (ghost jt)
- + chest expansion, foresters bowstring, iritis, lewins
- spine: shiny corner sign, bilateral syndesmophytes, squaring off vert body, bamboo spine, dagger sign, trolley track
- labs: +HLA B27, +ESR
Enteropathic arthropathy
- females MC
- AS w/ GI dysfunction
Psoriatic arthritis
- Males 20-50 yo
- silver scales, pitted nails, sausage digits, auspitz sign
- Spine: pencil in cup, mouse ear, ray sign
- Lab: +HLA B27
- males 20-30
- urethritis, conjuctivitis (chlamydia) calcaneal spur, non-marg. syndesmo
- labs:+HLA B27
- females
- sunlight precipitates a rash
- malar/butterfly rash
- alopecia
- raynauds, ulnar dev
- labs: LE prep, FANA RA latex, ESR, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anti-dna
Sleroderma (progressive systemic sclerosis)
- females 30-50, CREST syndrome, erosions of the distal tufts
- Labs: +FANA, RA latex (30%)
osteitis condesans ilia (osteitis triangularis)
- multiparous females 20-40
- bilateral/symmetric triangular sclerotic area
- self resolving
- no labs
- treatment: trochanteric belt
- non-inflammatory
- MC on finger and weight bearing jt
- stiffness- improves w/ activity
- MC C5/C6
- Spine: ivd narrowing, osteophystes, endplate sclerosis
- Hand: heberden's, bouchard's
- males > 40
- DM association
- ossification of the PLL (OPLL)
- Spine: flowing hyperostosis, candle wax, 4+ segments
- MC jt affected is the knee
- multiple loose bodies w/in jt round/ovoid shape
HLAB-27 +
- Psoriatic
- Enteropathic
- AS
- Reiters
- Ulcerative colitis/chron's
- males > 40yo
- overproduction of uric acid
- recurrent episodes, pain, monarticular, hot/red/swollen jt
- MC site is the MTP of the big toe
- labs: uric acid, ESR, jt aspiration
- Rx: acute-colchicine, chronic-allopurinol
- thin linear calcification
- chondrocalcinosis when in cart
- MC at knee
hydroxyapatite deposition disease (HADD)
- MC in shoulder
- round/oval calcification near insertion of tendon/burs
Septic arthritis
- fever, chills, hx of trauma/surgery
- warm, tender, swollen jt
- lab: WBC count
- self resolving 8mos-2 yrs
- Trauma!
- no labs
- MRi is best, Bone scan
AVN: carpal scaphoid
Osgood Schlatter
tibial tuberosity/avulsion/apophositis AVN
AVN vert endplate
Legg calve perthes
AVN femoral epiphysis
AVN of tarsal navicular "cold" feet
carpal lunate avn ("kind hands")
blount's avn
medial tibial condyle
avn of head of 2nd mtp
osteochondritis dessicans
- avn of medial femoral condyle
- 16-25 yo athlete, knee locks on ext
scheuermann's dx
- mc b/n 10-16 yo males, mtpl shmorls nodes
- radiographic signs:
- 1) slight loss of ant body height
- 2) mtple end plate irrecularieties
- lab; none, special test; MRI
Legg calve perthes
- boys 4-9 yo
- avn of femoral head
- fragmentation crescent sign, snow capped
- refer to orthopedist--> A brace
- stop physical activity & adjust
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
- boys 10-16 yo, salter harris type 1 frx
- refer to orthopedist
- femoral head slides inferior and medial/femoral neck slides sup/lat
- lines: klein's, shentons, skinners
congenital hip dysplasia
- Putti's Triad: 1) hypoplastic femoral head, 2) shallow acetabular shelf, 3) femoral head outside acetabulum
- + orthos: ortolani's, barlows, allis
Protrusio acetabuli
- axial migration of the femoral head- uniform loss of space
- MC w/ RA
- bilateral: otto's pelvis
- radio sign: obliteration of kohlers teardrop
avulsion frx
bone torn away by mm or lig
comminuted frx
2 or more fragments
displacement or separation of a slightly movable jt
compound/open racture
skin ruptured/ open skin
greenstick/hickory stick
incomplete frx in kids
torus/buckling fracture
incomplete frx, one side of cortex affected
impaction frx
bone fragments driven into one another
occult fracture
- clinically evident but not visualized on xray
- may become evident in 10 days
stress/fatigue fracture
insufficiency or repetititve stress causing a fracture
fracture of the 1st metacarpal
boxers frx
2/3rd metacarpal
bar room frx
4/5th metacarpal
MC frx carpal bone
night stick frx
proximal ulna
frx of ulna, radial head displacement
frx of the distal 1/3 of radius w/ dislocation of the distal radioulnar jt
frx of distal radius w/ posterior displacement of distal fragment
smith's frx
distal radius w/ anterior displacement
bathroom frx
distal phalynx
march frx
stress frx of the 2/3/4th metatarsal
jones frx/ aka: dancers
transverse frx of the proximal 5th metatarsal
hangman's frx
bilateral pedical frx of C2 w/ hyper ext injury
clay shovelers
- avulsion frx of SP
- MC at C6-T1
- hyper flextion injury
jefferson/bursting frx
- anterior (rust sign) and post arches of atlas
- due to axial compression
odontoid fractures
- type 1) avulsion of the tip
- type 2) fracture through the base of dens. MC and Most severe
- type 3) fracture through the body of C2
- avulsion frx of the ant inf aspect of the vert body
- MC at C2
- acute ant cervical cord syndrome *instable*
Most severe cervical fracture
- teardrop- avulsion of the anterior aspect of the vert. body
- anterior cervical cord syndrome
Salter harris
- type 1) horizont frax through growth plate
- 2) growth plate and metaphysis *MC*
- 3) plate and epiphysis
- 4) plate, epiphysis and metaphysis
- 5) compression eformity of the growth plate *Most Severe*
most common salter harris
type 2- growht plate and metaphysis
most severe salter harris
type 4- compression deformity of the growth plate
osgood schlatter
- tibial apophysitis
- cho-pat brace
- 10-16 yo, soccer player
- hip flex/knee ext
riders bone
- avulsion of the ichial tuberosity
- MC in horseback riders, herdlers, cheerleaders
chance/seatbelt frx
- horizontal frx through single body and post arch
- MC at L1-L3: lapbelt MVA
- ipsilateral double vertical fracture of the superior pubic/ ischiopubic rami
- si jt dislocation/fracture
fracture of the iliac wing
buckle handle frx
sup. pubic ramus & ischiopubic jxn frx contralateral to impact
straddle frx
- bilateral dble vertical fractures
- superior pubic rami & ischiopubic jucntions
MC treatment for frx in neck
hard collar
MC dislocated carpal
- lunate
- associated w/ pie sign
Terry thomas sign
Scaphoid, 2nd mc dislocated carpal bone
signet ring sign
associated with scaphoid dislocation
- sup labrum ant to post
- glenoid labral tear
- instability
GH jt
- bankhart avulsion
- hill sacks/hatchet deformity
posterior ponticle
- arcuate foramen
- atlanto-occipial lig calcification
- *transmits the sub-occipital nerve and artery
downs syndrome
- 20% born without the transverse lig
- increased ADI/ instability
- stress films before treatment
os odontoideum
normally developed part of dens is not fused with C2 body
dens fracture: what brace?
philedelphia collar
congenital block
- adj vert fused from birth
- wasp waist
- hypoplastic disc
klippel-feil syndrome
- webbed neck, low hairline, decreased ROM
- congenital blocks
- sprengles deformity: unilateral non-descended scapula
- omovertebral bone: calc of rhomboid mm
pedical agenesis
contralateral pedical hypertrophy and sclerosis
butterfly vert
failure of the center of the body to ossify
spina bifida
- failure of lamina to fuse
- increased alpha-fetoproitein, folic acid deficiency
transitional vert
- sacralization- l5 tps fuse, form jts w/ sacrum
- lumbarization: 6 lumbars
facet tropism
- asymmetric articular plates
- MC L5/S1
Knife clasp
- spina bifida at S1 w/ L5 enlargement
- pain on extension
- folic acid deficiency (B9)
coxa valga
greater than 120*, mikulicz line
madelungs deformity
- shortened distal radius
- prominency of ulnar styloid
- post. sublux of distal ulna
negative ulnar variance
- ulna is shorter than radius
- seen with: scapholunate dislocation
pelligrini steida
calcification of the medial collateral lig
myositis ossificans
- calc of the mm belly
- MC at biceps and quads, hx of trauma
- MC distal to renal arteries
- sits in front of L2-4
- radiographic signs: aortic dilation, curvilinear calcification, fusiform appearance
- tests: doppler, ultrasound, ultrasonography
- test: MRA, angiogram
- 3.8-5cm refer to vascular specialist
- over 5 cm send to ER
- females, fat, forty, fertile, flatulant
- gallstones at L1-L2 pain referral to the inf. border of R scapula
- *murphys sign: inspiratory arrest
- test: barium swallow, ultra sound
uterine fibroid
- MC benign tumor in females
- fibroid cyst/leiomyoma (tumor of smooth mm)
Calcified prostate
- males < 50
- psa, acid phosphatase, mets, alk phos, painless
- prostatitis: painful and boggy
- carcinoma: painless, hard, nodular
- calcification within veins asymptomatic
- MC incidental finding on an xray
fat pads
- elbow: radial head fracture
- seen on lateral view
Sickle cell anemia
hair on end appearance
H shaped vertebra
sickle cell
- cooleys anemia, mediterranean anemia
- erlenmeyer flask deformity
- females 30-50
- over active parathyroid gland
- calcium increase, phosphorus decrease
- salt and pepper skull
- rugger jersey spine
salt and pepper skull and rugger jersey spine
- herediatary
- absence of marrow
- anemia
- bone within a bone (early)
- sandwich vertebrae (late)
- def. of vitamin D, Ca+ or phophorus
- seen at growth plates
- mm tetany/weakness
- paintbrush metaphysis
CT scan
- different planes
- uses contrast
- 10x better than plain film
- measured in HOUNSFIELD UNITS
MRI: Spinal cord or brain
- 100 x better soft tissue than CT
- no radiation dose, gadolinium
- T1: fatty pathology
- T2: water density
dexa scan
- measures bone density
- osteoporosis
bone scan (scintigraphy)
- injection of radioactive substance: technetium 99
- hot is positive: avn's, mets, pagets, hodgkins, fractures
- scan whole body at once
- most invasive, least specific
basilar angle aka: martins basilar angle
- nasion to center of sella turcica. basion (ant. foramen magnum) to sella turcica.
- angle >152* indicates platybasia
mcgregors line
- hard palate to base of occiput
- odontoid is >8mm above the line in males or >10mm above in females, indicates basilar impression
- *most accurate line for basilars*
chamberlains line
- hard palat to opishtion (post FM)
- odontoid >7mm above indicates basilar impression
macre's line
- anterior FM (basion) to posterior FM (opisthion)
- indicates basilar impression if occ is above it
atlantodental interspace
- c1 ant tubercle to odontoid
- > 3mm in adults, >5mm in kids indicates transv lig instability
georges line
post. body alignment: should be smooth
post cervical line
- line drawn at spinolam jxn
- discontinuous line indicate A to P malposition: anterolisthesis/retrolisthesis
stress lines in c-spine
- drawn at post bodies of C2/C7
- flexion should intersect at C5/6
- ex should intersect at C4/5
- altered by mm spasm, jt fixation, disc degen
prevertebral soft tissue space
- retropharyngeal >7mm
- retrolaryngeal >14mm
- retrotracheal >22mm
Cobbs method
- scoliosis measurement
- preferred method
risser ferguson method
values are 25% below cobb method
sacral inclination
- normal: 30-72*
- average: 46
lumbosacral angle: sacral base, fergesons angle
- normal 26-57*
- average: 41*
meyerding grading of spondylolisthesis
determines degree of anterolisthesis
ullmanns line: garland thomas line
- line drawn parallel and through sacral base. perp line drawn from sacral promatory
- l5 beyond perp. line- spondlo
eisensteins method for sagittal canal measurement
<15mm: spinal canal stenosis
canal/body ratio
- ratio: 1x2/3x4
- higher the ratio, smaller canal
- >1.6 at L3-5 canal stenosis indicated
lumbosacral disc angle
normal 10-15*
lumbar gravity line
- ferguson's line
- line should intersect the sacral base
- line ant to sacrum: possible hyperlordosis
- line post to sacrum: possible hypolordosis
macnabs line
- parallel and through the inferior end plate
- line intersects the sup. articular process of the vert below: extension malpositon
- facet imbrication suspected
hadleys S curve
should be smooth, interruption of the line indicates subluxation or facet invovlement
kohlers line
pelvic inlet to outer aspect of obturator
shentons line
- smooth line drawn along inf femoral neck to obturator
- interrupted line indicates dislocation, neck frx or SCFE
iliofemoral line
- smooth line from outer ilium across jt onto femoral neck
- bilateral asymmetry indicates SFCE, dislocation, frx or dysplasia
femoral angle (mikulicz angle)
- normal 120-130*
- coxa vara <120
- coxa valga >130
skinners line
- parallel and through femoral shaft, perp line tangential to tip of gr. trochanter
- fovea capitis should be above or at the level of the line, below the line indicates frx, sfce, coxa vara
kleins line
- line drawn along outer margin of femoral neck
- femoral head should intersect the line
- failure to intersect indicates SCFE
- *best line for SCFE*
patellar position
patellar lengthe and tendon length should be about equal
patellar alta-
- patella moved superior
- tendon >20% longer than the tendon
patella bana
patella moved inferior
heel pad measurement
- >25mm in males, >23mm in females increased thickness
- often indicates acromegaly
boehlers angle
- 3 highes pts on the sup aspect of the calcaneous connected
- normal is 28-40*
- < 28* indicates calcaneal fracture of dysplastic calcaneus