Chapter 7 - Urinary System

  1. cali/o, calic/o
    calyx (calix)

    • caliectasis - dilation of the calyx
    • caliceal - pertaining to the calyx
  2. cyst/o
    urinary bladder

    • cystitis - inflammation of the urinary bladder
    • cystectomy - surgical removal of the urinary bladder
    • cystostomy - surgical opening of the urinary bladder
  3. glomerul/o

    glomerular - pertaining to the glomerulus
  4. meat/o
    meatus; opening or canal

    • meatal stenosis - narrowing of the opening of the urethra
    • meatotomy - surgical incision of the meatus
  5. nephr/o

    • paranephric - near the kidney
    • nephropathy - disease condition of the kidney
    • nephroptosis - drooping or prolapse of the kidney
    • nephrolithotomy - incision into the kidney to remove a stone
    • nephrosclerosis - hardening of the kidney
    • hydronephrosis - obstruction of urine flow may be caused by renal calculi
    • nephrostomy - surgical opening of the kidney to the outside of the body
  6. pyel/o
    renal pelvis

    • pyelolithotomy - surgical incision of stone in the renal pelvis
    • pyelogram - record of the renal pelvis
  7. ren/o

    • renal ischemia - to hold back blood in the kidney
    • renal colic - pain results from calculi in the kidney or ureter
  8. trigon/o
    trigone (region of the bladder)

    trigonitis - inflammation of the trigone
  9. ureter/o

    • ureteroplasty - surgical repair of the ureter
    • ureterlithotomy - surgical incision of the stone in the ureter
    • ureteroileostomy - forming a pouch from the segment of the ileum, used in place of the bladder to carry urine from the ureters out of the body
  10. urethr/o
    • urethra
    • urethritis - inflammation of the urethra
    • urethroplasty - surgical repair of the urethra
    • urethral stricture - pertaining to the narrowing of an opening in the urethra
  11. vesic/o
    urinary bladder

    • perivesical - surrounding the urinary bladder
    • vesicoureteral reflux -
  12. albumin/o
    albumin (a protein in the blood)

    albuminuria - urine condition of the albuminq
  13. azot/o

    azotemia - a toxic condition that is characteristic of uremia
  14. bacteri/o

    bacteriuria - bacteria in the urine
  15. dips/o

    polydipsia - excessive thirst
  16. ket/o, keton/o
    ketone bodies (ketoacids and acetone)

    • ketosis - abnormal condition of the ketone bodies
    • ketonuria - ketone bodies in the urine
  17. lith/o

    nephrolithiasis -
  18. noct/o

    nocturia - excessive urination at night
  19. olig/o

    oliguria - scanty urine
  20. -poietin
    substance that forms

    erythropoietin - substance that forms in the red blood cells
  21. py/o

    pyuria - pus in the urine
  22. -tripsy
    • to crush
    • lithotripsy - to rush stone
  23. ur/o
    urine (urea)

    • uremia - condition of the urine
    • enuresis - being "in urine" or bed-wetting
    • diuresis - excessive urination
  24. urin/o

    • urinary incontinence - pertaining to holding the urine
    • urinary retention -
  25. -uria
    urination; urine condition

    • dysuria - painful urination
    • anuria - no urination
    • hematuria - blood in the urine
    • glycosuria - sugar in the urine
    • polyurination - many urination
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Chapter 7 - Urinary System
The Language of Medicine - Chapter 7 Urinary System