
  1. Bruit
    blowing, swooshing sound heard through the stethoscope over an area of abnormal blood flow.
  2. Lymphadenopathy
    enlargement of the lymph nodes due to infection, allergy, or neoplasm.
  3. Normocephalic
    round symmetric skull that is appropriately related to body size.
  4. Accommodation
    adaptation of the eye for near vision by increasing the curvature of the lens.
  5. Anisocoria
    unequal pupil size.
  6. Arcus Senilis
    gray-white arc or circle around the limbus of the iris that is common with aging.
  7. Diplopia
    double vision.
  8. Macula
    round, darker area of the ocular fundus that mediates vision only from the central visual field.
  9. Miosis
    constricted pupils.
  10. Mydriasis
    dilated pupils.
  11. Optic disc
    area of ocular fundus in which blood vessels exit and enter.
  12. Nystagmus
    involuntary, rapid, rhythmic movement of the eyeball.
  13. Exopthalmos
    protruding eyeballs.
  14. Presbyopia
    decrease in power of accommodation that occurs with aging.
  15. Ptosis
    Drooping of the upper eyelid due to paralysis or disease, or as a congenital condition.
  16. Cerumen
    yellow, waxy material that lubricates and protects the ear canal.
  17. Cochlea
    inner ear structure containing the central hearing apparatus.
  18. Eustachian tube
    connects the middle ear with the nasopharynx and allows passage of air.
  19. Helix
    superior posterior free rim of the pinna.
  20. Incus
    "anvil," middle of the 3 ossicles of the middle ear.
  21. Malleus
    "hammer," first of the 3 ossicles of the middle ear.
  22. Mastoid
    bony prominence of the skull located just behind the ear.
  23. Organ of corti
    sensory organ of hearing.
  24. Pinna
    auricle, or outer ear.
  25. Stapes
    "stirrup," inner of the 3 ossicles of the middle ear.
  26. Tinnitus
    ringing in the ears.
  27. Tympanic membrane
    "eardrum," thin, translucent, oval membrane that stretches across the ear canal and separates the middle ear from the outer ear.
  28. Vertigo
    a spinning, twirling sensation.
  29. Buccal
    pertaining to the cheek.
  30. Caries
    decay in the teeth
  31. Epistaxis
    nosebleed, usually from anterior septum.
  32. Papillae
    rough, bumpy elevations on dorsal surface of tongue.
  33. Parotid glands
    pair of salivary glands in the cheeks in front of the ears.
  34. Turbinate
    one of 3 bony projections into nasal cavity.
  35. Uvula
    free projection hanging down from the middle of the soft palate.
  36. Gingivitis
    red, swollen gum margins that bleed easily.
  37. Abduction
    moving a body part away from an axis or the median line.
  38. Adduction
    moving a body part toward the center or toward the median line.
  39. Circumduction
    moving the arm in a circle around the shoulder.
  40. Crepitation
    dry crackling sound or sensation due to grating of the ends of damaged bone.
  41. Dorsa
    directed toward or located on the surface.
  42. Eversion
    moving the sole of the foot outward at the ankle.
  43. Extension
    straightening a limb at a joint.
  44. Flexion
    bending a limb at a joint.
  45. Inversion
    moving the sole of the foot inward at the ankle.
  46. Kyphosis
    outward or convex curvature of the thoracic spine; hunchback.
  47. Ligament
    fibrous band running directly from one bone to another bone that strengthens the joint.
  48. Lordosis
    inward or concave curvature of the lumbar spine.
  49. Nucleus proposus
    center of the intervertebral disk.
  50. Olecranon proces
    bony projection of the ulna at the elbow.
  51. Patella
  52. Plantar
    surface of the sole of the foot.
  53. Pronation
    turning the forearm so that the palm is down.
  54. Protraction
    moving a body part forward and parallel to the ground.
  55. Range of motion (ROM)
    extent of movement of a joint.
  56. Scoliosis
    S-shaped curvature of the thoracic spine.
  57. Supination
    turning the forearm so that the palm is up.
  58. Tendon
    strong fibrous cord that attaches a skeletal muscle to a bone.
  59. Ataxia
    inability to perfrom coordinated movements.
  60. Dysphasia (not dysphagia)
    impairment in speech consisting of lack of coordination and inability to arrange words in their proper order.
  61. Flaccidity
    loss of muscle tone, limp.
  62. Paresthesia
    abnormal sensation (burning, numbness, tingling, prickling, crawling skin sensation).
  63. Proprioception
    sensory information concerning body movements and position of the body in space.
  64. Spasticity
    continuous resitance to stretching by a muscle due to abnormally increased tension, with increased deep tendon reflexes.
  65. Tremor
    An involuntary quivering movement.
Card Set
NUR 114 Chapters: 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23