
  1. an intensive description and analysis of an individual.
    Case Study
  2. a procedure that focuses on behavior change in one individual (N=1) by systematically contrasting conditions within that individual while continuously monitoring behavior.
    Single-Case (N=1) Experiment
  3. the first stage of a single-case experiment, in which a record is made of an individual’s behavior prior to any intervention.
    Baseline Stage
  4. a single-case experimental design in which an initial baseline stage (A) is followed by a treatment stage (B), a return to baseline (A), and then another treatment stage (B); the researcher observes whether behavior changes on introduction of the treatment, reverses when the treatment is withdrawn, and improves again when the treatment is reintroduced.
    ABAB Design (Reversal Design)
  5. a single-case experimental design in which the effect of a treatment is demonstrated by showing that behaviors in more than one baseline change as a consequence of the introduction of a treatment; multiple baselines are established for different individuals, for different behaviors in the same individual, or for the same individual in different situations.
    Multiple-Baseline Design
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Psychology Finals [Winter 2010]