1. Aphorism
    A concise statement designed to make a point or illustrate a commonly held belief
  2. conceit
    a comparison of two unlikely things that is drawn out within a piece of literature, in particular an extended metaphor within a poem.
  3. Didactic
    instructive, moral-like, aesops fables
  4. Antithesis
    The juxtaposition of sharply contrasting ideas in balanced or parallel words, phrases, grammatical structure, or ideas
  5. "Begging the question"
    an argumentative ploy where the arguer sidesteps the question or the conflict, evades or ignores the real question.
  6. Exposition
    The interpretation or analysis of a text
  7. Cannon
    that which has been accepted as authentic
  8. Epistrophe
    in rhetoric, the repetition of a phrase at the end of successive sentences.
  9. Asyndeton
    sytactical structure in which conjunctions are omitted in a series, usually producing more rapid prose
  10. Critique
    an assessment or analysis of something
  11. Chiasmus
    a figure of speech/syntactical structure wherein the order of terms in the first half of a parallel clause is reversed in the second.
  12. Genre
    A type or class of literature
  13. Induction
    movement from the specific to the general
  14. Deduction
    general to the specific
  15. Periodic Sentence
    a long sentence in which the main clause isnt completed until the end.
  16. Irony
    the contrast between what is stated explicitly and what is really meant.
  17. Juxtaposition
    The location of one thing adjacent to or juxtaposed with another to create an effet, reveal an attitude, or accomplish some other purpose.
  18. Litote
    a figure of speech that emphasizes its subject by conscious understatement
  19. Isocolon
    parallel structure in which the parallel elements are similar not only in grammatical structure but also in length.
  20. Realism
    attempting to describe nature and life without idealization and with attention to detail.
  21. Rhetoric
    the art of using words to persuade in writing or speaking
  22. Style
    the manner in which a writer combines or arranges words, shapes idea, and utilizes syntax and structure.
  23. Syndedoche
    a figure of speech in which a part signifies the whole
  24. Theme
    the central or dominant idea of a work
  25. Zeugma
    a grammatically correct construction in which a word, usually a verb or adjective, is applied to two or more nouns without being repeated.
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time to cram.