Given for?
allergies, hayfever and urticaria
dries mucosal membranes and reduces edema
Antihistamine groups
- First generation: greater anticholinergic effects but more sedation and drowsiness
- Second generation: fewer anticholinergic effects with less sedation
Examples of sedating and nonsedating antihistamines
- sedating: chlortrimeton (chlorpheniramine), tavist (clemastine fumarate), phenergan (promethazine)
- nonsedating: allegra (fexofenadine), claritin (loratadine), zyrtec (cetirizine), optimine (azatadine maleate)
Side effects nonsedating and sedating
- nonsedating: dry mouth, headache, drowsiness, fatigue, dyspepsia, throat irritation, constipation
- nonsedating: avoid alcohol and other CNS depressants
- sedating: drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness, GI distress, thickening of bronchial secretions, blurred vision, hypotension, urinary retention
- sedating: take with food or milk to decrease GI effects. avoid CNS depressants.
- DO NOT USE SEDATING with glaucoma, BPH, bladder neck obstruction, GI obstruction
Contraindications and Precautions
- Pregnancy and lactation
- used cautiously with impaired liver and kidney functions
- fatal arrhythmias with prolonged QT intervals
- administer on an empty stomach 1 hr before or 2 hrs after meals
- give with food if GI upset occurs
- lozenges or hard candy for dry mouth
- safety measures if drowiness occurs
- advise not to drive or operate dangerous machineries
Nursing Implementation
- increase humidity
- patient to void before taking
- advise against OTC use, alcohol use and sedatives: may cause extreme sedation