the study of the structure and shape of the body and its parts and their relationships to one another
the study of how the body and its parts work or function
consists of similar groups of cells that have a common function
a structure composed to two or more tissue types that performs a specific funtion for the body
organ system
a group of organs that work together to accomplish a commom purpose
the sum total of all structural levels working together
itegumentary system
the external covering of the body, or the skin
skeletal system
- - consists of bones, cartilages, ligaments and joints
- - supports the body and provides a framework that the skeletal muscles use to cause movement
the formation of blood cells - takes place within the caveties of the skeleton
muscular system
composed to the skeletal muscles or the large, fleshy muscles that attach to bones
nervous system
- consists of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and sensory receptors
- allows the body to respond to irritants or stimuli coming from outside the body (like light, sound, temperature)
nerve impulses
electrical signals that send messages from the sensory receptors to the central nervous system
endocrine system
- uses glands to produce hormones and release them into the blood to travel to target organs
- includes the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenals, thymus, pancreas, pineal, ovaries, and testes
cardiovascular system
- heart and blood vessels
- carries oxygen, nutrients, hormoes and other substances to and from the tissue cells where exchanges are made
lymphatic system
- lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, & lymphoid organs like spleen and tonsils
- return fluid leaked from the blood back to the blood vessels
- help cleanse the blood and house immunity cells
respiratory system
- keeps the body constantly supplied with oxygen and removes CO2nasal passages, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs
digestive system
breaks down food and delivers the products to the blood for dispersal to the body cells