1. Core Spray ECCS initiation signals?
    • 1.84#
    • OR
    • -47" and <= 420#
    • -47" and >= 20 min
  2. LPCI (RHR) ECCS initiation signals?
    • 1.84#
    • OR
    • -47" and <= 420#
    • -47" and >= 20 min
  3. ADS (SRVs) ECCS initiation signals?
    -47" and 100# and 107 seconds
  4. HPCI ECCS initiation signals?
    • -47"
    • OR
    • 1.84#
  5. What are the Lo-Lo Set initiation and reset pressures?
    • H = 1052#
    • G = 1062#
    • E = 1072#

    They have a blowdown of 80psig
  6. After Core Spray has an initiation signal and auto starts, how is flow throttled, if necessary?
    After an auto start, flow is throttled with the INBOARD isolation, MO-1754 and MO-1753.
  7. What are the power supplies to the Core Spray inboard isolations, MO-1753 and MO-1754?
    • MO-1753 = MCC-133A
    • MO-1754 = MCC-143A
  8. What is the ECCS design criteria for PCT?
    PCT < 2200 F
  9. What is the ECCS design criteria for Max Clad Oxidation?
    < 17% total thickness
  10. What is the ECCS design criteria for H2 generation?
    <1% max theoretical
  11. What are all the ECCS design criteria?
    • PCT < 2200F
    • Max Clad Oxidation <17% total thickness
    • H2 generation < 1% max theoretical
    • Maintain coolable geometry
    • Maintain long term cooling
  12. What is the power supply to 11 and 12 Core Spray pumps?
    • 11 CS = Bus 15
    • 12 CS = Bus 16
  13. Describe the interlock between the inboard and outboard Core Spray isolation valves.
    • The inboard and outboard isolation valves are interlocked such that either valve may not be opened unless the other valve is fully closed.
    • This is bypassed for the inboard when <420psig
  14. What is the minimum required Core Spray pressure to remain Operable?
  15. What Core Spray components operate on an ECCS initiation signal if RPV pressure is 650#?
    • Core Spray pump will start after 15 sec
    • Test Return Line will isolate (MO-1749 or MO-1750)

    The injection isolations (MO-1751, 1752, 1753, 1754) will not receive an open signal until <420psig
Card Set
Cert Class. ECCS signals and logic