Energy must be conserved, the bond produced by joining Pi to ADP must contain a part of this energy
This energy released when ATP converted to ADP and Pi (ATP--> ADP+Pi
The goal of cell respiration and metabolism is to:
Produce ATP for energy, not to store it but transfer it for other functions
Metabolism 2 categories:
Release energy
Breakdown larger organic molecules into smaller molecules
Serve as primary sources of energy for synthesis of ATP
Require input of energy
Synthesis of large energy-storage molecules
What do Catabolic reactions do?
Break down glucose, fatty acids and amino acids serve as the primary sources of energy for the synthesis of ATP
What are some examples of metabolic pathways for glucose/glycogen?
Glucose--> glycogen
Glycogen is then stored in the body
Create new glucose molecules from non carbohydrate molecules such as lactic acid---->glucose **by the way of pyruvic acid**
The body has to have glucose to produce ATP
Cori Cycle- part of Gluconeogenesis
A shared effect between the liver and skeletal muscle
Convert lactic acid (that is produced in skeletal muscles)--->blood glucose
Produced by process of gluconeogenesis in the liver
3 metabolic pathways for ATP production: one has to happen in order for the other one to happen
Krebs cycle
Oxidative phosphorylation
The metabolic pathway in which glucose is broken down for energy; oxygen is present (aerobic respiration)
1 glucose---> 2 pyruvic acid+2NADH+4ATP
"change maker example" cell only accepts quarters
Anaerobic respiration
When no oxygen is present glucose is changed into lactic acid through the process of glycolysis
Aerobic respiration-breakdown glucose
In the presence of Oxygen; glucose is changed into pyruvic acid through the process of glycolysis and there is no lactic acid production; the pyruvic acid is then converted into acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA)
** NOTE : during glycolysis 1 glucose form 2 pyruvic acid so there are actually 2 molecules of acetyl CoA created during aerobic respiration
Krebs cycle-also known as the citric acid cycle
The metabolic pathway (oxygen present) in which acetyl Co A is used to form GTP (can be tranformed into ATP), NADH + FADH2 (these will eventually donate there electrons to result in a large number of ATP in the oxidative phosphorylation pathway
Oxidative phosphorylation
The metabolic pathway (oxygen present) in which the electron transport chain acts as an oxidizing agent for NAD & FAD (NADH & FADH2 from Krebs cycle) to produce ATP
ATP Balance
Theoretical ATP yield is(per 1 glucose molecule) 36-38 ATP per glucose molecule
Actual ATP yield is 30-32 ATO
Metabolism of lipids
Triglycerides can be hydrolyzed into glycerol + fatty acids
Fatty acids can be converted to acetyl CoA that can enter the Krebs cycle
The formation of fat
Metabolism of proteins (amino acids)-give alot more energy
Process of transamination and deamination
These processes remove the nitrogen from the amino group
The rest of the amino group can then be metabolized with there intermediates entering either the glycolytic or Krebs cycles
transfer of the amino group from amino acid to a keto acid
Goes through Krebs cycle
when the amine group from amino acid is removed leaving a keto acid + ammonia
goes through Krebs cycle
Additional Facts/information:
If too much food is ingested and the body does not need the glucose then ATP production is inhibited and glucose is converted to glycogen and fat for storage (glucose---> glycogen + fat)
Fat is the major form of energy storage in the body
The brain uses blood glucose as its major energy source- can change in mental status if glucose is too low or high (ex: diabetic_