What is an ion?
an atom that gains or loses an electrom and becomes electrically unbalanced
What is ionization?
the production of ions, or the process of converting an atom into ions
What is an ion pair?
the atom as a positive ion and the ejected electrom as a negative ion. This ion pair reacts with other ions until electrically stable, neutral atoms are formed
What is Radiation?
the emission and propagation of energy through space or a substance in the form of waves or particles
What is Radioactivity?
the process by which certain unstable atoms or elements undergo spontaneous disintegration, or decay, in a effort to attain a more balanced nuclear state
What are the 2 forms of Ionizing Radiation?
- 1. Particulate Radiation
- 2. Electromagnetic Radiation
What is Particulate Radiation?
tiny particles of matter that possess mass and travel in straight lines and at high speeds
What is electromagnetic Radiation?
the spread of wavelike energy through space or matter
What 2 concepts are considered in electromagnetic radiation?
- 1. Particle Concept
- 2. Wave Concept
Explain the Particle Concept
bundles of energy (photons) with no mass travel as waves at the speed of light and move in a straight line
Explain the Wave Concept
characterizes electromagnetic radiation as waves (velocity, wavelength, frequency)
What is X-Radiation?
high energy, ionizing electromagnetic radiation
List the properties of x-rays
invisible, no mass, no charge, travel at speed of light, travel in straight line, penetrate fluids, solids and gases, absorbed by matter, interact with materials, cause ionization, produce image, cause biological changes
What is primary radiation?
useful beam, primary beam
What is secondary radiation?
created when primary beam interacts with matter. Less penetrating than primary beam
What is Scatter Radiation?
x-ray that is deflected from it's path by interaction with matter. Most detrimental to patient and radiographer
What are the 3 interactions of X-Radiation?
- 1. Pass through patient
- 2. Absorbed by patient
- 3. Scattered
What does measuring the HVL determine?
the penetrating quality of the beam