the steady pulse in a piece of music
the pattern of short and long durations of sounds and silences that occur over the beat
1 beat in 4/4 time; I say ta when I clap it
Quarter Note
1/2 beat in 4/4 time; I say ti when I clap it
Eighth Note
2 beats in 4/4 time; I say too when I clap it
Half Note
1 beat of silence in 4/4 time
Quarter Rest
1/2 beat of silence in 4/4 time
Eighth Rest
2 beats of silence in 4/4 time
Half Rest
Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do
Tonal Center is Do
Diatonic Major Scale
La, Ti, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La
Tonal Center is La
Diatonic Minor Scale
Do, Re, Mi, Sol, La
Tonal Center is Do
Pentatonic Scale
To make up your performance as you go along
Feet one foot apart
pull your body up on the string
Sternum bone high
Hands on seams of your pants
Eyes sparkling and a smile