
  1. list problems of international security
    • nuclear weapons
    • genocide
    • drug trafficking
  2. give an example of international relations
    • South Korea v. North Korea
    • Tawian v. China
  3. give an example of global relations
    • Taliban
    • Al-Qiada
  4. what is globalization in relations to economic relations
    diffusion of production and financial activities
  5. benefits and costs of globalization
    • bigger range of products
    • cheaper higher quality products
    • higher well-being because of income
  6. what is the employment multiplier
    estimates the effect of employment with the addition of one new job in a new economic sector

    so- for every job created, more are created in effect
  7. what is a "global village"
    widely separated individuals are interconnected by uncontrollable force(only exists in theory, not reality)
  8. what is intermestic
    blurring of the line between foreign and domestic issues
  9. give an example of intermestic relationships
    • immigration
    • financial crisis of 2008 small village govt. in Norway losing money because of US housing
  10. describe interdependence
    when two countries are mutually dependant on each other
  11. describe sensitivity and give an example
    • when two countries are sensitive to dependence in short term
    • ex. Netherlands and US in 1973 deal with OPAC for oil purchases at the same time
  12. describe vulnerability and provide an example
    refers to the long term affects of dependence

    the US slowly struck oil in the US and relied less on other countries
  13. why is a pattern so important to PLS?
    it separates HIS from PLS
  14. what are the four goals and theories of PLS
    description, explanation, prediction, prescription
  15. describe description
    • portray, capture, and picture the phenomenon that you are studying
    • characteristics presented and do NOT describe in extreme detail what occurred features that lead you to identify the phenomenon
  16. describe explanation
    • SUPER important
    • uncover process of multiple phenomenon’s instead of just single phenomenon
  17. describe prediction
    • prediction becomes testing of the explanation
    • do NOT trying to forecast the future, just applying explanation to the event
  18. describe prescription
    • deals with ‘ought’ not ‘is’
    • ex. this 'ought' to happen, but doesn't mean it 'is' going too...
  19. describe policy relevance
    relies on whether or not what we find interesting, or direction questions to the policy
  20. Prescription is a _____ theory.
  21. Prediction, Explanation, and Description are all ____ theories.
  22. realism is all about ____.
  23. describe neorealism
    • structural realism argued systemic approach: international structure as a constraint on state behavior
    • “new realism”
  24. describe traditional realism
    lore- accumulated fact and belief, less formal understanding, focus on philosophy
  25. “great powers do what they will, and small powers suffer what they must”
  26. the definition of theory states that realism...
    “the conduct of relations by threat of force without consideration of right or justice”
  27. theory states that perspective is...
    “an idealized explanation that emphasizes a particular set of facts”
  28. theory states that positivism is...
    “any statement that cannot be empirically verified is inadmissible to science”
  29. theory states that critical/alternative approaches to international realations are _____.
  30. theory states that behavorialists is the...
    scientific method of international relations, ignore social aspect
  31. List the three levels of analysis
    • 1. individual
    • 2. states
    • 3. system
  32. Describe individual levels of analysis
    realism says the desire to power is rooted in human nature
  33. How is the desire to power in human nature two fold?
    • 1. Unlimited wants, and limited needs, desire needs, to obtain wants, we must gain power and protect power
    • 2. Inherent drive in people is the desire to dominate other people
  34. describe state on the level of analysis
    • all states are selfish
    • states all states' interests
  35. describe system on the level of analysis
    all states go for what they can and that are consistent
  36. never let ____ affect the decisions in international relationships.
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international politics exam 1