Strong flock instinct
Scent glands on feet
No beard or waddles
Rams don’t have a musk smell
Stomp when angry
May be more independent
Scent glands on head
Bucks can have a distinctive odor
Some have beards and waddles
Tip up:
Roll onto a hip and lean on restrainer. They
become docile in this position, but can become hyperthermic. Can use a restraint “chair”
Breeding season
Type of cycle
Length of estrus
Length of "heat"
Signs of heat
Gestation length
Method of breeding
-6-16 months (depending on how late in the spring they were born)
- seasonally polyestrous
-17-21 days
-1-3 days
- only a ram or buck know
- 150 days
- mostly natural
- 4-5 months
the process of feeding extra feed to the thin ewe to stimulate her to ovulate more eggs
clipping the wool around the vulva before breeding
-Called lambing or kidding
-“Crutching” is clipping wool around vulva and udder before lambing
-Sheep are out in a pasture or in a pen to lamb
-Smaller pen helps with bonding
Newborn care
-Check to see if breathing
-Dip umbilicus
-Should have colostrum within 15 hours
-Use fresh placenta from foster ewe to cover orphan
-Fools ewe into accepting lamb as her own
Slime Grafting
-Only used when foster ewe has just lost her lamb
-Cover orphan with skin of ewe’s dead lamb
Skin Grafting
-Place orphan lamb and ewe’s lamb into vat of salt water
-Both lambs now smell the same and both will be accepted. (in theory)