
  1. System of social interaction that includes both culture and social organization.
  2. Refers to meaningful behavior between two or more people.
    Social Interaction
  3. Refers to the technique sociologist use to investigate the small, less complex, and less differentiated.
  4. Refers to the technique sociologists use to comprehend society as a whole.
  5. Describes the order established in social groups.
    Social Organization
  6. Established and organized systems of social behavior with recognized purposes.
    Social Institutions
  7. When people play similar roles within society.
    Mechanical Solidarity
  8. Occurs when people play a great variety of roles in society.
    Organic Solidarity
  9. Ones that directly use, modify or till the land as a major means of survival.
    Preindustrial Societies
  10. They use machines and other advanced technologies to produce and distribute goods and services.
    Industrial Societies
  11. They depend on the production of goods and distributions of services, information and knowledge.
    Postindustrial Societies
  12. - Individuals who interact with each other
    - Share goals and norms
    - Have a subjective awareness of themselves as a distinct social unit
  13. Established position or rank in a social structure that carries with it: prestige or social value. (Job)
  14. Complete set of statuses occupied by one person at a given time.
    Status Set
  15. When two of your statuses have a block within them.
    Status Inconsistency
  16. Status attained by independent effort.
    Achieved Status
  17. Status that is automatically assigned to a person at birth.
    Ascribed Status
  18. Dominant status for an individual that overrides all other features of a person's identity.
    Master Status
  19. Expected behavior or collections of expectations associated with a particular status.
  20. Includes all of the roles occupied by a person at a given time.
    Role Set
  21. Process in which one imitates the behavior of an admired person.
    Role Modeling
  22. Occurs when two or more roles have contradictory expectations.
    Role Conflict
  23. A condition in which a single role brings conflicting expectations.
    Role Strain
  24. Argues that our perception of what is real is determined by the subjective meaning that we attribute to an experience.
    Social Construction of Reality
  25. Argues that social interactions are determined by the rewards or punishments that we receive from other people.
    Social Exchange Theory
  26. A mathematical and economic theory that predicts human interaction.
    - Has the characteristics of a "game".
    Social Game Theory
  27. Includes both verbal and non-verbal communication.
    Social Interaction
  28. Verbal Communication
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Test 2