Eloquent (adj.)
She is an eloquent spokeswomen for animal rights; she conveys her ideas with great ease and in fluidity.
- Well spoken (e- out + loqu talk)
- Synonyms: articulate, fluent
- Antonym: inarticulate
Loquacious (adj.)
That guy never stops talking: I understand why they call him "Loquacious Larry"!
- Very talkative (loqu- talk + -ious full of)
- Synonyms: garrulous, voluble
- Antonyms: laconic, taciturn, reticent
Circumlocution (n.)
The politician had perfected the art of circumlocution; he knew exactly how to avoid answering direct questions.
- Evasive speech; talking around the subject (circum- around + loqu talk)
- Synonym: evasion
Colloquial (adj.)
I like Professor Thompson because she is so colloquial; yesterday she said my thesis idea was "really cool."
Conversational; using everyday language (co- together + loqu talk)
Grandiloquent (adj.)
His speech was pompous and grandiloquent; it seemed he was just trying to use as many big words as possible.
- Speaking in a pompous manner (grand- greast + loqu talk + -ent adjective)
- Synonyms: pontifical, portentous
Elocution (n.)
James id adept at elocution; his expressions and mannerisms add a new level of meaning to his words.
Expressive delivery of public speech (e- out + loqu talk + -tion noun)
Garrulous (adj.)
Kari is always ready to talk about any subject, no matter how trivial, but at parties he is even more garrulous.
- Talkative
- Synonyms: loquacious, voluble
Pontificate (v.)
- To speak pompously ( pontifex high priest)
- Synonyms: declaim, sermonize, dogmatize
Verbose (adj.)
- Wordy (verb- word + -ose full of)
- Synonyms: prolix, discursive, digressive
Verbatim ( adv.)
I followed the recipe verbatim.
Word for word (verb- word)
Ineffable (adj.)
Try as he might to express his love in a poem, his feelings seemed ineffable.
Unable to be expressed in words (in- not + effari utter)
Tangential (adj.)
- Only superficially relevant; off-topic
- Synonyms: irrelevant, incidental, immaterial
Tout (v.)
- To promote or praise energetically
- Synonyms: acclaim, herald, laud
Anecdote (n.)
Don't confuse with antidote (n), a remedy.
A short and often humorous story
Discirsive (adj.)
- Straying from the topic (dis- away + curs course)
- Synonyms: digressive, desultory