cholesterol and anticoags

  1. In reducing cholesterol levels, it is more important to reduce the intake of ______ than to reduce the intake of cholesterol itself.
    Saturated Fats
  2. There are __________ major classes of plasma lipoproteins.
  3. Of all the lipoproteins, __________ make the greatest contribution to coronary atherosclerosis.
    low-density lipoproteins (LDLs)
  4. Macrophages that engulf more and more cholesterol and become large and vacuolated are called ______________
  5. How long must treatment for high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol continue?
    For Life
  6. Metabolic syndrome arises from
    insulin resistance
  7. The most dangerous side effect of statins is
  8. The principal response to bile sequestrants is a
    reduction in LDL levels
  9. All of the drugs discussed in this chapter carry the significant risk factor of
  10. Formation of an arterial thrombus begins with _________________,
    adhesion of platelets to the arterial wall (adhesion is stimulated by damage to the wall or rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque)
  11. whereas venous thrombi develop at sites where_________________.
    blood flow is slow. Stagnation of blood initiates the coagulation cascade, resulting in the production of fibrin, which enmeshes red blood cells and platelets to form the thrombus.
  12. Anticoagulant drugs disrupt the_________________
    coagulation cascade
  13. antiplatelet drugs inhibit__________________,
    platelet aggregation
  14. thrombolytic drugs promote____________.
    lysis of fibrin, thereby causing dissolution of thrombi
  15. By promoting the inactivation of ______and factor________, heparin ultimately suppresses
    formation of fibrin
    thrombin, Xa
  16. Which is the preferred anticoagulant for use during pregnancy?
  17. The antidote for severe heparin overdose is
    protamine sulfate
  18. Advantages of low-molecular-weight heparins include
    _____________, _________________, ____________________, and
    Low-molecular-weight (LMW) heparins can be given on a fixed-dose schedule and do not require aPTT monitoring;

    they can be used at home;

    they are much less likely cause thrombocytopenia;

    they are now considered first-line therapy for the prevention and treatment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  19. The prototype for the oral anticoagulant group is
  20. Heparin and warfarin decrease fibrin formation. Heparin inactivates ____________________ and _________________, whereas warfarin
    thrombin, factor Xa,

    inhibits synthesis of clotting factors
  21. ________________ is approved for prevention of thrombotic stroke.
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cholesterol and anticoags