Chemical substance stored in tiny sacs within terminal buttons and involved in carrying information across the synaptic gap to the next neuron
Each axon breaks out into fibers that end in structures called
terminal buttons
Sacs within terminal buttons that contain neurotransmitters
Synaptic vesicles
Some neurotransmitter is reabsorbed into the axon that released it, to await the next neural impulse
Neuron sending the message
Presynaptic neuron
Neuron receiving the message
Postsynaptic neuron
Stimulates firing of neurons involved in muscle action, learning & memory. Deficiency = Alzheimers
ACH or acetycholine
Keeps too many neurons from firing, so controls precision. Low levels = anxiety
GABA (or gamma amino butyric acid)
Inhibits firings of CNS neurons. Excites heart muscle, intestines, and urogenital tract. Controls alertness. Too much = manic, too little = depression. Works with ACH to regulate sleep.
Controls voluntary movement. Affects sleep, mood, attention, learning, ability to recognize rewards in environment. Low levels = Parkinsons, deterioration of physical movement.
Regulation of sleep, mood, attention, learning.
Neural opiates that stimulate firing of neurons. Shield the body from pain and elevate pleasure
Hormone/neurotransmitter that regulates love and social bonding. Released right after birth in mother.
Contains a nucleus which directs manufacture of growth & maintenance substances
Cell body
Parts of a neuron
Cell body, dendrites, axon
Provides support, nutritional benefits and other functions to neurons
Glial cells
Tiny spaces between neurons
Once the electrical impulse reaches its threshold, it fires and moves all the way down the axon without losing any of its intensity
All-or-nothing principle
Brain wave of positive electrical charge that sweeps the axon
Action potential
The stable, negative charge of an inactive ion
Resting potential
Electrically charged particles
Layer of fat cells that encase and insulate most axons
Myelin sheath
The part of a neuron that carries information from the cell body toward other cells
Treelike fibers projecting from a neuron, which receive information and orient it towards the cell body
When the charge outside and inside the membrane is closer, the neuron is
when the ion channels are closed, there's a slight negative charge inside the cell, and a positive charge outside, the neuron is
Negatively and positively charged ions will
rush together
When an incoming impulse raises a neuron's voltage, it becomes
When a neuron is activated, its _________ open
Sodium gates
Powerful stress hormones
Two ions containing positive charges
Sodium & potassium
Tiny “gates” in the myelin sheath that allow ions to pass into & out of cells
Ion channels