Outermost portion of the cortex, 80% of the human brain cortex
Outermost layer of the brain, responsible for complex mental functions
Cerebral cortex
Part of the forebrain that monitors 3 pleasurable activities (eating, drinking, sex); regulator of internal state, emotions & stress.
2 principal structures of the limbic system
Amygdala and hippocampus
Brain's largest division & most forward part
3 main parts of the hindbrain
Medulla, cerebellum, pons
3 major brain regions
Forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain
Part of the brain with an important role in speech. Left hemisphere.
Broca's area
Part of the brain involved in comprehending language. Left hemisphere.
Wernicke's area.
Bundle of axons that connect the brain's 2 hemispheres.
Corpus callosum
Region of the cerebral cortex responsible for higher intellectual functions such as thinking & problem solving
Association cortex.
Lobe behind the forehead, responsible for intelligence and control of voluntary muscles
Frontal lobe
Lobe at the back of the head that responds to visual stimuli
Occiptal lobes
4 regions or lobes of each hemispheres
Occipital, temporal, frontal, parietal
Lobe in the top rear of the head. Spacial location, attention, motor control.
Parietal lobes.
Part of the hindbrain located where the spinal cord enters the skull. Controls breathing, heart rate, reflexes.
Extends from rear of the hindbrain, responsible for motor coordination
Connects cerebellum and brain stem, controls sleep and arousal
Connects with spinal cord, includes much of the hindbrain
Brain stem
Diffuse collection of neurons involved in stereotyped patterns of behavior (walking, sleeping, etc)
Reticular formation
Part of the brain & limbic system that involves discrimination of objects that are necessary for survival.
Part of the limbic system with special role in the storage of memories (determines which ones get “printed” into neural traces in the cortex).
Part of the forebrain that sorts information and sends it to the right places – relay station.
Part of the forebrain that works with the cerebellum and cortex to control & coordinate voluntary movements. Habitual behaviors like riding a bicycle.
Basal ganglia
Lobes just above the ears. Controls hearing, language, processing, memory
Temporal lobes
Region of the cerebral cortex that processes information about voluntary movement
Motor cortex
Region of the cerebral cortex that processes information about body sensations
Somatosensory cortex