CH6 Muscle Pelvis&Thigh

  1. 1. The muscles of the pelvis and thigh primarily create movement at the _____ (hip) and the ________ (knee) joints. Two groups in ______ region while three groups make up ______.
    2. Three _______ muscles give shape to the buttock and lateral hip. Six small ______ ______ are deep to the gluteals.
    3. Four _______ are located on thigh's anterior and lateral surfaces.
    4. Three long ________ lie along the posterior thigh. Five _______ are tucked between quadriceps and hamstrings along mediall thigh.
    5. Additional muscles include the _______, ______ and tensor fasciae latae.

    • 1. Coxal / tibiofemural / buttock / thigh
    • 2. Gluteal / Lateral Rotators
    • 3. Quadriceps
    • 4. Hhamstrings / Adductors
    • 5. Iliopsoas / Sartorius
  2. 1. The four large quadriceps muscles primarily ______ the knee. This is called the ______ _____ Group
    2. The cylindrical, Superficial ____ _____ is located on the anterior thigh and is the only quadricep that crosses two joints; _____ and ____.
    3. ____ _____ is deep to the Rectus Femoris, edges can be accessed if Rectus Femoris is _____ to the side.
    4. The palpable aspect of ______ _____ forms a "tear-drop" shape at the distal portion of the medial thigh.
    5. The ______ ______ is the sole muscle of the lateral thigh. The posterior edge lies next to the _____ ______, one of the hamstrings.
    6. All four quadriceps muscles converge into a single ____ above the knee. It connects to the top and sides of the ______ before attaching to the _____ _____.
    • 1. Extend / Quadriceps Femoris
    • 2. Rectus Femoris / Hip / Knee
    • 3. Vastus Intermedius / shifted
    • 4. Vastus Medialis
    • 5. Vastus Lateralis / Biceps Femoris
    • 6. Tendon / Patella / Tibial Tuberosity
  3. What are the Four Muscles of the Quadriceps Femoris Group?
    • 1. Rectus Femoris
    • 2. Vastus Medialis
    • 3. Vastus Lateralis
    • 4. Vastus Intermedius
  4. 1. Rectus Femoris: Origin on the ____ ____ _____ ____ . of the Iliac.
    2. Vastus Lateralis: Origin on the Lateral lip of the _____ _____ . Also on ______ _____.
    3. Vastus Medialis: Origin on Medial Lip of the _____ _____.
    4. Vastus Intermedius: Origin on the ______ and lateral shaft of the ______.
    5. The Action is the same for all the muscles as they all ______ the knee. The _____ _____ flexes the hip or _____ joint
    6. The Insertion is also the same for all the muscles at the _____ ______.
    • 1. Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine (AIIS)
    • 2. Linea Aspera / Gluteal Tuberosity
    • 3. Linea Aspera
    • 4. Anterior / Femur
    • 5. Extend / Rectus Femoris
    • 6. Tibial Tuberosity
  5. 1. The distal tendon of the _______ and the _____ ligament are one and the same ______. Becuase tendon attaches one bone to another (____ to the ____ ) it is actually considered a ______..
    2. The angle of the _____, combined with the pull of the quadriceps, causes the ______ to track laterally.
    3. This is prevented by the _____ _____ of the femur is elevated, forming a lateral wall, and the distal fibers of ____ _____ are set at an _____, pulling the patella ______.
    • 1. Quadriceps / Patellar / Structure / Patella and Tibia / Ligament
    • 2. Femur / Patella
    • 3. Lateral Condyle / Vastus Medialis / Angle / Medially
  6. 1. _____ ____ is the only quadriceps muscles that crosses two joints, _____ and _____.
    2. Deep to Iliotibial tract, the ____ ____ is sole muscle of the lateral thigh.
    3. To follow the path of rectus femoris, its helpful to draw an imaginary line from _____ to the ______
    4. While your partner extends knee, palpate just ____ and_____ to the patella for bulbous shape of the ______.
    5. The hamstrings are located on the ______ thigh between the ____ _____ and _____ ____ muscles.
    • 1. Rectus Femoris / Hip / Knee
    • 2. Vastus Lateralis
    • 3. AIIS / Patella
    • 4. Medial / Proximal / Medialis
    • 5. Posterior / Vastus Lateralis / Adductor Magnus
  7. 1. All three Hamstrings have same Actions. They flex the _____, _____ rotate the flexed knee, _____ the hip, Laterally ______ the hip & ____ the Pelvis ______.
    2. All three Hamstrings share common Origin at the _____ _____.
    3. The Biceps Femoris is the _______ hamstring that rotates the hip _______, while the _________ is the more superficial of the _____ hamstrings. The other medial hamstring is the ______________
    4. The hamstrings are not as massive as the Quadriceps, but they are powerful _____ extensors and _____ flexors
    5. The Biceps Femoris has two heads; a superficial _____ head and a deeper, indiscernable ____ head
    • 1. Knee / Laterally / Extend / Rotate / Tilt / Posteriorly
    • 2. Ischial Tuberosity
    • 3. Lateral / Medially / Semitendinosus / Medial / Semimembranosus
    • 4. Hip / Knee
    • 5. Long / Short
  8. 1. Biceps Femoris : Origin- Long Head at ____ _____ and Short Head at Lateral lip of _____ _____. Insertion: Head of the ______.
    2. Semitendinosus: Origin - _____ _____ and Insertion: Proximal _____ shaft of the _____ at ____ _____ tendon.
    3. Semimembranosus:Origin - ______ _____ and Insertion: Posterior aspect of _____ ____ of _____.
    4. All 3 Hamstrings have the nerve ______ , but the Biceps Femoris also interacts with the _____ nerve.
    5. They also have the Bony Landmarks of ______ ______ and tendons of ______ _______.
    • 1. Ischial Tuberosity / Linea Aspera / Fibula
    • 2. Ischial Tuberosity / medial / Tibia / pes anserinus
    • 3. Ischial Tuberosity / Medial Condyle / Tibia
    • 4. Tibial / Peroneal
    • 5. Ischial Tuberosity / Posterior Knee
  9. 1. Passive flexion of the knee would _______ the vastus lateralis
    2. Passive tilting of the pelvis anteriorly would _______ the Biceps Femoris.
    3. Passive medial rotation of hip would _______ the semitendinosus.
    4. Passive extension of knee would _________ the vastus intermedius.
    5. Passive lateral Rotation of flexed knee would ______ the Biceps Femoris
    6. Passive Flexion of hip would ______ the semimembranosus, but _______ the Rectus Femoris
    • 1. Lengthen
    • 2. Lengthen
    • 3. Shorten
    • 4. Shorten
    • 5. Shorten
    • 6. Shorten / Lengthen
  10. 1. The Three Gluteal muscles are located in the _____ region, deep to the surrounding ______ tissue.
    2. Of the three Gluteals, the _____ ______ is most posterior and superficial and has fibers that run ________ across the ______
    3. The ______ _____ is located on the outside of the hip, while the ______ _____ lies deep to the ____ _____ and is inaccessable.
    4. Because the Gluteus Minimus attaches to the anterior surface of _____ ______ , it flexes and medially rotates _____, thus performing the _____ movements of the other gluteals.
    5. Locating the coccyx, the posterior two inches of the _____ _____ and _____ tuberosity will help you outline the ____ _____.
    • 1. Buttock / Adipose
    • 2. Gluteus Maximus / Diagonally / Buttock
    • 3. Gluteus Medius / Gluteus Minimus / Gluteus Medius
    • 4. Greater Trochanter / Hip / Opposite
    • 5. Iliac Crest / Gluteal / Gluteus Maximus
  11. 1. To palpate the Gluteus Minimus, you will need to sink your fingers deep to _____ _____.
    2. To locate both Gluteus ______ and ______ in a sidelying position, ask your partner to _____ hip slightly.
    3. The ________ tendons form a connective tissue drape along the base of the ______ extending from the Superior ____ ___ ___ and the ____ ____ .
    4. Located anterior to the Hamstring _____ _____ is the most posterior of the adductor muscles, while the ______ and the _____ ____ are the most anterior.
    5. ______ is the only adductor to cross the knee joint. The _______ can be located just anterior to the Prominent _____ tendon.
    • 1. Gluteus Medius
    • 2. Medius / Minimus /Abduct
    • 3. Adductor / Pelvis / Ramus of Pubis / Ischial Tuberosity.
    • 4. Adductor Magnus / Pectineus / Adductor Longus
    • 5. Gracilis / Pectineus / Adductor
  12. 1. The adductor muscle _____ _____ can be located between the ischial tuberosity and the ______ tubercle, known as "floor of the Adductors."
    2. What are the two actions common to all the muscles of the Adductors Group?
    3. The prominent tendons of the _____ and _____ _____ extends off of or nearby the ______ Tubercle.
    4. The five adductors are located along the _____ thigh between the _____ and the quadriceps ______ muscle.
    5. All adductors assist to flex the hip exept for the _______, which Flex the _____ and Medially rotate the _____ ____.
    • 1. Adductor Magnus / Adductor
    • 2. Adduct the Hip / Medially Rotate Hip
    • 3. Gracilis and Adductor Longus / Pubic
    • 4. Medial / Hamstrings / Femoris
    • 5. Gracilis / Knee / Flexed Knee
  13. 1. Gluteus Maximus- Origin: _____, edge of ___, posterior ___ Crest, ____ and ____ ligaments. Insertion: ____ tuberosity and ____ tract.
    2. Gluteus Medius- Origin: _____ surface of Ilium between ____ crest and _____ and _____ gluteal lines. Insertion : _____ _____.

    3. Gluteus Minimus- Origin: _____ surface of Ilium between ____ crest and _____ and _____ gluteal lines. Insertion: ____ border of _____ _____ .
    4. Action: All the fibers of the Gluteus Maximus ____ the hip, Laterally _____ the hip, and ____ the hip. Only the _____ fibers adduct the hip.
    5. Action: All the fibers of the Gluteus Medius ____ the hip. The _____ fibers flex the hip and Medially ____ the hip. The ______ fibers Extend the hip and Laterally ____ the hip.
    6. Action: The Gluteus Minimus ___ the hip. Medially _____ the hip and ____ the hip.

    • 1. Coccyx / sacrum / Iliac / sacrotuberous / Sacroiliac | Gluteal / Iliotibial
    • 2. Gluteal / Iliac / posterior and anterior / Greater Trochanter
    • 3. Gluteal / Iliac / anterior and inferior / Anterior / Greater Trochanter
    • 4. Extend / Laterally / Abduct / Lower
    • 5. Flex / Anterior / Rotate / Posterior / Rotate
    • 6. Abduct / Rotate / Flex
  14. 1. Passive abduction hip would ______ the adductor brevis and longus.
    2. Passive lateral rotations of hip would ______ the gluteus maximus.
    3. Passive extension of hip would ______ the posterior fibers of the adductor magnus.
    4. Passive adduction of hip would ______ the gluteus medius.
    5. Passive lateral rotation of hip would _____ the gluteus minimus.
    6. Passive extension and lateral rotation of hip would _____ the gracilis.
    7. Passive medial rotation of hip would _____ the adductors.
    8. Passive flexion of the hip would _____ the gluteus maximus.
    • 1. Lengthen
    • 2. Shorten
    • 3. Lengthen
    • 4. Lengthen
    • 5. Shorten
    • 6. Lengthen
    • 7. Shorten
    • 8. Lengthen
  15. What are the Three muscles of the Hamstrings Group?
    • Biceps Femoris
    • Semitendinosus
    • Semimembranosus
  16. What are the Three muscles of the Gluteals Group?
    • 1. Gluteus Maximus
    • 2. Gluteus Medius
    • 3. Gluteus Minimus
  17. What are the Five muscles of the Adductor's Group?
    • 1. Adductor Magnus
    • 2. Adductor Longus
    • 3. Adductor Brevis
    • 4. Pectineus
    • 5. Gracilis
  18. 1. The ___ ____ ____ or TFL is a small superficial muscle located on the lateral side of the upper thigh.
    2. The TFL is the most accessible between the _____ fibers of the Rectis Femoris and ____ ____.
    3. The TFL attaches to the _____ tract along with the gluteus _______.
    4. The ____ _____ is a superficial sheet of fascia with vertical fibers that run along the ____ thigh. Has a thick, _____ texture (similar to packing tape), makes it strong stabilizer of the ____ and ____.
    5. It emerges from the ____ fascia, is wide and dense over the ____ ____ muscle and funnels into a strong cable along the side of the knee before inserting at the _____ tubercle.
    6. TFL Action: _____ the hip, ____ ____ the hip, ____ the hip. Origin:____ _____ , posterior to the _____. Insertion: ____ ____.
    7. To feel the TFL contract, postion your partner in _____ position and perform Alternate ______ rotation with _______ of the hip
    • 1. Tensor Fasciae Latae
    • 2. Upper / Glueteus Medius
    • 3. Iliotibial / Gluteus Maximus / matted / Hip and Knee
    • 4. Iliotibial Tract / Lateral
    • 5. Gluteal / Vastus Lateralis / Tibial
    • 6. Flex / Medially Rotate / Abduct / Iliac Crest / ASIS / Iliotibial Tract
    • 7. Supine / Medial / Relaxation
  19. 1. The longest muscle in the body, stretching from the ASIS across the thigh to the medial knee is the _______ muscle.
    2. Though it is entirely superficial, the slender _____ of the muscle is hard to isolate. Its ______ fibers are lateral to the ______ artery.
    3. Name refers to its ability to bring the _____ and _____ into the position a tailor would use.
    4. Actions: _____ the hip, _____ rotate hip, _____ the hip, ____ the knee, and ______ rotate the _____ knee.
    5. Origin: _____ ____ _____ spine. Insertion: Proximal, ______ shaft of the ____at ____ ____ tendon.
    • 1. Sartorius
    • 2. Belly / Proximal / Femoral
    • 3. Hip / Knee
    • 4. Flex / Laterally / Abduct / Flex / Medially ./ Flexed
    • 5. Anterior Superior Iliac Spine / Medial / Tibia / pes anserinus
  20. 1. The Five disctint Tendons of the Posterior Knee are _____ ____ Tendon (Medial), ____ ____ tendon (Medial), ____ tendon (Lateral), _______ tendon (Lateral) and the ______ tendon (Lateral).
    2. The three Medial Tendons merge ______ at the proximal, ______ shaft of Tibia to become _____ _____ tendon.
    3. Sometimes known as the "deep six" the ____ ____ of the Hip are small muscles that are located deep to the _____ ____ and create _____ rotation of the hip.
    4. All are deep to the large ____ nerve except for the pirifromis. It lies _______ to the nerve and if _________, can compress it.
    5. They are ______ as a group, with the Piriformus and _____ _____ being the most discernible.
    • 1. Biceps Femoris , Iliotibial tract, Sartorius, Gracilis, Semitendinosus
    • 2. Distally / Medial / per anserinus
    • 3. Lateral Rotators / Lateral
    • 4. Sciatic / Superficial / Overcontracted
    • 5. Accesible / Quadratus Femoris
  21. What are the Six Lateral Rotators of the Hip?
    • 1. Piriformis
    • 2. Quadratus Femoris
    • 3. Obturator Internus
    • 4. Obturator Externus
    • 5. Gemellus Superior
    • 6. Gemellus Inferior
  22. 1. All Adductors share the same action of Laterally _____ the hip. The ________ also can Abduct the hip when it is _______.
    2. Piriformis: Origin - _____ surface of ______ Insertion- ______ ______.
    3. Quadratus Femoris: Origin - Lateral border of _____ _____. Insertion - _______ crest, between the great and lesser ______.
    4. Obturator Internus : Origin - ______ membrane and inferior surface of _____ ______. Insertion: Medial surface of _____ _____.
    5. Obturator Externus: Origin - Superior and Inferior ____ __ ____. Insertion - ______ fossa of femur
    6. Gremellus Superior : Origin - ____ _____ . Insertion - Upper border of ____ _____.
    7. Gremellus Inferior: Origin - ____ _____ . Insertion - Upper border of ____ _____.
    • 1. Rotate / Piriformis / Flexed
    • 2. Anterior / Sacrum / Greater Trochanter
    • 3. Ischial Tuberosity / Iliac crest / Trochanters
    • 4. Obturator / Obturator Foramen
    • 5. Rami of Pubis / Trochanter
    • 6. Ischial Spine / Greater Trochanter
    • 7. Ischial Tuberosity / Greater Trochanter
  23. 1. To locate the Piriformis, locate the _____, _____ and the Greater _____ which form a "T" shape. It is located at the base.
    2. A rectangular muscle, the _____ _____ can be isolated by placing your fingers between the distal, Posterior aspect of _____ ______. and the _____ _____.
    3. The ______ muscle spans from the anterior surface of the lumbar _____ to the ____ _____.
    4. To located the Psoas Major, place your fingers between the _____ and ______ before slowly compressing toward the muscle.
    5. The action you could ask your partner to ____ the Hip _____ to confirm that you have located the Psoas Major.
    • 1. Coccyx, PSIS / Trochanter
    • 2. Quadratus Femoris / Greater Trochanter / Ischial Tuberosity
    • 3. Iliopsoas / Vertebrae / Lesser Trochanter
    • 4. Naval / ASIS
    • 5. Flex / Slightly
  24. 1. The _____ and ____ ____, together called the Iliopsoas, are important ____ flexor's and ___ ____ stabilizers.
    2. Best known to butchers as "tenderloin" or "filet Mignon", the _____ _____ is located deep to the abdominal contents.
    3. Psoas Major it stretches from the _____ vertebrae, underneath the _____ ligament, to the _____ _____.
    4. The stockier ______ is located deep to the abdomen in the ____ fossa. Partially accessible and hard to palpate.
    5. They both, since joined, have the same actions; ____ the hip, Laterally ____ the hip and ____ the hip.
    • 1. Iliacus / Psoas Major / Hip / Low Back
    • 2. Psoas Major
    • 3. Lumbar / Inguinal / Lesser Trochanter
    • 4. Ilacus / Iliac
    • 5. Flex / Rotate / Adduct
  25. 1. Psoas Major: Origin - Bodies and _____ _____ of _____ vertebrae. Insertion - _____ ______.
    2. Iliacus : Origin - _____ _____ . Insertion - _____ _____.
    3. Roughly 40% of the population has a ____ ____, a small muscle which extends from the ____ vertebrae to the superior ___ ____ ____.
    4. When present, assist in ______ tilt of the pelvis - the ______ action of the Psoas Major. It also Assists to create ____ ______ in the lumbar spine.
    5. Its Origin - Body and _______ process of _____ ____ vertebra. Insertion - _____ _____ of Pubis.
    • 1. Transverse Processes / Lumbar / Lesser Trochanter
    • 2. Iliac Fossa / Lesser Trochanter
    • 3. Psoas Minor / Lumbar / Ramus of Pubis
    • 4. Posterior / Opposite / Lordoctic Curvature
    • 5. Transverse / First Lumbar / Superior Rami
  26. 1. Passive medial rotation of the flexed knee would _____ the sartorius.
    2. Passive adduction of hip would ______ the tensor fasciae latae.
    3. Passive extension of hip would ______ the iliopsoas muscles.
    4. Passive lateral rotation of hip would _____ the Piriformis.
    5. Passive extension of hip would _____ the psoas major.
    • 1. Shorten
    • 2. Lengthen
    • 3. Lengthen
    • 4. Shorten
    • 5. Shorten
  27. 1. Passive flexion of hip would _______ the sartorius.
    2. Passive lateral rotation of hip would ______ the iliacus.
    3. Passive medial rotation of hip would ______ the tensor fasciae latae.
    4. Passive medial rotation of hip would ______ the quadratus femoris.
    5. Passive abduction of the hip would _______ the sartorius.
    • 1. Lengthen
    • 2. Lengthen
    • 3. Shorten
    • 4. Lengthen
    • 5. Lengthen
  28. 1. ______ ligament is a superficial band stretching between the _____ and the ____ ____ .
    2. The three vessels that makeup the femoral triangle are _____ artery, ______ nerve , ____ vein.
    3. The great ____ vein is a superficial vessel traveling the length of the ______ extremity and ofter used for coronary bypass surgery.
    4. Distal to the Inguinal ligament the superficial ____ ____ _____ are found, numbering between eight and ten and vary in size from lentil to raisin.
    5. To find the femoral artery, place the flat of fingertips halfway between the _____ and _____ _____ .
    • 1. Inguinal / ASIS / Pubic Tubercle
    • 2. Femoral / Femoral / Femoral
    • 3. Saphenous / Lower
    • 4. Inguinal Lymph Nodes
    • 5. ASIS / Pubic Tubercle
  29. 1. The _____ _____ spans from the ischial tuberosity to the edge of the sacrum.
    2. The ______ _____ ligaments help to reinforce the union of the Sacrum and the Ilium.
    3. The Iliolumber Ligament can be found by the bony landmarks of ______ processess of 4th & 5th _____ vertebrae & posterior ____ crest.
    4. The ______ nerve spans the lower lumbar vertebrae , between the ischial tuberosity and _____ trochanter down to _____ thigh.
    5. The ____ ____, positioned along the posterior/lateral aspect of the greater trochanter, is large bursa that reduces ______ between the ____ ____ and the gluteus ______.
    • 1. Sacrotuberous Ligament
    • 2. Posterior Sacroiliac
    • 3. Transverse / Lumbar / Iliac
    • 4. Sciatic / Greater / Posterior
    • 5. Trochantic Bursa / Friction / Greater Trochanter / Maximus
  30. 1. Extension of Hip - Synergists : B_____ _____ and Adductor ______ | Antagonist: Rectus ______
    2. Adduction of Hip - Synergist : G _______ and I _______ | Antagonist: T ____ ____ ____
    3. Medial Rotation of Hip - Synergist : S_______ and P______ | Antagonist: B______ ______
    4. Extension of Knee - Synergist: V ______ ______ and V ____ _____ | Antagonist: G _______
    5. Abduction of Hip - Synergist: Gluteus ______ and Gluteus _______ | Antagonist: P______

    • 1. Biceps Femoris / Magnus / Femoris
    • 2. Gracilis / Iliacus / Tensor Fasciae Latae
    • 3. Semitendinosus / Pectineus / Biceps Femoris
    • 4. Vastus Lateralis / Vastus Medialis / Gracilis
    • 5. Medius and Minimus / Pectineus
  31. 1. Flexion of Knee: Synergists - B_____ _____ and G_______ . Antagonist: R_____ _____
    2. Lateral Rotation of Hip: Synergists - P______ and I _______ . Antagonist: A_____ _____
    3. Lateral Rotation of Flexed Knee: Synergists: B_____ ______ . Antagonist: 2 "semis"
    4. Flexion of Hip: Synergists: T___ ____ ____ and S________ . Antagonist: Gluteus _______
    5. Medial Rotation of Hip: Synergists- Gluteus ______ and P_______. Antagonist: B_____ _____
    • 1. Biceps Femoris / Gracilis / Rectus Femoris
    • 2. Piriformis / Illiacus / Adductor Magnus
    • 3. Biceps Femoris / Semitendinous / Semimembranosus
    • 4. Tensor Fasciae Latae / Semitendinous / Maximus
    • 5. Minimus / Pectineus / Biceps Femoris
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CH6 Muscle Pelvis&Thigh