ob test 1 part 1

  1. Graduate of an accredited basic program in nursing who has successfully completed the nursing exam and currently licensed as an RN, typically educated as generalists.
    Professional nurse
  2. Has shown expertise in a particular field of nursing such as labor and delivery by taking a national certification exam
    Certified RN
  3. A professional nurse who has received specialized education in either a doctor of nursing practive or master's degress program and thus can function in an expanded role.
    Nurse practitioner
  4. A professional nurse w/ a master's degree who has additional specialized knowledge and competence in a specific clinical area, assume a leadership role within their specialty and work to improve patient care both directly and indirectly
    Clinical nurse specialist
  5. Educated in the two disciplines of nursing and midwifery and is certified by the ACNM. Prepared to manage independelty the care of woemn at low risk for complications during pregnancy
    Certified nurse midwife
  6. Four elements of negligence
    • 1. there was a duty to provide care
    • 2. the duty was breached
    • 3. injury occured
    • 4. The breach of duty caused the injury(proximate cause)
  7. Legal document designed to allow patients to make intelligent decisions regarding their own health care. The granting of permission for a specific treatment or procedure
    Informed oncsent
  8. The right of a person to keep his/her person and property free from public scrutiny
    Right to privacy
  9. Circumstances where children underage state law age can give informed consent:
    • Minor parents of the infant or child patient
    • When they are emancipated minors
    • When they are 16-18 seeking birth control, mental health counseling or substance abuse treatment
  10. Specify essential nursing activities and provide basic guidelines about expected outcomes at specified time intervals
    clinical pathway
  11. Turning the baby from a breech, transverse or obligque position to a cephalic presentation by external munipulation of the maternal abdomen
    External cephalice version (ECV)
  12. Used for 2nd twin during vaginal birth, the OB doc places a hand inside the uterus, grabs the fetus' feet and turns the fetus from a transverse or noncephalic presentation to a breech presentation
    Podalic version
  13. Criteria for external version
    • A single fetus
    • The fetal breech is not engaged
    • An adequate amount of amniotic fluid must exist
    • A NST should be performed immediately prior
    • The fetus must be 36-37 or more weeks gestation
  14. Contraindication for ECV
    • Suspected intrauterine gorwth restriction
    • fetal anomalies
    • presence of abnoral FHR tracing
    • rutpure of membranes
    • C section birth indicated anyway
    • maternal problems
    • amniotic fluid abnormalitites
    • previous lower uterine segment c-section
    • nuchal cord, multiple gestation, evidence of uteroplacental insufficiency, 3rd trimester bleeding, uterine malformation
  15. Guidelines for misoprostol (cytotec)
    • Initial dose should be 25mcg
    • Recurrent administration should not exceed dosing interavals of more than 3-6 hours
    • Pitocin should not be administered less than 4 hours after the last dose
    • Should only be adminstered where the uterine activity and FHR can be monitored continously for an initial observation period
  16. Contraindications for Cytotec
    • Nonreassuring FHR tracing
    • Frequent uterine contractions of moderate intensity
    • prior c-section or uterine scar
    • Placenta previa
    • undiagnosed vaginal bleeding
  17. The stimulation of uterine contractions before the spontaneous onset of labor, with or w/o ruptured fetal membranes for the purpose of accomplishing birth.
    Labor induction
  18. The artificial stimulation of uterine contractions when spontaneous contractions have failed to result in progressive cervial dialtion or the descent of the fetus
    Labor augmentation
  19. Indications of induction or augmentation
    • Maternal medical conditions(DM, HTN, renal disease, chronic pulmonary disease)
    • preeclampsia, eclampsia
    • premature rupture of membranes (PROM)
    • Chorioamnionitis
    • fetal demise
    • postterm pregnancy
    • Fetal compromise
    • risk of rapid labor or extensive distance from the hospital setting
    • mild abruptio placentae
    • nonreassuring FHR
  20. Contraindications of Oxytocin (pitocin)
    • Severe eclampsia-preeclampsia
    • Predisposition to uterine rupture
    • Cephalpelvic disproportion
    • Malpresentation of malposition of the fetus, cord prolapse
    • preterm infant
    • Rigid, unripe cercix, total placenta previa
    • presence of nonreassuring fetal status
  21. The artifical rupture of the amniotic membranes
  22. The technique by which a volume of warmed, sterile, normal saline or LR solution is introduced into the uterus through the use of an intrauterine pressure catheter
  23. The first few hours of life, in which the newborn stablizes respiratory and circulatory functions
    neonatal transition
  24. Surface active phospholipids which are critical for alveolar expansion and stability
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ob test 1 part 1
part 1