Special Education

  1. Brown v. Board of Education
    • segregation of students by race is unconstitutional
    • Education is a right that must be available to all on equal terms
  2. Hobsen v. Hansen
    • equal education opportunity is part of the law of due process
    • Denying this opportunity is a violation of the constitution
    • placement of children in educational tracks based on performance on standarized tests is unconstitutional
  3. Diana v. California state board of education
    children tested for potential placement in a special education program must be assessed in their native language
  4. PARC case
    pennsylvania schools must provide FAPE to all school aged children with mental retardation
  5. Mills v D.C.
    Exclusion of individuals wiht disabilities from FAPE is violation of the due process and the 14th amendment
  6. Section 504
    people with disabilities canot be discriminated from any program if that program recieves federal assistance
  7. PL 94-142
    • focused on individualization of instruction
    • child find
    • FAPE
    • parental rights
    • LRE
    • IEP
    • meaningful goals
  8. PL 99-457
    • extended all rights from 6-21 to preschoolers ages 3-5
    • grant program for infants and toddlers up to 2 years old
    • center-based and home-based programs
    • IFSP
    • can be developmentally delayed
  9. ADA
    • extend 504 to all programs and services offered to public
    • goes from birth to death
  10. IDEA 1990
    • amended and renamed PL 94-142
    • person 1st language
    • added two new categories= autism, TBI
  11. IDEA 1997
    • clarified what IEP must include
    • transition services starting at age 14
    • private and charter schools must provide services
    • regular diploma terminated services
    • ADD included under OHI
  12. IDEA 2004
    • was teacher using research-based methods
    • highly qualified teacher
  13. 13 categories under IDEA
    • autism
    • deaf-blind
    • deafness
    • hearing impairment
    • mental retardation
    • multiple disabilities
    • orthopedic impairment
    • OHI emotional disturbance
    • specific learning disability
    • speech and language impaired
    • TBI
    • visual impairment
  14. What does non-categorical mean for 3-5 year olds
    means a condition developmental delay which impairs a child's functioning and which has a high predictability of impairing normal developmental performance
  15. 5 areas of development that could be affected
    • cognition
    • communication
    • motor skills
    • social or emotional
    • self-help
  16. Minimal components of comprehensive evaluation
    • social history
    • individual achievement
    • adaptive behavior
    • individual intelligence
    • communicative abilities
    • additional components
  17. Eligibility for SPED
    • identification of primary disability
    • a resulting educational deficit
    • corresponding need for SPED
  18. Classroom models of SPED
    • inclusive classroom
    • resource room
    • self-contained
    • special school
  19. components found on an IEP
    • signatures
    • goals
    • dates
    • modifications
    • therapy times
    • objectives
    • LRE
  20. Modifications found on an IEP
    • shortened homework
    • shortened test
    • only do odd numbers or even numbers on homework
  21. Social History evaluation
    • medical records
    • general family information
  22. individual intelligence
    • WISC 4
    • Psychological evaluator
  23. Individual Achievement
    WRAT- reading, math, written language
  24. Adaptive Behavior
    • Burks behavior Rating Scale
    • This years and last years teacher
  25. Communicative Abilities
    • CELF-S
    • psychological evaluator
  26. Additional Components
    • Key Math
    • Psychological Evaluator
  27. autism
    a developmental disability, which significantly affects verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction, generally evident before age 3
  28. Deaf-blindness
    concomitant hearing and visual impairments, which cause a severe communication, developmental, and educational problems
  29. Hearing Impairment
    hearing impairment which adversely afects a child's educational performance
  30. emotional disturbance
  31. multiple disabilities
    concomitant impairments (such as mentally retarded/blind, mentally retarded/speech impaired, etc...). This catefory does not include deaf-blind
  32. mental retardation
    significantly sub average general intellectual fuctioning existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior and manifested during the developmental period that adversely affects educational performance.
  33. orthopedic impairment
    severe orthopedic impairment which adeversely affects educational performance. This category includes such impairments as cerebral palsy, amputations, congenital defects
  34. other health impairments
    limited strength and vitality or alertness due to cronic health problems such as sickle cell animia, asthma, and congenital heart defects
  35. specific learning disability
    a disorder in the basic pyschological processes involved in the understanding of language. Includes such labels as dyslexia, aphasia, dysgraphia, etc
  36. speech or language impairment
    children affected by a variety of communication disorders such as stuttering, articulation defects, etc..., which adversely affect educational performance
  37. Traumatic Brain Injury
    injury to the brain caused by external force or internal causes such as a stroke
  38. Visual impairment
    impairment of vision, even the correction, which adversely affects a child's educaitonal performance. This category includes both blind and partially blind children
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Special Education
Special Education