Transition Drug Cards

  1. Antiplatelet Drugs
    ASA Acetyl Salicylic Acid
    • Inhibits PLT aggregation by inhibiting PLT symthesis.
    • GI Bleed, tinnitus, hearing loss, anaphylaxis. Acute ASA toxicity=hyperpnea, fever, coma, death.
    • Check for allergies. Monitor daily dosages (watch for toxicity). Check for use of other products that contain ASA (OTC).
    • Reduction of TIA or strokes, reduce risk of death after MI when past hx of MI..
    • Inhibits platelet adhesion and aggregation by blocking receptor sites on the platelet membrane
  2. Coumarin Anticoagulants
    Warfarin (Coumadin)
    • Antagonize Vitamin K, which blocks Vitamin K dependent factors
    • Preganacy Cat. X. Abdominal cramps.
    • PO used most widely. Interact with MANY drugs.
    • A-Fib, DVT, PE, MI, TIA, rheumatic heart. Prophylaxis after valves, immobilization, or major surgery.
    • Interfers with the normal cascade of events involved in the clotting process.
  3. Natural Anticoagulant
    • Short onset and short duration of action. Works on antithrombin III
    • Thrombocytopenia.
    • IV or SC. Increased risk of bleeding if combined with oral anticoagulants, salicylates, PCN, or cephalosporins. Decrease in anticoagulation with NTG.
    • Prevent thrombus formation or extension of existing clot. Used in DVT, PE, DIC, MI, and after CABG.
    • Inhibits the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin thus blocking the conversion of fibrogen to fibron
  4. Low-molecular-weight heparins
    Enoxaparin (Lovenox)
    • Less able to inactivate thrombin, than Heparin. Thus, can use fixed dosing and less lab monitoring than Heparin.
    • Thrombocytopenia less frequent. Thrombosis erythemia or pain at injection site.
    • SC route only ("LOVEHANDLES")
    • Prophylaxis of DVT after orthopedic or abdominal surgery. Unstable angina.
    • Inhibit Thrombus and clot formation by blocking Xa and 11a
  5. Thrombolytic Agents
    urokinase (Abbokinase)
    • Activates the natural anticlotting system by converting plasminogen to plasmin. This breaks down fibrin that forms the clot.
    • Bleeding. Monitor for cardiac arrhythmias and hypotension. Anaphylaxis.
    • IV route and cleased from body after liver metabolism. To disolve an already existing clot.
    • MI, PE, Iscemic stroke.
Card Set
Transition Drug Cards
Blood Coagulation