Campus Tour

  1. Start at New Kings

    2 things to mention
    Introduce yourself

    Presentations will be happening here throughout the day
  2. Elphinstone Hall

    4 things to mention
    Built in 1930 to replace the Great Hall, which was torn down in 1870 to make space for King's College Library

    Used for exams, ceilidhs, exhibitions and graduation ceremonies

    All subject display stands in here throughout the day

    Linklater Rooms inside, housing non-subject displays e.g. SAAS, Student Support
  3. Regent Building

    4 things to mention
    Language Centre, with lots of facilities for learning languages

    Open today from 12:00 - 14:00

    Open to all students, not just language students

    Centre for Lifelong Learning, offers evening classes, long-distance and part-time study
  4. Through to King's College and Chapel

    7 things to mention
    Oldest part of the University, dates to 1495 when the University was founded

    King's College which taught Divinity, and Marischal College in town which taught Medicine, joined together to form the University of Aberdeen as we now know it

    King's houses Divinity, History of Art, Philosophy and History

    Won't be confined to one area of campus though, will get to see other areas

    Chapel is still used for daily services throughout term time

    Graduates can get married in the chapel

    King's College Conference Centre, where First Aid is located today
  5. Left through King's, come out by History of Art

    10 things to mention
    Point out History of Art department

    18m swimming pool located in King's Pavilion

    Playing Fields, where rugby, cricket, lacrosse and other sports are played

    Across the field is Aberdeen Sports Village, one of the best in Scotland

    Has indoor and outdoor football pitches, a huge gym, squash courts, basketball courts, hockey pitch...lots and lots on offer - tours today at 12:45, 1:45 and 2:45

    Student discount as well

    You get Wednesday afternoons off to play sport

    Can get involved in the various sporting societies, as well as non-sporting societies during Fresher's Week: more than 50 sports and over 150 different societies from subject (e.g. English, Music) to hobbies (e.g. roleplaying, paintball, volunteering)

    Can also set up own societies

    Fresher's Fayres held on Tue and Wed of Fresher's Week on the Playing Fields
  6. Through Tennis Courts to University Road, down to Butchart

    5 things to mention
    Point out tennis courts

    Butchart Centre, home to our student association AUSA

    Also has Alfie's Cafe (closed due to refurbishment), Bookends 2nd hand bookshop, Welfare Centre, Gaudie student newspaper and Aberdeen Student Radio

    Charities located here, involved in Torcher Parade, largest candle-lit procession in Europe, lots of floats

    Sabbatical Officers can be found here, as well as Student President Tessa
  7. Along to bottom of Spital, then along to Crombie

    9 things to mention
    Mention Sunnybank Medical Practice

    Point out New King's again, campus isn't that large

    Powis Gates were erected in 1834, could be Turkish-inspired architecture

    Won't get lost looking for your flat, just find the towers!

    Guaranteed accommodation in your first year

    Various accommodation on and around campus, Crombie Johnston, Hillhead, Hunter Court, Ardmuir

    Both catered and self-catered: breakfast and dinner Mon-Sat, brunch on Sun, only during term time

    Shared bathroom and kitchen facilities, laundry in every hall

    Own computing rooms, open 24/7 and part of wireless network
  8. Into Crombie, look at the show room, then out back to History department

    Three things to mention
    Point out History department

    Point out directions sign

    Point out bike rack
  9. Up to front of Meston

    9 things to mention
    Meston houses Chemistry, Physics, Geology and Computing Science

    New Library, which cost £57million, due to open on 12th September so can't go in now

    Has split opinion somewhat

    One of only four libraries in Scotland with more than 1million books

    Long opening hours, at exam time open until 2am

    Entire catalogue available online, can borrow up to 15 items: Heavy Demand/Short Loan (24hrs), 3 Day Loan, Long Term Loan

    If book has been borrowed you can recall it, so don't have to wait more than a week for your book

    Medicine library at Foresterhill and Law library in Taylor Building

    Fraser Noble houses Engineering and Maths
  10. Down to Hub, go inside

    4 things to mention
    Point out small passageway, lots of them all over campus

    Elphinstone accommodation for mature students

    Inside Hub, point out Student Centre, Careers and Appointments, Student Support, Student Accommodation, InfoHub.

    Point out Zoology Building and Cruickshank Gardens
  11. Back up to St Mary's, through to High Street

    5 things to mention
    St Mary's is home to Geography, Planning and Archaeology

    Point out seating at back of St Mary's

    Old Town House built in 1788-89, was a focus point for trading, has also been a prison

    BOS, Blackwells, Bus Stop for No.20

    Cobbles: you know you've reached campus when you feel cobbles under the bus
  12. Through to Lady MacRobert Garden

    4 things to mention
    Lady MacRobert had three sons, two of which she lost in WW2, and one died shortly after

    She was from a very rich family, and left half her money to Aberdeen Uni and half to Stirling

    We have MacRobert Building which has 24hr access to computers, and Stirling has MacRobert Centre

    Garden created to honour all this
  13. Through to Edward Wright

    8 things to mention
    Home to all Social Sciences including Management, Accountancy, Sociology, Politics/IR and Economics

    Main computing facilities are here, along with Help Desk

    Over 1200 computers on campus in total

    Lots of tutorial rooms in here, you will probably use them during first year

    There are lectures, tutorials and practicals throughout the academic year

    Lectures are optional, but good to attend, and tutorials and practicals are compulsory

    Point out Taylor Building, housing Law, Celtic Studies, English and Modern Languages

    Has Law library and Tiki Cafe
  14. Through to Arts Lecture Theatre

    5 things to mention
    Point out MacRobert over the top, mention 24hr access with swipe cards after 6pm, safe and secure

    Home to Education and Music, has dance and practice rooms inside

    William Guild Building houses Psychology

    ALT is our largest lecture theatre, seats around 700 people

    Hunter accommodation
  15. Back towards Elphinstone Hall

    Three things to mention
    Point out Student Reception

    Visit King's Pavilion for another look

    Back to Elphinstone Hall, thank people for coming and ask for any questions
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Campus Tour
Campus Tour