HRM Quiz 11

  1. A procedure in which an organization compares its own practices against those of successful competitors.
  2. Reducing the number of levels in the organization's job structure.
  3. Managers, outside salespeople, and any other employees not covered by the FLSA requirement for overtime pay.
    exempt employees
  4. Federal law that establishes a minimum wage and requirements for overtime pay and child labor.
    Fair Labor Standards Act
  5. Rate of pay for each hour worked.
    hourly wage
  6. An administrative procedure for measuring the relative internal worth of the organization's jobs.
    job evaluation
  7. The relative pay for different jobs within the organization.
    job structure
  8. The lowest amount that employers may pay under federal or state law, stated as an amount of pay per hour.
    minimum wage
  9. Employees covered by the FLSA requirements for overtime pay.
    nonexept employees
  10. Adjustment to a pay rate to reflect differences in working conditions of labor markets.
    pay differential
  11. Sets of jobs having similar worth or content, grouped together to establish rates of pay.
    pay grades
  12. The average amount (including wages, salaries, and bonuses) the organization pays for a particular job.
    pay level
  13. A graphed line showing the mathematical relationship between job evaluation points and pay rate.
    pay policy line
  14. A set of possible pay rates defined by a minimum, maxiumum, and midpoint of pay for employees holding a particular job or a job within a particular pay grade.
    pay range
  15. The pay policy resulting from job structure and pay-level decisions.
    pay structure
  16. Rate of pay for each unit produced.
    piecework rate
  17. Rate of pay for each week, month, or year worked.
  18. Pay structures that set pay according to the employee's level of skill or knowledge and what they are capable of doing.
    skill-based pay systems
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HRM Quiz 11
HRM Quiz 11