Leon Chestang
Nuturing system vs Sustaining system
- Nurturing: family, friends, immediate community (where a person is veiwed and loved as a unique individual)
- sustaining system: institutions of the larger society (where the person is educated, employed, and is envolved in the economic and political world)
- "dual perspective" where the person must constantly shift between worlds, for minority people this can evoke conflict
bicultural identity
different forms of adaptation
- Traditional adaptation:behavior, values, and beliefs and individuals of a diverse group that are distinct from those fo the majority group, strong ethnic identity
- Marginal adaptation: do not adhere to closely to the values and behaviors of the ethnic group or of larger society, often results in cultural conflict
- assimilation: value norms of the sustaining system, devalue norms in nurtuing system
- bicultural adaptation: integrate the norms, values, beliefs of their ethnic group and larger society
African Americans
- kinship relations are important
- male/female roles are egalitarian
- children are expected to respect elders
- deep sense of mutual responsibility
- spirituality is important
- leading COD in males 10-24 is homicide
Asian americans
- great importance placed on family honor
- elders are revered
- families have structured roles
- consideration is given to what is good for everyone, not just the individual
- open conflicts are discouraged
- reluctant to share private matters with strangers
- mental illness=shame on the family, impacts help seeking behaviors
- seeking help for physical problems is okay
- observing cultural proprieties is important before beginning a serious discussion of issues
- tx of choice is direct, short term, problem solving
- may avoid eye contact and reluctant to discuss deel emotions
- change is valued over tradition
- male/female are egalitarian, role reversal is common
- strong sense of individualism/self help
- future and youth are revered
- value is placed on work, activity, and competition
- communication is direct, open, honest
- belief in personal control over fate
- patriarchal families, defined roles
- major decisions are made by parents
- welfare of the family is more important that welfare of the individual
- stress interdependence over independence
- native language is important
- do no discuss personal problems with outsiders
- spirituality is important as is the role of fate
native americans
- elders are held in high regard
- generosity is a value
- rigid gender roles
- tribes are responsible for raising children
- trust is placed in tribal deicisions (not decisions made outside of the tribe)
- great importance is on tribal cutsom
- listening is more important than talking
- spiritual/holistic approach to life
- tx of choice is non-directive, collaborative, utilizing the network or tribal elders and traditional healers
coming out for LGBT
- identity confusion
- recognition of LGBT identity
- exploration/experimentation
- disclosure to others
- acceptance of self
- withdrawl from heterosexual world
- largest increase of new HIV cases is among women
- 4 disease stages:
- Acute infection
- asymptomatic
- symptomatic/chronic
- increased risk of suicide
- risk for psychiatric dx such as adjustment disorder, anxiety, depression
- focus on helping in the here and now and learning new ways of coping and problem solving
- CBT and groups may be effective
military vets and their families
- frequently experience sleep issues, anxiety, numbness, hyper vigiliance, SA, and desire to return to active duty, martial difficulties
- therapeutic interventions
- solution focused brief therapy
- acceptance and commitment therapy
- narrative therapy
- family and couples therapy
- Eye Movment Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Biopsychosocial model vs medical model
- B: looks at physical health, emotions/behaviors, and role of the environment as well as strengths/weaknesses, current functioning, mental health and needs
- M:focuses on pathology (not strengths based)
Strengths Perspective
- empowers client to solve their own problems
- examines possible alternatives
- teaches competencies
- creates more equity between the client and worker
- builds self confidence
- helps client see that their problems are influenced by multiple factors, are interactive, and ever-changing