Weather and Climate Ch10

  1. polar front theory
    the theory describing the formation, development, and dissipation of midlatitude cyclones.
  2. cyclogenesis
    the begining of cyclone formation
  3. Occlusion
    represents the end of the cyclone's life cycle
  4. vorticity
    The rotation of a fluid (such as air), is referred to as its vorticity
  5. absolute vorticity
    the overall rotation of air
  6. relative vorticity
    the vorticity relative to Earth's surface
  7. Earth vorticity
    due to the Earth's daily rotation about its axis
  8. dynamic lows
    surface low-pressure systems resulting from upper-tropospheric motions
  9. thermal lows
    caused by local heating of the air below
  10. speed divergence and speed convergence
    occurs when air flowing in a certain direction either speeds up or slows down
  11. diffluence and confluence
    occurs when air stretches out or converges horizontally due to variations in wind direction
  12. short waves
    smaller ripples superimposed on Rossbly waves
  13. temperature advection
    the horizontal transport of warm or cold air by wind
  14. warm air advection
    the horizontal movement of relatively warm air
  15. cold air advection
    the horizontal movement of relatively cold air
  16. barotropic
    when the height contours and isotherms are in alignment
  17. baroclinic
    when height contours and isotherms intersect
  18. baroclinic instability
    the situation in which cold and warm air advection causes vertical motions similar to those associated with statically unstable air.
  19. cutoff low
    an upper-level area of low pressure that takes on a circular flow distinct from the general flow around it
  20. conveyor belt model
    provides a depiction of the three-dimensional nature of midlatitude cyclones (in terms of three major flows)
Card Set
Weather and Climate Ch10
Weather and Climate Ch10