Perform Quality Assurance

  1. Perform Quality Assurance
    • It's the means by which you go about auditing the quality requirements
    • during the Plan Quality process and the results from the quality
    • control measurements made during the Perform Quality Control
    • process.
  2. Goal of Perform Quality Assurance
    ensure that the performing organization uses appropriate policies and work methods to fulfill the project customer's needs.
  3. Four inputs to Perform Quality Assurance
    • 1. Project Management Plan
    • 2. Quality Metrics
    • 3. Work Performance Information
    • 4. Quality Control Measurements
  4. Input - Project management plan - two plans that are used in this process
    • 1. quality management plan
    • 2. process improvement plan
    • contains criteria for determining if proposed process changes will be benefit to project
  5. Input - Quality metric
    show the quality of project attributes and processes will be measured; enables standardized measurement of project and process quality
  6. Input - Work performance information
    information is collected from the project while it is in process; provides data for determining how a project is performing in terms of quality
  7. Input - Quality Control measurements
    results obtained from performing quality control activities; enables the evaluation of the effects of newly implemented changes on a project
  8. Perform QA Tools and Techniques (3)
    • 1. Audit quality system
    • 2. Process analysis
    • 3. Root cause analysis
  9. Tool and technique - Audit Quality system
    designed to identify missing, ineffective, or inefficient policies, processes, and procedures
  10. Tool and technique - Audit Quality system - 3 main
    • 1. inspecting work results
    • 2. checking approved change requests
    • 3. ensuring compliance with documentation
  11. Tool and technique - Process analysis
    aims to identify where improvements can be made to project processes; to assess and determine if improvements are needed.
  12. Tool and technique - Root cause analysis
    helps to determine where workflow is constricted and where inefficiencies are present.
  13. Tool and technique - Root cause analysis - 6 steps
    • 1. define the problem
    • 2. gather data to describe problem
    • 3. determine possible causes
    • 4. select the root cause
    • 5. develop a solution strategy
    • 6. test and evaluate the solution
  14. Outputs (4)
    • 1. change requests
    • 2. organizational process assets updates
    • 3. project management plan updates
    • 4. project document updates
  15. Output - change requests
    result from QA activities to propose changes to policies, processes, or procedures
  16. Output - Organizational process assets update
    updates to company policies, processes, and procedures
  17. Output - project management plan
    updates to Quality Management plan, Schedule Management plan, or Cost Management plan
  18. Output - project document updates
    updates to Quality audits, Training plans, and processdocumentation (some examples)
Card Set
Perform Quality Assurance
Perform Quality Assurance, inputs, tools/techniques, and outputs