Ch 1

  1. Image Upload 2
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    Nutrient Artery
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    Nutrient foramen
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    Spongy bone
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    Articular (hyline cartilage)
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    Compact bone
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    Medullary cavity
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    • Skeletal system
    • 206 Separate bones
    • osteology and anthrology
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    • Circulatory system
    • Distributes oxygen to cells
    • Transports waste products from cells
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    • Digestive system
    • Absorption
    • Elimination
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    • respiratory system
    • Supplies Oxygen
    • Eliminates carbon dioxide
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    • urinary system
    • Regulates blood
    • Eliminates waste products
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    • reproductive system
    • Reproduces organisms
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    • Nervous system
    • Regulates body activities
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    • Muscular system
    • Allows for movement
    • Skeletal, visceral and cardiac type
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    • endocrine system
    • Ductless glands of body
    • regulates body via hormones
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    • integumentary system
    • protects the body
    • eliminates waste through perspiration
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    axial skeleton-80 bones
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    appendicular skeleton - 126 bones
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    • long bone
    • limbs
    • compact bone
    • spongy bone
    • perioteum
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    • Short bones
    • carpal and tarsal bones
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    • flat bones
    • Calvarium, sternum, ribs, ans scapulae
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    • irregular bones
    • peculiar shapes (vertebrae, facial bones, and pelvic bones)
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    • Primary ossification center
    • Diaphysis
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    • Secondary ossification centers
    • Epiphyseal plate
    • epiphyses
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    • Primary ossification center
    • Diaphysis
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    • Secondary ossification centers
    • Epiphysial plate
    • Epiphyses
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    Syndesmosis- amphiarthrodial (slightly movable)
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    Suture- Synarthrodial (immovable)
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    Gomphoses - amphiarthrodial (only limited movement)
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    Symphyses- Amphiarthrodial (slightly movable)
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    Synchondroses - Synarthrodial (immovable)
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    Synovial fluid in the cavity (synovial joint)
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    • Plane (gliding) joints
    • permits the least amount of movement, which is a sliding of gliding motion (intermetacarpals, intercarpals, and carpometacarpal)
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    • Ginglymus (hinge) joints
    • they permit flexion and extension movements ONLY
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    • Trochoid (pivot) Joint
    • allows rotational movement around a single axis.
  38. Structural Classification of joints
    (by tissue type)
    • Fibrous (held together by fibrous tissue)
    • Cartilaginous (held together by cartilage)
    • Synovial (synovial fluid in joint capsule)
  39. How many types of fibrous joints are there?
    What are they?

    Syndesmoses - Amphiarthrodial (slightly movable)

    Suture - Synarthrodial (immovable)

    Gomphoses - Amphiarthrodial (only limited movement)
  40. Functional classification of joints
    (by function)
    Synarthrosis (immovable joint)

    Amphiarthosis (joint with limited movement)

    Diarthrosis (freely movable joint)
  41. Syndesmoses
    fibrous types of articulatons that are held together by inerosseous ligaments and slender fibous cords that allow slight movement at these joints
  42. Sutures
    found only between bones in teh skull. movement is very limited at these articulations; in adults these are considered immovable or synarthrodial joints.
  43. Gomphoses
    this joint does not accur in bones, but between the roots of the teeth and the alveolar socket of the mandible and the maxillae. allows very limited movement
  44. how many types of cartilaginous joints are there?
    what are they?

    Symphyses- the essential feature of symphysis is the presence of a broad flattened disk of fibrocartilage between two cntiguous bony surfaces. these joints are capable of being compressed or displaced, which makes them amphiarthrodial (slightly movable)

    Synchondroses- a temporary joint (epiphyseal plate) considered synarthrodial (immmovable)
  45. functional classification of joints
    immovable joint
  46. functional classification of joints
    joint with limited movement
  47. functional classification of joints
    freely movable joint
Card Set
Ch 1